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First Russian RV-10 (Cetus1000) flight testing

Seriously cool!

Of course you did read the part in the instructions that said the RV10 is non-aerobatic right?...;)


RV7a IO360
USN hat?

Does anyone else see irony that one of the Russian guys in the photo is wearing a ball cap from the USS Enterprise? ;)

Congrats to those guys on a beautiful RV-10!
Very Nice!

Wow, that is pretty cool.
Those pictures are amazing. Way to go!

I personally love the 90 degree bank shot. Sometimes you have to make sure the EFIS can really handle it.

You guys should be very proud. Good luck with your flying and adventures.
We will see you at Oshkosh 2009, right?

If you come, bring some Vodka so we can celebrate at RV-10 headquarters.:)
Vlad, tell us a little about homebuilding in Russia. The forum site seems to be quite active (over 2000 members), and despite the Cyrillic text I can pick out the names of popular designs familiar in the USA.

Please pass on my congratulations to my friends in Russia - they have a definite knack for beautiful paint jobs, and I am sure that the overall quality of the aircraft is just as superb. My Capcom this week, Shanon Lucid (former Mir crewmember), really enjoyed the design as well - she agreed that it looks like it was done by Matrushka painters!

Hey Scott...... that would be bootlegging contraband in your part of the world. :eek:

Must have been the hardest place on Earth to order an after dinner "Cointreau" in a restaraunt! Did find some Aussie wine in one place in SLC tho.... ;)
The paint design is really original. Very nice!

Vlad? What happened to the wing root / fuse intersection cover on the last pic?
The intersection cover was removed for inspection at that time. The pic was made before flight testing.

I did. Cross posted this thread on REAA.

Homebuilding in Russia is booming. The only thing is not every homebuilder has access to Internet and even who has they do not have time (or desire) to report progress. Sometimes it's aviation superstition - do not boast about something untill it's done and tested. Many RV kits are in progress in Russia and neibouring countries. I think in two-three years we will see more beautiful birds like this ten.

Good idea... see you there.
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"If you think our liquor laws are funny, you should see our underwear!"

Hey Scott...... that would be bootlegging contraband in your part of the world. :eek:

Must have been the hardest place on Earth to order an after dinner "Cointreau" in a restaurant! Did find some Aussie wine in one place in SLC tho.... ;)

Actually, Utah is pretty easy to get an after dinner drink. It is always funny to me how people think there is no liquor here. Wine and beer are no problem, sometimes hard liquor isn't available but the nicer restaurants are no problem.

To be honest, in all my travels Texas has some of the weirdest liquor laws in the world, (except Saudi Arabia). There are quite a few dry counties there.
I don't think we have one dry county in Utah.

There are some pretty funny beer labels here though. This is a great beer and has one of the best labels.

To make this RV related, I will tell you I once drank a Polygamy Porter after a flight!

I'll try to remember to bring some to Oshkosh next year!
I did forget to mention that my favorite beer does come from Texas though. There is nothing like a good Shiner Bock after or during a hard day of riveting.
I lived in Texas for two years and loved every minute of it.

I just hope the perceived liquor laws scare a few people off so the ski slopes don't get any more crowded. J/K

Again Vlad, pass my compliments on and tell them to make a toast to the west for a job well done, I'll toast to the east!
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Hahaha well it is thirsty work Scott.

Tuscany's on the Eastern side of town is a lovely place for dinner, but the rule was I had to go to the "members" or private bar..... some strange thing. Anyway the bar staff realised we were about the last ones there and obliged....... and maybe the Aussie accent gave it away that I was not local law enforcer!

So I need to be at Oshkosh then....... Long way in a Dash Ten from here! :eek:

That is great.

Hey Scott what a small world we are living in! I was asked for references of your trip write-ups so I posted couple links from VAF and immediately Chief Photographer responded with nice picture of your plane. He took those pictures at Oshkosh. Check the link http://www.reaa.ru/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1225399246/43#43 you are well known in Russia.

Nice picture. Thanks for that link. Well, now maybe I can fly around the world someday and have a place to land and stay in Russia. How cool would that be.

It is amazing how small the world really is.
Thanks again Vlad.