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Flight Replay and Evaluation Software Suggestions


Well Known Member
Does anybody have any suggestions for features of a post flight evaluation software system?

Here is the deal...I am super happy with the SAVVY engine evaluation service...however...I have to say that the website presentation and user interaction part of the service is a bit lacking in some areas. I wanted something a bit more user friendly and I looked around and my search found a really good program called "Flight Data Viewer" by Jackson Advanced Software.


The features I really like about this software are the following:

-It is pretty cheap
-Its software installed on my computer so I can use it when I am not online
-Has a PFD display that has a rewind feature so I can watch a video of what was displayed on my PFD during the flight and see what the airplane ws doing when certain events happened
-Has a Google Earth moving map where I can watch my airplane flying around the "earth" while it is synced to the replay of the PFD and all of the EGT, CHT, and other parameters.
-It has analytical software to help me produce performance charts based on the actual recorded performance of my airplane

The VERY BEST thing that I like about the software is the developer is an aerobatic pilot and his name is Michael and...TO MY SHOCK...he reached out to me and asked me if I had any suggestions to make his product better.

I suggested that he add a feature that would analyze the EAA flight Test Card 004 so that I can fly a pattern at different indicated airspeeds and the system would determine if my airspeed and altimeter indications are correct.

Believe it or not...he actually responded and said he would be happy to develop that new feature...AND THEN...he even asked me if I had any more ideas for advanced features.

So I thought I would reach out to the two forums I frequent (this and Dynon) and ask everyone if they had any ideas for new features for his software?

After all...the guy wants to make his product better...and WE ALL want a better product...

So hey why don't we all get together to help him come up with a Dream List of Dream ideas for his Dream Software???

BTW...I do NOT have any financial interest in his company NOR am I getting ANYTHING WHATSOEVER out of this...

Just trying to get some pilots to dream up some really good ideas and give the ideas to this guy who wants to come up with something cool.

So lets hear your ideas!!!
Wow...really surprised that nobody had any suggestions.

Here is one I came up with to automate some record keeping...

What a lot of owner pilots are doing is recording a lot of data such as fuel out/in, oil out/in, and comparing a number of takeoffs to determine the average takeoff distances and time/fuel/distance to climb/descent. It is good to keep these supplemental logs so as to adjust/troubleshoot/ historical comparisons.

So what if a computer system could automatically look at all of the flights over the past year and automatically make the following Aircraft Flight Logs and will generate historical reports considering the following factors...all with heavy reliance on the EFIS flight data and with minimal user input.

The system would record and make reports for the following:

-Field temp, pressure, compute Density Altitude with user entered winds
-Takeoff weight for that flight will be automatically calculated using previously entered default BOW plus indicated fuel from gauges plus user entered people/bags
-Determines from the flight data the takeoff ground run and distance above 50 foot obstacle (user enters what type of takeoff procedure was used for that takeoff by clicking one of the following normal takeoff procedure/ grass/short/soft)
-Takeoff power engine parameters at max stabilized MAP, RPM, oil temp/pressure, EGTs, ****, Fuel flow/psi will all be recorded at a certain speed during the takeoff like at 60 KIAS
-Cruise engine parameters and speed will be calculated after the user clicks on part of altitude graph at a point where the engine was leaned and stable cruise speed reached and the system will generate a report for the FF/ MPG/ TAS/ IAS numbers using altitude and OAT)
-Climb Time, Fuel, and distance from runway lift off point to the place where user clicked cruise altitude graph (user selected normal/ step/ steep climb procedure)
-Descent Time, Fuel, and distance from start of descent from cruise altitude to post landing at a speed of say 10 KIAS (user selected normal/ step/ steep descent procedure)
-Landing distance above 50 foot and landing runway length (user selected short/soft/normal landing procedure) and system will record the temperature and pressure altitude from the flight data and user enters the wing direction/speed
-Flight Time (Landing Time – Takeoff Time) automatic math
-Block Time (Block IN – Block OUT) automatic math
-Fuel gauge quantities OUT - IN with automatic math for fuel used
-Compare the indicated fuel gauges IN minus OUT to the fuel burn counter and come up with an error value
-User entered fuel stick OUT – IN with automatic math and comparison to indication of the gauges
-User entered oil level IN – OUT with auto math for oil consumption per engine operating hour
-Automatic calculation of MPG (straight line miles)
-Automatic calculation of MPG (air distance flown miles)

Over time there will be a great deal of data entered and the aircraft performance tables can be very fine tuned and compared over time.

These can be used to evaluate the airplane based on the EAA flight test cards.

Got any other ideas?!?!?!?