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For the tax guys

Not tax advice, but the short answer is no, unless you paid yourself for your labor and paid taxes on that income. Of course that wouldn’t benefit you in any way.
He’s trying to create an elevated cost basis for the airplane so his capital gains will be smaller.

To the OP: I m not a tax guy, but unless you were actually paid for your time, the value you assign to that time probably can’t be claimed for tax purposes.
Did you get paid for your labor?
If you did then the tax man got his piece via income and FICA tax. Otherwise you’re trying to get a deduction of cost basis for something that was never taxed. Tax man is getting his piece. I can assure you that self employment taxes will be greater than capital gains. Pay the capital gains.

If you’re being paid it’s not amateur built.

Don’t sandbag your receipts when you register and report with your state. Better to pay sales and use at single digit percentage than to pay double digit capital gain later.
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