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Firewall Access for Mixture for IO 360


Well Known Member
I have an IO 360, horizontal induction engine from Aero Sport Power. It appears that both the throttle and mixture linkages are down low on the engine. Vans suggestion for the firewall access for the throttle is also down low so that works out fine. However, grams suggestion for the firewall access for the mixture is up high on the left side of the firewall. That is not making a lot of sense to me.

What am I missing? What have others done who have the same engine?
I have an IO 360, horizontal induction engine from Aero Sport Power. It appears that both the throttle and mixture linkages are down low on the engine. Vans suggestion for the firewall access for the throttle is also down low so that works out fine. However, grams suggestion for the firewall access for the mixture is up high on the left side of the firewall. That is not making a lot of sense to me.

What am I missing? What have others done who have the same engine?

I have confirmed that both my mixture and throttle linkages are down on the bottom of the engine, in the same throttle body. Van's suggested firewall penetrations are supposedly for an IO-360 horizontal induction engine. Yet, they suggest the throttle firewall penetration be down low and the mixture up high. This would definitely force my mixture cable from the panel, up the firewall on the cockpit side, thru the firewall, then down again to the mixture linkage. I thought the objective was to have as straight a cable as possible. What am I missing here?
That's how I've got mine set up, mixture comes out up high beside the prop cable and wraps around the left side of the engine, throttle comes through the firewall just below the hot-air inlet and wraps around the right side of the engine. You'll need non-standard cable lengths, I've got the vans standard 50.5" for the throttle (9A with same engine setup) and for the mixture I've got a 59" Bowden wire style with vernier control. I bought the standard-length 60" Bowden for the mixture from AC Spruce and cut it to length.
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I.....the firewall access for the mixture is up high on the left side of the firewall. That is not making a lot of sense to me.

What am I missing? What have others done who have the same engine?

Throttle cable comes down low over the center tunnel cover. If you go low on the left side for the mixture, you have to think about pedal and feet clearance. The left side mixture cable stays high and comes down forward of firewall with plenty of places to secure it as it travels along the engine to the mixture bell crank.
Check Exhaust Clearance

I have a Superior cold air sump and had hoped to run both the throttle and mixture cables low and parallel to each other connecting to the bosses on the Superior sump. However once I hung the Cross-over exhaust it was clear that only the throttle would work. I ended up using the Van's recommended IO mixture firewall location and the goofy Van's reversing bell-crank, running the cable below the left side cylinders and above the intake and exhaust tubes.
Like others have said, on an RV7(A) with a horizontal RSA-5, the throttle is down low and is a straight shot under the sump to the throttle lever on the right side of the injector servo. The mixture cable is much higher and the cable routes above the left hand sump "wing" and below the left cylinders to a reversing bellcrank mounted on the front of the sump which is connected to the mixture lever on the left side of the servo.

I used standard cable lengths as specified by Vans and they have been fine however, there is no spare slack at all so if you deviate from the plans in regards to the cable mounts on the panel it is entirely possible to come up short. A common deviation is to include the cable mounts on the face of the panel rather than the Vans recessed bracket. You loose a good inch by not using the Vans bracket.