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Exbus And Gauge Readings

Whiskey Charlie

Well Known Member
Question for those who installed the Exbus.

Is anybody getting funny gauge readings when
they switch the ALT on?

I have UMA/Vans analog gauges.

Chuck Stuhrenberg
Whiskey Charlie said:
Question for those who installed the Exbus.

Is anybody getting funny gauge readings when
they switch the ALT on?

I have UMA/Vans analog gauges.

Chuck Stuhrenberg
Works fine with our setup. Funny gauge action on transmit.

If the gages act funny when you transmit, something is not grounded well. Is your ground bus grounded to the airframe?
When I switch the ALT off they seem to read fine
and sometimes when the ALT is on they go back to normal.

I thought it might be when the ALT is charging it's giving
off a strong magnetic field around the ALT wire where it
attaches to the expbus.

I have the small version model ExpBus2V.

I tried many different grounds and even routed the ground
direct to the battery with the same results.

Chuck :confused:
Look in Bob Nuckolls book - he has a section that refers to this problem under grounding. I think it will solve your problem.
Common and not right

Whiskey Charlie said:
I have UMA/Vans analog gauges.
Chuck Stuhrenberg http:rvparachutes.com :confused:
Common Common problem.

-First twist the wire pair between the shunt and gauge
-Reroute gauge wires away from other high current wires
-If you have to cross other wired do it at right angles
-Route other wires away (including antenna coax) from gauge
-Consider shielded twisted wire pair (if twisting alone does not work) between shunt and gauge.

Grounding of the shield typically terminates grounds at one end only. However the shielding can be grounded to the airframe at both ends (local). Do not tie the shield into any other ground wire. You don't want to create a loop. Grounding both ends in this case will not be an issue and should produce good results and recommend grounding the shield at both ends for this application. Multi grounds are problematic for audio and power grounds, but again this is not the case.

The gauge also as someone stated pegs when you TX on the COM. Van's response was "It's OK and normal". :mad: The Tach and MP gauge are also known to do this also.

I helped a friend and fixed the problem, but forgot what one thing or combo did the trick. You may also may try (if you have to) make a copper/brass shield behind the gauge, if the above easier steps don't work. This gauge is subject to EMF big time.

I am just curious, why are you tuning the ALT off. If you are using an internally regulated ND and turning it on/off while it is running under load, it is a good way to damage it. George
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Thanks for all the info.
I was wondering if it might be that the alt is charging through the
expbus instead of going direct to the battery first.
That's the way expbus has you wire it for the back-up
battery option.
