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Easter hop


Well Known Member
The mission...hop down to Utah for Easter weekend with the daughter and grandkids.
The weather window looks favorable, Aurora hasn't been out of state since last September and needs the work. Beautiful day to go flying.

Ennis lake from 9500'

Big Sky Ski Resort is somewhere under there

Ended up at 13500 for a few miles to stay out of the clouds. Smooth as silk and tailwind to boot.

Back down to 11500 near Red Rocks wildlife area.

East of Logan Utah we picked up a few bumps, but overall a nice 2hr ride into Heber 36U

Natalie and Nana ready for nap time.

Dyeing Easter eggs.
What a great thing these RV's are. On the way home, I had to pinch Kris to ensure it was real. We built a dream machine in our shop. 2 days off and the closest grandkids were 14hr RT drive away, but only 4.5 RT with Aurora carrying us. Dreams of Joy!

The return weather was ideal, so we delayed as long as possible for the return. I don't fly at night, so that was our limit.
We did most a good portion of the flight at 12500 to beat the bumps, but had some headwinds. Finally once back in the Madison valley I dropped down. Had some good numbers at this power setting. 24mpg at 183kts...I'll take it.

Next time, if we aren't racing the setting sun, we will detour over to get some good shots of Grand Teton.

Yellowstone off in the distance. Island Park off the wingtip. Still snowmobiling around here.

Sphinx Mtn just southeast of Ennis MT

Back to the grind tomorrow. Toston Dam is barely visible at the upper bend in the river.

Good to be home after a excellent Easter weekend with the youngsters.

Keep pounding those rivets.
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On a sidenote: ATC is the best! I'm not very experienced in busy airspace, or even on cross country travel. But I always use flight following when leaving the local area(if I'm high enough). It is comforting to know there is someone out there if things go goofy.
I was southbound at 9500 approaching ParkCity, when Center called out traffic 8miles at my 1oclock moving to my 12 showing 7350'. We were looking and I was thinking of slowing down in prep for dropping into Heber. Next call was 2 miles, still at my 1:00 but 6800'. And it looked like I would pass in front of him. I push the power up a bit to ensure we went in front. Then "no factor". Whew that was nice for this boonie pilot. About that time....we were abeam Deer Valley ski area( no snowboarders allowed:() I started my descent and was dropping thru 9300. Center says 155Bk, VFR traffic 12:00 showing 8500', 6 miles. I report looking and will climb back to 9500. Next report was 2 miles @12:00. I turned right 15* to hug the mountains. We never saw anyone, but next center report was 3 miles at my 6. I figure we were both doing 180kts+. That would be a 6mile/minute closure rate.

Also when we left today Center told me to squawk 6021. When I did he said it was reporting 3021. They allowed it but looks like l need to get it back in the shop for a check up. It isn't due until August...but I'm not waiting.

Makes this rookie nervous. Thanks for the extra help and eyeballs ATC.
Nice write up. The reason for your trip is why we are building our 9A. Visiting our kids and grandkids. It was fun seeing the photos of Island Park and the Madison Valley. My wife and I went to college in Rexburg a long time ago and we loved going to Jackson Hole and up to Yellowstone. What a pretty place. Your home airport looks like a nice place to end up!
Great report 5BK!

What a great thing these RV's are.


Good to be home after a excellent Easter weekend with the youngsters.

Keep pounding those rivets.

Wait a minute! I know that field.That's where I returned after almost 12 hours of hand flying over the mountains and landed downwind. Did approach twice. Wasted ASRS form on that :D



GREAT write-up and awesome pics, Brian! This is the kind of thing we're dreaming about, too. Thanks for the inspiration. :)