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Fate of air compressor


Well Known Member
I am almost done with major riveting on my plane and do not use my air compressor very often. Filling a tire or blowing dust after sanding that's pretty much it. Once in couple months. It occupies several square feet of precious space in a tiny garage. I am not planning another build. Neither I own a repair shop.

Those of you who finished your plane what did you do with your "like new" air compressor? Bringing it to the airport? Or leaving in the house? Selling it? If yes what price would be fair? Husky Pro 26 Gallon vertical 120V/15A/1PH.

You will need to air tires, do compression checks on the engine, spray down the engine compartment, possible do some repairs. Keep all your tools!
I agree with Vern - you just THINK you're down with the airplane Vlad! I did lots of stuff here and there on the Val in the year after it was "finished" that required building equipment. And having the compressor for maintenance is pretty much mandatory. I moved mine to the hangar when I was renting a hangar, and wouldn't be without it in our current hangar at home!

My wife....

...would throw me out if I ever got rid of our home air compressor! I bought it back in '82 when I painted my Cobra kit car. Lawn mowers, the 4 wheeler, her car and mine, etc.

I have a bigger, vertical one at my hangar that sees much use as well.

Keep it!

You will be sorry if you get rid of it. Amazing how many uses there are for a compressor that you don't think of until it's not there. :eek:
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Rules to live by

Three things you never get rid of:

1. Airplanes- self explanatory

2. Drums- OK this might apply to me more than others

3. Tools- I've got tools that I inherited from my dad after he died some of which I had no idea what their purpose was until one day I had a need and voila: there was the tool for it. There may be a new RV-something in your future. Don't get rid of your air compressor. Ive had mine for 25 years. It needs a tune up but it works great.

Bill Near
Not only, as others have pointed out, will you need it more than you think once your plane is flying but you will also depend heavily on it in the construction of your next plane.:rolleyes:
Definitely keep it!

I never get rid of tools.. unless i broke them so bad Snap-On wont take them back (which is more common these days, life time warranty my ***).. then i weld them to something else and call it a trophy