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Best (early) Father's Day Gift, EVER


Well Known Member
I've been working hard this week to transform one stall of the garage into an airplane factory to "someday" start an RV-9A, but I hadn't yet pulled the trigger. This is what the "airplane factory" looks like now, after moving lots of stuff out to the shed and building some EAA benches, adding heat and a PC (to read the Forums!)

Imagine my surprise today when a FedEx truck pulled up with 2 boxes marked "High Dollar Aircraft Parts"! My awesome wife (who has been listening patiently all this time while I talked RV's) ordered the tail kit for our 9A! (she also bought the DRDT dimpler... what a woman!) There is one of my building partners.

Later today, my copilot returned from recurrent training (3rd grade) and is now very excited (she has ~60 hours of copilot time so far, the 9A should help us dramatically increase that number!)


I'm pretty sure this is the Best Father's Day gift, ever! Thanks to my wonderful wife!!! Now I can have a real signature!
You're right...

That is absolutely the best gift ever! Congrats, and take that lady (both of them) out for a nice dinner...that gift is unbelievably thoughtful! :)
awesome wife

Now that is an awesome wife who both listens to you and supports your dreams! Amazing.

Congrats and get that signature updated! Oops -- I see you did!

Have you told her you'll eventually have to kick here car out of the second half of the garage? :D
Your post mentioned you want a -9A but the 3-view drawing you are holding is a -9. Really not a big deal at this point anyway. If you are going to build the -9 then CONGRATULATIONS! If you are planning on the -9A then there is still time to change your mind! Mine started as a -9A then changed to a -9 when I ordered the fuse kit.
Also sounds like your wife won't mind having airplane parts strategically stored under beds, in closets, etc.
Over four years ago I was opening those first two boxes and today I am going to call the DAR and schedule my inspection.

Iowa girls

Hey congratulations on the start of your journey. My wife is from Iowa and
I received the same support. I now enjoy flying my RV8 every chance I get !
Good Luck, and enjoy this elite group you just joined.

Maybe we should start a new thread...

"A Toast to AWESOME wives".

I have one... and am truly blessed because of it. Congratulations on starting your project!

Glad to have another Iowan building!

Dave, that is great news! Sure is nice to have the support of the family when undertaking a project like this. That co-pilot looks pretty excited.

Now there are a couple of things you need to do.

1. Visit http://eaa33.org and check out our local chapter. They are a great bunch of guys and have been very helpful to me any time I have had a question. There is a lot of knowledge there and they are willing to share it.

Our next meeting is Saturday, June 10th at 1 pm. It is a fly-in meeting at Monticello Iowa Airport. Armond Jacobs is based there and has a brand new spanking RV9A he finished recently. It would be a great chance for you to look his plane over. As long as nothing urgent pops up I plan on driving up. (Sure will be nice when I get this plane done and join the ranks of those flying in.)

2. Take that co-pilot and her Mother out to Chuckee-Cheeses or another restaurant of their choice! They deserve it!

Congrats and enjoy the project.
Great news!


That is an outstanding Father's Day gift. What a WOMAN you have there.

Either that or she is trying to get you out of her way. :p

Best of luck with the RV, even if the little wheel is gong to be on the wrong end. ;)
A great wife, the best plane and the best breed of dog. It doesn't get any better than that!
Thanks for great replies

Thanks to all for your kind words - the RV community is a big part of why I chose this plane. Especially thanks for the fly-in notice at MXO next weekend - I may rent a Cessna and come visit.

As for the picture of me holding the RV-9 three-view, it is because my wife took the picture right away when I opened the plans and that was the first drawing in the package. I'm definately planning a 9A, but Vans shipped me both a 9 and a 9A three-view.

The drawing is too pretty to throw out, so maybe I'll change my mind....right after I decide on manual or electric trim!!

It was a good day in the shop today, got to test out all the new tools and made the Vans toolbox. But, most importantly, we learned that Golden Retrievers get really excited by the sound of a Sioux air drill...
IowaRV9Dreamer said:
...It was a good day in the shop today, got to test out all the new tools and made the Vans toolbox. But, most importantly, we learned that Golden Retrievers get really excited by the sound of a Sioux air drill...

As Tim "the toolman" Taylor would say...."AAUUURRRGGGHHHH!!!" :D

-8 wings
Another Nearby Fly In to Attend

If you are available you really should try to get to the Boone, IA RV Day on June 17th. Last year I think there were nearly 100 aircraft that attended with most being RV's. Check out the link bleow.


Good Luck With Your Project
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WOW! From another Iowan

Hello from the Quad Cities & welcome to the RV world.
I am blessed with a wonderful wife of 32 years, but did have to purchase my own Emp :p Enjoy the trip & hat's off to your spouse.
Best (early) Fathers Day Gift EVER

Hi Dave, Hope you have a great time on your project, good luck with it.
Best wishes. Kevin.