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Call ahead for gas


Well Known Member
I learned my lesson today on a trip from Ohio back to Colorado. At two stops gas was a real problem. The first stop(Hannibal, MO) the pump alarm was going off and I could not get gas. A person was supposed to come and investigate but never showed up. Fortunately I had enough gas to get to Monroe, City. ($3.50)
The next stop,(Hebron, Ne) the pump had no card reader and no one was around. Phone numbers didn't answer. Went to Red Cloud($4.50) From now on I will definitely call ahead.
A good idea, but Sometimes calling ahead to a small municipal airport just gets you the police dispatcher who may or may not even know that they have an airport, much less a self-serve fuel pump. I always land with enough gas to get safely to the next airport where I am reasonably certain I'll be able to get fuel - sort of like an iron-clad IFR alternate.
Yep, been there before too. I use Airnav to ensure that my fuel stop has a self-serve card reader. Many rural airports do not. It doesn't guarantee they will be working when you get there though.
On my most recent trip, I diverted because of weather to s small airport that did have gas -- but not on weekends. Fortunately, I had 2+ hours still in the tanks and it was easy and safe to go somewhere else.
Great lesson for everyone! After purchasing my rv4 in Portland, I ran into this same problem on my XC flight to NM. I was landing at Twenty Nine Palms (KTNP) and pull up to the self serve pump which had a sign reading "no fuel on Fridays, nearest fuel Thermal, CA". I was already at my time limit of 3hrs flying as a new owner but reluctantly flew the 50NM to the nearest airport. Thankfully I still had 8 gallons remaining at fill up but it sure could have all been avoided with confirmation.
Cash Only

I had a flight were I called the FBO at a mid-flight stop. Yes, they had fuel, not self serve, but they would be there. Ok. I did not ask, and they did not tell that the only took cash. Luckily, I had enough to fill up.:)
Influenced by this thread I did call ahead and verified that KFYV has 91 octane and the pumps work. :)

Like the old saying said (you can see how old it is) "spend a dime save a marriage"
If I'm traveling on the weekend I go to an airport that services the corporate crowd. The fuel is higher but better service and you can be sure of a restroom. During the week the small airports are ok but I call ahead.
I always land with enough gas to get safely to the next airport where I am reasonably certain I'll be able to get fuel - sort of like an iron-clad IFR alternate.

That's a great way to fly Paul. I've been flamed before, and I'll be flamed again for saying this, BUT..

If you run out of gas in the good ole US of A, You most likely have used bad judgement just prior.

Fire away!!