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Connection Options for HS34, D100, SL30, GNS480


Well Known Member
I have posted this on the Dynon Forum yesterday and have not heard back from anyone yet. Thought I would try this forum...

I am upgrading my panel for IFR. I already had a D100/120, HS34, GTX-327 transponder, and the EKP-IV GPS. Am now doing some rewiring to accomodate a GNS-480 gps/nav/com, and SL30 nav/com


D100 EFIS (Dynon)
HS34 Expansion Module (Dynon)
CNX80 GPS/Nav/Com (GNS-480, Garmin)
SL30 Nav/Com (Garmin)
GTX-327 Mode C Transponder (Garmin)
EKP-IV GPS (Avmap)


D100 and GTX-327: D100 Serial Altitude Encoder
HS34 and CNX80: ARINC Rx/Tx (8 lines)
HS34 and EKP-IV: Serial Data
HS34 and SL30: Analog Connections
CNX80 and SL30: Serial Data Connection

My dilemma is that the SL30 only has one data port and I wish to connect the SL30 to the CNX80 with that data port. This would allow Com and Nav frequency list transfers as well as using the CNX80 as a DME lookup and calculating unit. It would be so much easier though if I could hookup the SL30 and HS34 digitally.

I have the following questions:

1.- Is my analog connections between HS34 and the SL30 necessary or could I somehow manage a serial connection?

2. Other than more wiring, do I lose anything by connecting via analog lines the HS34 and SL30?

3. Do the ARINC labels from HS34 transfer the Altitude encoder information from the D100 to the CNX80? I don?t think I could feed the CNX80 and GTX-327 from the same RS-232 serial port as I believe they use different mode settings.

4. Any other wiring options I did not think of?

And just to clarify, for IFR in Canada we need to have independent navigation boxes for failure redundancy, thus the need for the extra SL30 nav/com.
I received a reply from Dynon. They say I can Y the serial data connection from the SL30/GNS40 to the HS34. They are not sure though if the SL30 needs data from HS34 to SL30 (e.g. course). Anybody in the know?
On the SL-30 set up menu you have a number of choices.

1. Set OBS setting using the front panel of SL-30, using OBS button. In this case you do not need a serial line from the Dynon (out) to the SL-30(in).

Other options you do need the serial line from Dynon(out) to the SL-30(in).

2. Set the OBS from either the Dynon or the SL-30 front panel, with most recent entry taking precedence.

3. Set the OBS from only the Dynon. If SL-30 receives no data for 0.1 seconds it will "flag" the CDI.

You also need this serial line if you want to (and if Dynon supports) remote (EFIS) entry of frequencies into the SL-30.