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Canucks to key west trip


Well Known Member
2 rvs left windsor ontario on friday.
No need to be in key west until sunday night.
Friday we left windsor and cleared customs in sandusky ohio. Great officer got us fixed up and on our way. Next stop k22 big sandy regional kentucky for lunch then off to mountain empire kmkj virginia for 4.95 fuel. Next stop was kdkx knoxville tennessee for the night. On our call in a very nice pilot asked if we wanted a car? We said sure and he offered us his lexus for the night. Love aviation folks! Left a few boxes of beer in his backseat and launched from knoxville this am. From knoxville we flew to see the good folks at triple tree Sc00. What a beautiful facilility. Great people doing some good stuff there. After lunch and a nice tour we left their grass strip and hit jekyll island on the pacific. Took the red bug car for a spin and enjoyed seeing the island. Took off and landed in florida at lake city to fuel up. At 6 we departed lake city and flew to cedar key island florida. On downwind called the cab and she was came to see us. A couple rvs sitting here, one is a beautiful rv10. Just finished a nice sea food diner and ready to call it a night. Tomorrow no idea where all we will go. Will need to land at st petes Kpie to let the other other plane trade right seaters, and need to be in key west by night fall. Great adventure, great wx, great people and airports along the way. Only in an rv! Lots of fun adding new states and new stories to the log book.
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