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Channel Spacer (F-732F)


Well Known Member

I'm working on the cabin frame on my -7A tip-up. The F-732F is the spacer that goes between the cabin frame channel and the 706 bulkhead flange. I got my kit right after Van's issued the service bulletin for this area and accordingly my plans show the newer design. Can someone tell me what material this doubler should be made from? Is it is pre-fabbed? I can't find it anywhere on the drawings.

Thanks in advance!
It's pre-fabbed and it's in the SB kit that was shipped separately.

PS.. So, did your kit come with pre-SB parts or did the SB parts come with the fuse kit? I had to order SB retro kit separately.

PPS.. I'm only assuming (based on updated fuse manual that came with the SB retro kit) that forward top skin now has those additional 4 holes prepunched.. that **may** be an indicator whether you got older or newer version..
Where's this part in a newer kit...

My fuselage kit shipped in 2010 so it should have the SB and in fact my cabin frame channel has the two rows of 8 holes. So I would assume it does. But I cannot find a pre-fabbed part for F-732F and I can't find anywhere in the plans where it gives the instructions for fabricating this part. It looks easy to make. But I'm not sure what material to use.
Found it...

It was taped to the inside of one of the forward cabin parts. I remember now from the inventory. I should have removed it then.

Shape of F-732F

I am working on the Cabin Frame on my RV-7. As the kit is from 2013 I have all the new parts as described in SB 05-1-1, Figure 1.

I noticed that the F-732F have a slight arc in it.

I makes sense as it conforms to the fuselage, but there is no mention of it in the building manual or other builders logs.

I just want to make sure I do not have a misformed part before I start match drilling.

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