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Canopy and Customer Service


Well Known Member
Like some others here I've had issues with the front edge of my tip-up canopy and the top forward skin not aligning vertically. I searched the forum for solutions and then called Vans. This is a photo of the problem:

After communicating with Vans, they suggested that the C-614 was not riveted correctly. This was a good suggestion, but the outer edges of the weldment match the outside edge of the fuselage perfectly. In my opinion the radius of the outer edges of 716 weldment is just not correct:

I've come to the conclusion that I will need to shim up the F-786 sub panel flange and fabricate a new forward top skin cause the supplied skin certainly will not fit.

Also, one of my canopy struts crapped out on me. I asked Vans for a new one and they're sending it no charge, no questions asked...

I'm a satisfied customer

I will be documenting the progress I make on the new top skin and reporting as I go along.
My fix

I decided to cut the flanges off the F-786B subpanel

Then I fashioned this:

Then riveted it to the subpanel

Gap is MUCH better. I intentionally left it a little low so I could shim up if needed. Better a little low than too high

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Watch it carefully Tom. It might be too close the skins could catch while opening when everything is riveted permanently.
Watch it carefully Tom. It might be too close the skins could catch while opening when everything is riveted permanently.

Exactly my concern as well. With the canopy closed, the aft edge of the top skin may very well sit nicely flush with the canopy frame's forward skin. However, lifting the canopy open imparts some forward movement of the canopy skin, which can cause the two skin's edges to jam together as Vlad described. Don't shim the forward skin's aft edge any more than necessary: you want clearance between them. I had to (carefully) remove some edge material to create distance between the two edges.

I'm not concerned with the forward - aft positioning. It was that the forward top skin didn't match the elevation of the forward canopy edge. I aniticipate that leaving enough of a forward - aft gap will prevent jamming. Is that correct???