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Dynon Skyview Software Upgrade


Well Known Member

A question for fellow Skyview owners out there...anyone had any problems upgrading to the latest software version (13.?).

Some reports on Dynon's forums about problems losing EMS settings, etc., and I was wondering if it was an isolated incident or a bigger issue.


Rob S.
The user that "lost" the EMS settings was running a custom sensor file and he got back quickly since it takes a backup when you upgrade.

We're not aware of any other issues. It's been a smooth upgrade. Everyone posts when it breaks, trust us ;)
Okay, Thanks for the reply.

I have a big trip planned for tomorrow, was going to do the update today but after I read that posters comments, didn't want to risk making a "brick" out of my system!

If it goes as has prior upgrades has, should be pretty painless, especially since I don't have any special, custom settings.

Off to the airport!

Now if only Seattle Avionics responded like you guys do...been trying to get their chart data downloaded and installed since last week, but the download manager never finishes without errors and doesn't move what it does receive to the flash drive.

Tech support doesn't take phone calls and calling customer service to try and get my support ticket advanced resulted in a big zero. Very frustrating for a pay service. ...

Rob S.
Just loaded 13.03 with no problems.
When Dynon announced 13.0, Seattle Avionics offered a new program that would load the new format charts needed with 13.0 and promised faster downloads. Got my stuff loaded on both thumbdrives last night in about 30 minutes versus many hours with the old program.
Upgraded and no problems

Upgraded dual screen SV and no problems.
Seattle Avionics offered a new program that would load the new format charts needed

I ditched those guys:(

I can't say enough good things about Dynon customer service their product and innovation as well as their very competitive avionics.
Can't understand why they chose SA for their sectional map and data software
Ok the update went pretty smoothly. I only have one hiccup. ....

A transponder warning message:

TX Power Low (130)

Never had that one show up before the update.....

Is it a problem?
Ernst, that is why I said something about the new Seattle Avionics program. Yep, every time charts were loaded was an excruciating adventure. Usually several hours for one thumbdrive, the other would be left in the computer overnight. Frequently there were error messages. This continued for what 2.5 years? Seems like longer. 6 Weeks ago, had a problem and nothing loaded properly. Tech support said a corrupted file. Yeah, they did not waste a day trying to get it to work. But, like I said, it loaded quickly, worked. We'll see.
That's a new message that V13 can tell you about for the transponder.

That means your transmit power is very low. It's worth checking all your RF wiring and ground planes to make sure they are OK. Bad connections can cause this.

When was the last time you had a transponder check done?

If all wiring is fine, then it may mean we need to take a look at the transponder when it's convenient. It isn't a grounding issue.
Could it also mean that it is in ground mode? I have it set to "auto" so it won't power on until a minimum airspeed per the manual.

Could it be that its sensing low power because the transmitter feature is disabled due to the auto setting?

I had the transponder last checked at this year's AirVenture by the roving transponder checker A&P, passed the VFR check with no issues. ...

Thanks for the help!

Rob Schroer
I updated to 13.0.3 on Friday and just returned from a trip out from Ramona (San Diego area) to Boulder, CO and back. No issues!

I really need to get the wifi dongle so I can move flight plans to/from Foreflight.
Both Dynon and Foreflight keep improving every release. So much nicer flying these days than back in the dark ages when I learned.
It does not have to do with it being in ground mode.

Do you have the report from your transponder check on the output power?
I lost my fuel sensor calibration and sensor input mapping settings (capacitance type) however they were soon restored with the backup file. Odd it just affected the fuel sensors and none of the others, perhaps because they were the only ones modified from the standard settings?
It does not have to do with it being in ground mode.

Do you have the report from your transponder check on the output power?

Interestlingly enough, when we flew it up to Santa Fe today, with the engine running and good alternator output, all error messages disappeared.

Maybe just a factor with battery power only?

Regarding the Xpndr check, there was no documentation generated regarding power, etc...it was a pretty informal deal done plane side without a lot of detail.
