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Buying a Built RV-10


I'm New Here
I'm thinking about buying a RV10 that is already built. Any tips on what I should look for? How do I know I am getting one that has been built correctly? What should the price range be? Any other things I should know about them would be appreciated.

Welcome to VAF, Nick.

I did exactly that...bought one that was built by three guys in Big Fork, Montana.

You really need a good pre-buy, by an RV builder or A@P/IA. You're going to be sinking somewhere close to $200K, so $1,000 for a roundtrip ticket would be a wise investment for a thorough inspection.

I have a friend that has helped build 16 RV's of all varieties and is finishing up an RV-10 now. He's an A@P/IA. Call me at 478 494 37fife7 for more info.

Technical Counselor

Technical counselors are experienced folks in homebuilding. Not to slam A&Ps, but not many of them know much about homebuilts. Some do but many don't.

When you find a potential plane, go to EAA website and look up a tech counselor in that area and contact him to have him get a first look. If that works out OK than have a more detailed look for yourself with him. That way you know exactly what you are buying.

Gary Specketer
Tech Counselor, Flight Advisor
And not to slam Tech Counselors either (I are one ;)), whoever you get to do a pre-buy should have experience with the make, if not the model, if at all possible. You should also do your homework beforehand - imagine if you were going to build one yourself. What options would you want? How would you equip it? Can you live with someone else's building decisions or what would you want/need to alter? There are, unfortunately, no preview plans for the -10 and I think the online ones were pulled at Van's request, but you can still get a lot of information from Van's and here.
Welcome to VAF!

Nick, welcome to the good ship VAF.

As has already been said, find someone who is knowledgeable in the specifics of the plane, and enlist their help.

I bought a project on its wheels with the engine mounted, but not finished. I had already been working on a tail kit, and had gained a bit of knowledge from that---------but having an experienced person along showed my things I would have never even noticed on my own.

By the way, you will love the 10:D

Again, welcome and good to have you aboard.
I'm thinking about buying a RV10 that is already built. Any tips on what I should look for? How do I know I am getting one that has been built correctly? What should the price range be? Any other things I should know about them would be appreciated.

No matter how open minded you are, you will find fault with anything you see. It will be the wrong color, you won't like the panel, there is a funny-looking blemish, the interior sucks, and the antennas are in bad places - in your opinion. So, unlike the others, I say you should find something you think you want, first. Then, pay an expert to really look it over.
As far as price range, who knows? But, realistically, expect to pay between $175k and $225k. You might find a desperate seller for a little less, or a cream puff for a little more, but that is probably the range.
Just my humble opinion...