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Elevator Trim Install


I'm getting close to the point of installing the elevator trim. Any advantage or disadvantage to doing it now, or can it wait more towards final assembly? Thanks
I would wait until you finally put the HS on for the last time as it's all a bit of a PITA getting the cables through.
I would wait to install the trim unit until after you get the stab all mounted, and adjusted as to incidence etc.

Once the stab mounting is all figured out, you can install the trim unit most anytime.

It is not all that hard to install the trim cables in the stab, if you first insert a couple of plastic tubes into the snap bushings to act as guides-----the trim cable will follow the plastic tubes, and push them out as you go.

These may help you out a bit.



And the first couple posts on this thread have details on how I wired the trim http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=1520&page=17
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Which leads to me my next question. Is there any reason or benefit in attaching the stab to the tailcone as the instructions say? Just wondering because I noticed the last step of the tailcone instructions is to take off the stabs and store them
Trim nstall

I waited to install my horizontal stab, elevator, and rudder until i was working on final assembly. Which means I also waited to install the trim.

Doing it any sooner means taking up way to much room in your build area and possible damage because of all the work yet to be done.