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Elevator Counterweights

Robert M

Well Known Member
I had just finished cutting down the elevator counterweights and decided to give them a trial fit. I noticed that the inboard weight stuck out about 1/8" beyond the counterbalance rib.

Anyone else seen this? Will this be a clearance problem? I think the plans even show them being slightly proud of the rib (DWG 4, G-9 and DWG 5, G-6).
You need to get these down close to flush, or they may bind on the HS.

An easy way to do this is to pound the counterweight with a hammer, like tenderizing a steak. This will flatten it out to the right thickness.

Then, you'll need to trim it to fit again because it will have grown in width and height.

Vern Little
Thanks Vern - great idea.... and I figured as much just wanted to hear (see) it. Since I'm on the subject, do you (or anybody) know how much weight is good for a balanced elevator?
Since I've already trimmed what Van's recommends, and I'm gonna have to trim some more, should I add that little bit back or would it not be enough to worry about?
I trimmed per the instructions, ruined some sanding belts getting them to the right thickness (instead of hammering flat), and still had to remove some by drilling several 1/4 inch holes. You will want to wait until they're fully mounted to do final balancing so that the weight of the trim cable and linkages can be taken into account. Leave them somewhat heavy for paint later. Paint adds more than you might think.
Agree with Brian. FWIW, my tail has been done for over a year and I still haven't touched the counterweights. It was recommended to me to wait until the very end and everything is mounted because your weight will change (especially if you have to add trim cable/motor) and the fiberglass tips will sometimes pull the counterweight arm in toward out away from the HS, in which case you may have to trim anyway. Good luck.
I had to add weight after painting

I balanced by elevator after it was assembled on the plane, but after it was painted I needed to add more weight to the front. I did this by drilling a hole in the rib and poring a mixture of fiberglass and lead shot into the hole. This hardened in the forward part of the elevator. I used about 1/2 lb on each side.

kentb said:
I balanced by elevator after it was assembled on the plane, but after it was painted I needed to add more weight to the front. I did this by drilling a hole in the rib and poring a mixture of fiberglass and lead shot into the hole. This hardened in the forward part of the elevator. I used about 1/2 lb on each side.


I have exactly this same problem. My right elevator counterbalance is exactly right with no paint and blue vinyl attached. Van's support recommended epoxy laced with lead applied to the fiberglass tip near the counterweight.