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Back from a 'long lunch'.


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Here's the 5,000th thread.

In the office at 7am...and then wondered why I wasn't flying, as the winds were calm and the sky clear. So at 10am I stepped out (w/ mgt's blessing*) for a 'long lunch'. I feel much better.

A couple of touch n' gos, some rolls and Baja Fresh pit stop. Back at the office now with plenty of motivation and a clear head.

Friday is off to a good start :) .

This hobby is, in the end, cheaper than therapy (and more helpful).


*the two people I report to are building a RV-10 and flying a RV-7.
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Lunch break

Doug, that's the kind of lunch I'm looking forward to. I'm unfortunately on a 5 month hiatus from building and can't wait to get back to it so I can enjoy the fruits of my labours.

Nice to see your 5,000th.
You said it, Phillip!

I was reading the news today about the Forbes list and was grinning reading a side article on the yachts of the richest people. I'm sure it's nice to have a yacht the size of a football field like Paul Allen, but it's got to be a LONG process to go out for a quick spin. I stood up from my desk at 10am and started for the airport. A half hour later I was in the air. Pretty easy for 'spur of the moment' :D.

I know what you mean Doug!

It is really nice to work for an aviation organization where you can look at your calendar, see a hole, and tell your secretary "I'm going flying for awhile" as you walk out the door..... Of course, then we come back and work until late at night, but least we can be flexible (sometimes!) :D

Unfortunately, we are having the typical Gulf Coast Scuzzies this week....hope it clears up for tomorow!

Yep - each day this week in SF I've been hoping to get out and fly. Every day the weather has been fighting me back to the office. Hopefully I'll get out tomorrow.


How did you convince these horrific winds to die down? :confused:

I have been in the sheetrocking mode (in my new house) for the past few days, and I'd swear the wind would carry me while toting sheetrock (if I wasn't so fat) :D

I would bet I have seen winds blowing up to 40mph! ???

What is it you do for a living where you answer up to another couple of RVers? Definitely nice!

I was about to say that the difference with yachtsmen is that for them it's nice to just go out and hang out on their boats, but then it occured to me that us hanging out at the airport/hangar is not so bad either sometimes. ...especially if ones' hangar has most of the comforts of home. A wornout throw away couch, a few chairs, a microwave, an old TV with rabbit ears, a fully stocked fridge( ..you know...for those hot summer days!), and of course a "Rosie the Riveter" sign on the hangar wall.

But there again would be the start of another thread..."Show us your hangar..." :D

-8 wings
jdmunzell said:
What is it you do for a living where you answer up to another couple of RVers? Definitely nice!
Well, that's a funny story kinda. The CIO of my day job (groomsman in my wedding - me one in his - known each other for over 30 years) went to Van's Homecoming with me one year as a pax. When we got back he said, "I think I want to take flying lessons and build a RV".

Splash one...

The person I directly report to needed a ride up to Kansas a couple years back. I turned his 13hr drive into something more pleasant. "I want to take flying lessons and build a RV."

Splash two...

So, starting at the bottom of the org chart (me) it goes Doug (RV6) reports to Steve (RV-10 building) reports to Scott (RV7). For a while it looked like Scott's direct report (COO) was interested in a RV-10. Took him for some rides, soloed as a student and everything, but he got promoted up the ladder even more with our parent company....so he's now commuting to Manhattan M-F and playing catchup w/the family on the weekends. There's still a chance a few years down the road I hope. I routinely fly over his house just to remind him of the finer things in life :) .

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