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Awesome Saturday...


Well Known Member
Started out early with a short hop to fill er up with the least expensive gas around... 0VG in Virginia. Shot the runway 23 LPV fully coupled back into KMOR (amazing technology!).

Then my RV friends and I took a ride down to Winchester, TN KBGF for the monthly EAA 699 breakfast. Finally met Sam Buchanan face to face (I now know what he looks like!) Our return trip took a little bob and a little weave due to many layers and different types of clouds. It ended up cool, smooth and almost clear at 9500ft.


For some reason there was a line that formed at the gas pumps at Winchester... some say it was the price of the fuel @ $4.82....but I say it might have been something else ;)


Total for the day: 375nm under the wings. Peak groundspeed reached was 201.9 knots. 2 hours and 41 minutes of flight time logged. It was a good day!

oh....I only ate one pancake!
Nice Brian! Wow I paid $6.08 a gallon yesterday and there were no line girls.:eek:
One of the guys brought a friend along that had a camera. Here are a few pics from the day's fun:

Bob Dougherty...

Your's truly...

Your's truly again...

Tim McGinnis

Some of the weather we had to negotiate...


Where we ended up at 9500ft...
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