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Can you believe this?


Well Known Member

Don't get me wrong, I love my dog - but this lady claims that the Blue Angels flying over during the airshow has killed 3-4 of her dogs? Sounds kinda fishy to me. If it really is that big of a deal, she ought to take her dog(s) for a hike or a car ride during the 30 minutes or so that they're flying over.

-8 wings - rib prep....
My dog HATES thunderstorms. And it's gotten to the point where he just flat out panics...breathes heavy....if I knew CPR for dogs, I'd probably be compelled to administer.

I don't know what it is about thunderstorms that bothers dogs so, but they do. And I suspect the blue angels, depending on where your are, can certainly be louder than a thunderstorm.

Frankly, I never understand how people can have more than one dog, though.

by the way, I'm now told if you sneak the dog some melatonin, that works.

Wish I could figure out how to get my dog in an RV.
Years ago, A7 Corsairs were flying out of England AFB in Alexandria, La. There was an area in SW La. that was used for search and rescue. The jets were getting so low, the chicken farmers were complaining of the jets killing their chickens and no weapons were being fired. In the middle of their SUA, they prohibited flying in the area of that little town to protect the chickens. Could they kill dogs? Probably so. Me.... I LOVE jet noise.


Robert Cutter
RV4 upside down canoe :)
This is the biggest crock that I have ever heard!!! Loud sounds can scare an animal...loud sound can send them for cover...but kill them...poppycock! This lady is looking for a way to suppliment her income plain and simple. I am sure any competent attorney will get her laughed out of court...Keep flying Blue Angels!!!!!
S'pose it depends on whether it's possible to actually scare a dog to death.

I'm not veterinarian, so I don't know.

I remember once watching the Blue Angels and they have this one maneuver where two of 'em stay in your field of vision and get your attention, bank around and come back at you toward show center.

Unbeknownst to you the other two have peeled off and are banking around behind you and are coming up behind you.

You don't know they're there. You're concentrating on the two coming straight ahead of you. They're right down on the deck and all of a sudden the two behind you SCREAM over your head _AND_ pass within inches (or so it seemed) of the two coming in your direction.

It was the most breathtaking thing I've ever seen in flying.... second only to the first time I went to Oshkosh and saw Wayne Handley (I think that was his name) point the Raven straight up. Stopped and hung on the prop, and then went up more.

I don't think that one scared any dogs, though.
This has been a source of controversy in Norway, perhaps slightly minor. The reason is pretty simple. On fox farms (for fur), when the mother gets scared, she will kill her cubs. This is a documented fact and the F-16s in the RNoAF are well aware of it (red stickers in the maps), so are the insurance companies. And then comes the conflict. A farmer claims loss due to low flying fighters, insurance company pays up and challenges the military for their money. But the military have no records of flying over that particular point. Hot dog pilot or cash hungry farmer?
Talked to the wife/bucking partner/vet

The good doctor who knows all about dogs, cats, cows, snakes, birds, etc. said it is very unlikely that the jet noise would kill those dogs.

Sounds to me like there is something else going on. Like a desire for $$$ or to have the jets move somewhere else.
It's disappointing - they are probably here about 60 minutes every other year so I don't think she really has much to complain about.

They did that trick last time I saw them (2 snuck up from behind) - they are LOUD - it really shakes the ground. That was my favorite part of the show.

My dog flies with me in the 172 all the time - went all the way to CO last month. He really seems to like it - I started him out as a puppy, and now whenever we go to the airport he jumps right in the back seat. Likes to hang his head out the window while taxiing. I'm hoping to be able to get him in the rear seat of the -8, but that may be more of a challenge!

-8 wings
I flew a 7 week old puppy from NW Arkansas to Atlanta on Saturday in the RV-6. An 850 nautical mile round trip for a puppy... Presumably it qualifies for her long cross country if she goes for the PPL...

She did very well in her ventilated, but egg-crate foam lined (for soundproofing) box.