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Cowl & Engine Mount Choice?


Well Known Member
My finish kit is ready to ship but I postponed the engine choice until now. I need to let Kim C. know which engine mount and cowling so the kit can be shipped. RV-7 (tail dragger).

Things I know for sure:
-360 engine with parallel valves and 180 HP
-Most likely vertical draft as I will be purchasing a used engine.

-If I go with vertical induction parallel valves does it matter if it is FI or carb for the cowl and engine mount choice?

-I am assuming most 360 engines with parallel valves have Dynafocal 1 mount styles?

Thanks for the help.

-If I go with vertical induction parallel valves does it matter if it is FI or carb for the cowl and engine mount choice?

Unless you changed you mind after ordering and went with an O-320

-I am assuming most 360 engines with parallel valves have Dynafocal 1 mount styles?

Your assumption is correct.
I am only aware of O-320's that required a typ II mount.

Extra words for posting rules.....

I believe there is only one "vertical sump parallel valve" cowling offered by Van's. I used it for my vertical sump 180hp engine (converted to vertical fuel injection). Mine is a tri-gear so it was a tighter fit for the dual mufflers than what you will have with the tail dragger.

My fuel injection servo had the perfect vertical measurements to make the air filter box line up with the air inlet.

I also believe that the dynafocal version is the most common of the 180 hp lyc engine.

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The older, very older, engines are conical mount. The only type 2 I can remember is the io320-b1a used on the twin Comanche. Get a d1 as most engines are d1.

Bob burns
Rv-4 n82rb
What Bob said.

The type 2 dynafocal mount was designed for twins that have the prop mounted further out in front of the engine.
What Bob said.

The type 2 dynafocal mount was designed for twins that have the prop mounted further out in front of the engine.

Actually it was primarily the Piper twin Comanche I believe.
A lot of twins used standard hub props.
Because the twin Comanche used IO-320's, as far as I am aware the only engines produced that require a Dyna type II mount are IO-320's (but with Lycomings, anything is possible......)

I believe there is only one "vertical sump parallel valve" cowling offered by Van's.

Actually there is two.

The standard O-320 cowl and the standard O-360 cowl.

The MA4SPA carb on an O-320 is shorter than the MA5 carb on an O-360 so the inlet on the O-320 cowl is not quite as low.
But if you use a vertically mounted fuel injection servo on an O-320, it is the same height as an MA5 carb so you use the O-360 cowl on a vertical induction IO-320.
Great info guys thanks a lot.

Sounds like I need the Dyna 1 mount and vertical induction O-360 cowl.

Thanks again.