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Can you trade a SL30 for a SL40?


Well Known Member
Can you trade a SL30 for a SL40? Just slide in the SL40 in the SL30 tray?

Need some opinions on this ? just thinking for now.

I have a SL30 and Mid-Continent MD200 CDI in my RV-4. I just fly VFR, so I ony use the Comm. I could use some extra money, but it is a nice resale feature.


If the SL40 would just slide in the tray and work, that would make for an easy trade.

What would they be worth used? If I just removed and sold?
What about trading the SL30 and CDI for a used SL40? What would that be worth?

Looks like the price delta SL30/SL40 ($3695 - $1650) is $2000+ and the CDI is $1700+. So $3700 minus some fair sized discount?


Link sl30 http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages/garminNavCom.php

Link sl30/40 http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages/apollosl_series.php

Link MD20 http://www.aircraftspruce.com/menus/av/cdi_midcontinent.html
SL30's go fast on the used market... Almost instantly.

The CDI's have lost momentum since most EFIS's replace them these days.

Keep the SL30, makes your plane worth more!
From my experience, the SL40 will not work in an SL30 tray.

About a year ago I ordered an SL40 from Stark Avionics. They accidently sent me an SL30 instead. So I sent only the radio back for exchange. After getting the SL40 I learned that it would not fit in the SL30 tray. The trays are shaped differently at the back.

From Rosie: CONCUR.... I had to get a new tray when I changed out my SL40 to an SL30.
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Definitely, definitely not!!!! Ask me how I know! Ok Ill share..........I wanted to upgrade my SL40 to the SL30 and thought all I would need to do is pull one out and slide the other in. Albeit the additional wiring. Yes it slid in OK however the format of the chassis at the rear is different and it would not pernit connection of the VOR antennae cable etc. I had to remove the entire chassis for the SL40 and replace with the correct one for the SL30. Even though the SL40 may work in the SL30 chassis, the rear slide in connectors will not fully land home and at some time (read inopertune) will give you grief. Solution keep the SL30 as it really is a wonderful Nav/Com, or if not take the time and do it correctly by installing the right chassis.

Cheers, Greg

Please let me know if you are interested in trading. I have an SL-40 in my -7A and am looking at upgrading to an SL-30. Would be interested in working out a deal with you.

SL40 for SL30

Ok, it looks like I am going to end up being second in line behind Jamie.

If you and Jamie do not work out any trade I also have an SL40 that I am currently in the process of installing in my 9A. It is not in yet. The tray and radio can be traded out very easily at this point in my build. I would be interested in working out a trade also. So if a trade with Jamie doesn't come through please contact me.

I was under the assumption that as long as the wiring was set up correctly the 30 and 40 would slide into the same tray. All of this is interesting news to me.

I have been tentatively planning an SL-40 (com only). Are these units your Com2 / Nav2? I'm curious as to why the need for the extra nav (assuming your primary radio is something like a GNS430W which includes GPS). Just wondering if I'm missing something....
Can you trade a SL30.........

Guys: I had my SL40 out the other day to gain access to the wires. I loosened the set screws on the back and the whole molded back end of the tray detached. I expect you can do the same when swapping a -40 for a-30, leave the tray and change the molded back plate. Dan.
CDI is the problem

SL30's go fast on the used market... Almost instantly.

The CDI's have lost momentum since most EFIS's replace them these days.

Keep the SL30, makes your plane worth more!

Looks like Brian is right - nobody will want the CDI. No point in ending up with a $1700 paperweight.

Most likely I will just leave thing as they are.

Thanks for the info.