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Blue Mountain Database updates no longer available ?!?!?

BCP Boys

Well Known Member
Okay I know most of you are asking why the heck I'm still on this system, well my RV7 came with it and although I'm planning on changing to one of the touch systems, my 4th Gen BMA has been working just fine for now. I wanted to find out if anyone else out there still has the BMA and is using the Database updates from http://www.bluemountainavionicsdata.com/? I've been updating my map with this subscription service until April but for some reason the updates have stopped. Does anyone have any idea if these guys are also out of business or what happened to the updates?
thanks Kahuna. Didn't even know about the Yahoo group. Are you still able to download the new update for April?
I have not taken an update in 8 years!!! I had paid for an annual update when I bought the thing. When to activate it a year later when flying. Found out that the year started when I bought it. Got mad:mad:, never gave them another $$.
I may be the only BMA user left but I thought I'd let folks know that earlier this year (around the beginning of August), the database updates have stopped permanently. Seems the airnav data changed format and, with so few users lefts, it didn't make sense for the provider to try to update the software that converts it for use on a BMA system.

Since my One shows no sign of giving up and I always have paper charts (now tablet charts) anyway, I'm not really bothered much by this though I am planning the eventual panel upgrade (and have been for a couple of years ... really, no rush).
There's someone on the Blue Mountain Yahoo! group that is working on updating the conversion code to work with the changes. Not sure how far along he is on the project. Try contacting Hari and see if he can give you an update on his progress.

ex BMA user.
Yeah I'm still using my BMA and fairly happy with it other than the lack of updates. My autopilot has issues but I hardly ever use it. I did get the last update posted around July I believe. I too am planning on updating my panel to Garmin but for now it's working fine. I have a 796 with updated charts, maps, obstacles and terrain and keep an iPad mini with Foreflight in the cockpit as a backup.