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FAA Experimental Registration done FAST!


Well Known Member
When I prepared my paperwork for my FAA registration, I was expecting 90 to 120 days before I'd receive my registration card. I mailed my packet on May 19; it was received in Oklahoma on May 25 and I received my registration card today, June 1. Well Done FAA! Now to pay those pesky MI taxes...
I've had those pesky Michigan taxes in the back of my mind. Do you mind if I ask how you handled them? I figured I would wait until the last minute in case I had to give up building or maybe the tax laws would change. I'm almost ready to rivet the aft and center fuse so my hope that the law changes is fading.
Same here

I had a similar experience recently. It was a little over two weeks from the time I sent my materials in until I received my registration and requested N-Number.
I've had those pesky Michigan taxes in the back of my mind. Do you mind if I ask how you handled them? I figured I would wait until the last minute in case I had to give up building or maybe the tax laws would change. I'm almost ready to rivet the aft and center fuse so my hope that the law changes is fading.

I'm preparing my paperwork and I'll be able to answer your question after I speak to MI DOT reps and send it all in. Probably send you a PM.
I don't know about MI, but use taxes on aircraft aren't usually required until that pile of parts IS an aircraft...and that doesn't happen until you have your final inspection! Just because you register it doesn't mean you owe taxes. You need to check this out! But on the other hand if you want to pay taxes before you have to, knock yourself (and your bank account) out!
Tax laws vary greatly from state to state.

In Illinois, the use tax is due a short time after any purchase if greater than $600, otherwise it is due at the end of the year. Needless to say, most of your aircraft purchases will be due right away. If you don't pay until they find out about your airplane when you register it, they will hit you with penalties for late payments. A build over many years will accumulate stiffer penalties.

On my first airplane, finished in 2010, they even audited my airplane purchases over a four year period to verify I had really paid all the taxes. I had to show them all the receipts for the airplane by year purchased and when paid. I passed, but it was a thorough examination.

All the states that collect use taxes have become very aggressive in collecting with the helpful aid of your FAA registration.
They do vary and that's why I'd check. Yes, in theory, you are supposed to pay use tax in lieu of sales tax (really it's the same thing with a different name) each time you make an out of state purchase where sales tax is not collected. Tennessee did not charge interest or penalties when I paid the use tax for my plane and required that I send them copies of the invoices and receipts for the various purchases, and none it was due until my inspection was completed. All in all, a reasonable process and as pleasant as anything like this could be. YMMV in other states.
FAA considers aircraft in phase one to still be under construction. That may impact your use tax since it is not yet a completed aircraft. State laws may differ.
The different laws remind me of a few years I left Michigan and moved to Indiana. I bought a new snowmobile and they wanted to charge me a recreation tax. I called and asked why I should pay an extra tax for something that is in my garage and doesn't even get used in Indiana. The person mentioned if I store it in MI I wouldn't need to pay the tax....... I of course affirmed that it was and that was the end of that. :rolleyes:
Looking forward to hearing of Goatflieg's experience. PM's fine with me, thanks
... I mailed my packet on May 19; it was received in Oklahoma on May 25 and I received my registration card today, June 1. Well Done FAA! ...
My experience was nearly identical: mailed my forms on May 21 and received my registration on June 4 (even with the 3-day FAA mail quarantine and the Memorial Day weekend).

Kudos and thanks to the FAA.

Kudos and thanks also to my DAR, Gary Brown. As mentioned, I received my registration on June 4 and Gary did the AW inspection and presented me with my Airworthiness Certificate on June 5! Of course, Gary knew this was coming and had done a lot of the paperwork and FAA coordination in advance but my point is that he's exceedingly efficient and made it easy for me.

[Gary built and flies a beautiful RV-7 and is on VAF as calpilot]