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Aviation Museum in Tyler, TX


Active Member
Went to Historic Aviation Memorial Museum in Tyler, TX (ktyr) on Saturday for unveiling and dedication of an F-4D Phantom II and posthumous presentation of Distinguished Flying Cross to LC Bill Curnutte -

"On 17 January 1969, Capt. Vic Smith and Lt. James Fegan were flying a ?Fast Fac? mission near Tchepone, Laos when their F-4D aircraft was hit by intense AAA gunfire and blew up in a ball of fire. Radio contact was made with Lt. Fegan who was severely injured and immobile. Lt. Colonel Curnutte was performing alert duty as the Aircraft Commander of Gunfighter 03.

The 366th TFW was ordered to scramble the Gunfighter alert aircraft to provide covering action for a rescue attempt for Lt. Fegan. Alert aircraft were normally armed with ordnance for ?in country? action, which required them to go very low over the enemy to effectively and accurately, dispense the munitions. This placed them in a very hazardous situation as every enemy gun could and did fire at them.

Lt. Col. Curnutte immediately took off and unhesitantly flew his aircraft ?down in the weeds? and provided the desperately needed support for the rescue attempt. His reputation as a superior fighter pilot was fully demonstrated on this mission. By his professionalism, skill and devotion to duty, Colonel Curnutte brought great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force"

A very nice little museum on the east side of the field - taxi up and park right in front - well worth a visit



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