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AviationNation update


Well Known Member
Things are continuing to improve with our new organization. The big news is that we are now officially a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit! Word came yesterday. It is seldom that you are excited to get a letter from the IRS, but that was one of those times.

Now any and all donations are tax deductible. If you are interested in helping out, visit aviationnation.causevox.com and help us with getting our kids to Oshkosh. It looks like that effort is going to provide 30 (perhaps more) with the learning experience of their lives. As most of you know, there is a lot to learn there.

Building is coming along very well at JCHS, and we will be ready to take part in several demonstrations at local fly-ins this summer. We already have kids choosing aviation as a career!
