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Best seat in the house


Well Known Member
Last weekend turned in to one of those really nice experiences that make us appreciate our airplane and our RV family. I had planned to stay on the ground and work on another project but once the text messages started flying I caved in and we met Steve and Mary Ingraham, Dave Figgins (aka Slash), Jerry Calvert, Dennis Fox, and our daughter at Guthrie, Ok (KGOK). Guthrie was having their annual fly-in. We ate a hot dog, grabbed a free T-shirt, had a good visit and enjoyed the sights and sounds and good weather. Afterwards, Steve and Mary invited us over to their place to watch college football. A short flight skirting the class C found us lined up for final at Steve's RV base. He fired up the grill and Mary whipped up some fixins and we had a good time watching the game and getting a tour of Steve's shop and home. It was getting late when we took off from the grass strip and headed West. Sometimes things just come together to make a routine 45 minute flight a little special.

Shortly after reaching cruise altitude...

Off to the west as we turned downwind...

And off to the east...

Photographer and RV gal extraordinaire hamming it up with ears on upside down...

We stayed in the pattern and shot touch and goes until well after dark. When I saw that full moon, I had an idea. The next night was the lunar eclipse so we decided to see what it would look like while airborne.

That is not a street light over the RV, that is the "red moon rising".


It wasn't easy to get good pics due to the darkness, glare and the vibration.
We kept getting higher and higher...


The airborne pics don't come close to doing the experience justice. It was awe inspiring to watch the eclipse with the city lights below you and the heavens putting on a show up above.

But we weren't done. Once back on the ground we headed over to see my brother. He had his telescope set up at the local college and let us take a look. We spent an hour or so thoroughly enjoying him explain his hobby and his equipment.

He was kind enough to e-mail me these pics that he took through his scope while we were there.

We have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. Keep hammering away at those RV kits. The experiences you have before you are limited only by your imagination!
Pretty cool! I miss flying at night. With no lights on our field, I can take off but getting back in wont happen. 😳