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Digital 9 plans


Well Known Member
Does anyone have a digital copy of the 9 plans? I had one for a 7 but I am building a 9.

Please pm me.

Another RVer

gave them to me here on the website to look at while I was in Iraq. Since then I have changed from building a 7 to a 9.

I know these digital files exist I'm just not sure where to find them.

I totally get it - having a set of digital plans is the way to go, easy to look at and think ahead during lunch break. I'd love to have a set myself!

Just a heads up though, Van's doesn't actually provide a digital set. Most that have them take their plans to Kinko's and have them scanned to pdf.

I have the building manuals and all drawings for the 9A scanned in, do you need the 9 or the 9A?
Setting up desk in hangar. Now what could that 42" monitor be for?
Digital plans? Kit Planes in digital form? ? ? ?
Just say no to paper, go digital!

Several of the drawings I have are specific to the 9, some to the 9A, I think it's a generic 9/9A drawings set that goes out for both airplanes. The building manual references some sections for a 9 as well.

I'll share with anyone that wants them, I just scanned my drawings into PDF and scanned the builders manual (as well as kit material lists) into PDF.

PM me with your email address and I'll send 'em out. 18.2 megabytes total, so tell me what your max messsage size is and I'll break them up accordingly into several messages.
Popular option Greg, your PM mailbox is full so I can't request a copy from you. If you send them to me I can just shove them on my website and then anyone that wants them can download them from there. (This is assuming Van's doesn't contact me and tell me not to do that.)

Thanks for the offer.
PM is full


Your PM box is full, so I'll post my request here.

email to: danielmouly at yahoo dot com
I don't know Yahoo! email attachment limits, but I've already received 8-MB files, so you might want to try this.

Thanks in advance
Popular option Greg, your PM mailbox is full so I can't request a copy from you. If you send them to me I can just shove them on my website and then anyone that wants them can download them from there. (This is assuming Van's doesn't contact me and tell me not to do that.)

Thanks for the offer.

Wow. You guys swamped me with requests - my PM box here is chock full and I've got 38 private emails asking for the same thing.

I think I would very much like to take advantage of Dave Nibletts kind offer for the website, and I'll send them to him for public sharing.

Dave - the files have been sent to you, you've got all the drawings (18.2 MB) plus the scanned work instructions for the whole kit (17 MB). Thanks again!!

As for Vans having an issue with sharing them - I doubt they would, but then again I haven't asked them. Since I don't have access to a 24" scanner I took the full set of drawings from the preview package (8.5" x 17") and scanned them in at high resolution. The work instructions were my set that I received with each kit portion, the first thing I did was scan them so I would be able to print a clean set as my shop set got torn up during construction, I've used that several times. I also scanned my parts inventory for each kit as it came in for future reference, that was very handy as well.

Vans sells the preview package to anyone that wants one for $50, with no promise of anything. Once you sign on to buy the kit they assign you a builders number and have you sign a document stating you won't use the plans to build more than one aircraft. Since everyone here is already committed to building an aircraft and has their own builders number, we should be good if they are just used for reference.
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Patience, guys.

While this seems like a really good idea and makes perfect sense to us as builders, we are in the process of getting clearance from VANS to be able to share those drawings. They are, after all, proprietary company work that is sold for profit, and I don't want to run afoul of them.
See last post Requests will no longer be responded to, sorry....

Patience, guys.

While this seems like a really good idea and makes perfect sense to us as builders, we are in the process of getting clearance from VANS to be able to share those drawings. They are, after all, proprietary company work that is sold for profit, and I don't want to run afoul of them.

And on that note I do have the plans up and available at this time. I agree with Greg that we don't expect this to cause issue with Van's, so at this time I'm going with the "ignorance is bliss" approach. If Van's comes back with a "no" then I'll take them down.

I would request that you send either of us a PM with your builder number and we can give you the link to the plans. I have individual drawing and a ZIP of the entire set.

Please keep this "in the family" so we don't lose this priviledge.
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No worries. I also just read DeltaRomeo's post asking for us not to exchange this kind of information. So I respectfully ask for this post to be discontinued. Sorry Delta, all.



Ouch. Thanks for pointing that out Jason and Evans. I'll no longer take requests for the plan. Gotta respect Doug's wishes all, the least I can do for all he does for us.

Sorry all.

PS: I DID actually include a README that said specifically that the builder needs to VERIFY that the plans are current ones that they have. So we at least had the very same thought.

I have the building manuals and all drawings for the 9A scanned in, do you need the 9 or the 9A?

I would like a set for the 9-A myself. If not too much trouble? I will pay you for them and your hassle if you can help me with this. Regards, Allan:)
Plans in PDF

I took my preview plans to office max and had them scanned to a PDF file and placed on a CD. I asked for a high quality copy. Came out to over 100mb. Only cost me $15. Made them into a searchable file with Adobe pro. I only use the full size paper plans for the build, but frequently do a search on the digital copy to find small parts, and locate what pages they are on. Works ok on the iPad too.

Did the same with the full instructions. All searchable PDF's. Saves a lot of time.

I have to agree with DR on sharing. Any office supply store can make your own copy. You are "required" to buy the preview plans with the kit, so everyone should have a copy anyway.

Just my $.02
Doug's problem was "version control" - where someone would use plans that were not valid on their kit and run into trouble -- and he did not specifically ban the practice here. But Van's, with the preview plans you purchase, clearly states they are not to be used to build by and may not match your kit plans. The warning regarding version control has already been give.

And no one other than Van's should be selling copies. I don't see an issue with sharing a digital copy with someone who already has a paper copy and, in effect, already paid for a license.
Maybe Van's can start producing their plans sets digitally? Save everyone time and money... even save a bunch of trees. :D

Easy, mobile, searchable plans and build manual... well that's a no brainer for sure, everybody will want it for sure. :)

PS: Oh, and maybe fix all the errors in the plans and manuals, that would be worth it right there for sure to many new builders.
You have given me some ideas here--I would like to be able to send the drawings home with the students that are building our RV-12 (Eagle's Nest) but the number of copies is a problem, plus I don't want to get them confused with the "Master" copy. They all have laptops. I asked for a digital copy, but Van's didn't offer one. I never thought of having a set scanned. I could actually use one, too, as I like to study ahead at home. Carrying plans around is a pain (I have been known to forget things and leave them at home!) Think I'll have a set done for the 12, unless someone out there has a set.

Maybe Van's can start producing their plans sets digitally? Save everyone time and money... even save a bunch of trees. :D

I contacted Vans on this issue to get their opinion, straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. They did not have a problem with sharing the plans per se - their issue was the same as DR's (or perhaps that's backward - DR shares Vans concern), which is version control. Vans does occasionally update the drawings and there is no way to control the digital copies once they are released and shared. To be clear, Vans did not ask me not to share the digital copies - they asked me to be certain that the receiver of the copies understands that they may or may not be accurate to their airplane. We've done that two ways - I put a disclaimer on every email and PM where I shared the location of the plans on Daves website, and Dave put a "readme" file in the directory with the plans saying the same thing. I think we have met the intent of Vans concern in this regard, it would be a little different if we put it out to the world in general but this site coulde be considered a special case.

As has been pointed out already, I did what anybody could do - I simply scanned in my own copies of the plans. I'm not selling them or taking anything for my time/trouble, just sharing what I have available to save others a few minutes and give them something to drool over while they are at work trying not to work.

I completely understand if Doug wants to lock down or even delete this thread - but the fact that he has not done so despite it being around for quite some time tells me that he's mostly OK with it, since we don't use his site specifically for sharing it.

Oh - one other thing - Vans told me that they ARE working on a master digital copy for each model that will eventually be made available for download, so we are just leading the charge here.
Oh - one other thing - Vans told me that they ARE working on a master digital copy for each model that will eventually be made available for download

Hurray for Vans. And thanks to you for getting "permission" to post them.
Oh - one other thing - Vans told me that they ARE working on a master digital copy for each model that will eventually be made available for download, so we are just leading the charge here.

Well just maybe Van's has made a decision to listen to the market and the majority of their builders out there... RV3/RV4 QB kits coming soon. ??? :D Would be a SMART move!
Heh Greg
If your still offering those scanned files I'd be really gratefull if you could send out a set.