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Back in Pa


Well Known Member
Hey guys and Gals
Well I made it back to Pa today, had a very good trip to Texas to drop my 8 off for paint with Grady and Brandon at GLO Custom. As some of you might remember I was worried about weather well as it turned out I awoke Thursday to strong winds and a forecast for Moderate Turbulence along most of my route. Well the weather folks were right:) I got knocked around pretty good, my route took me south along the east side of the ADIZ and then SW to KSPA(Greenville,SC) and made a stop in more gusty winds for fuel, the folks at TAC air were good and quick and I was airborne again in under 15mins.
I pointed the nose west and headed back into the bumps and head winds:mad: and kept going and mad a stop at KGMU( Grenada,MS)
Another quick stop (under 15mins) and off I went to 52F finally the ride smoothed out and the head winds let up, and I landed at 52F around 5:30 taxied to Gradys hangar and before I got out Brandon was there to meet me and push the 8 into the hangar:D
Overall a great trip (except for the winds at times my gs was down to 126kts) funny enough it took 8hrs to get to 52F and it took 7hrs to get home via the airlines:D
So now I get to wait ...... I know it will be worth it;-)

Oh by the way.... 81deg on Friday went golfing it was great!!...woke up Saturday to 30's:eek: Jeez:D