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Are RV-12 Owners A Closer Bunch?


Well Known Member
I'm part of a loose knit private e-mail group of -12 builders has become a pretty close bunch of yahoos. Someone in the group made a comment about how we all get along and how we all have the same plane, and this got me to thinking. :eek: (No comments from the peanut gallery ;))

Now I know there are RV build groups that are close, ... is the -12 unique? Unless you built it E-AB the engine and avionics are the same! One builder will find a feature that the others didn't know about, another will need help with this or that especially when it comes to avionics or the engine. They are exactly the same! With other RV's even guys and gals building the same plane will choose different radios, glass panel's, engines, steam gauges, etc. As soon as the different item is chosen that builder is now "different" and his plane cannot be used as a standards for others unless they used the same components. Does that makes sense?

I'm not saying the -12 is better, or the "end all of RV's" by any means. "It is, what it is", "the 8N Ford of RV's", but I find it interesting after flying 2 different -12's that they handle the same, start the same, the controls are the same, radios are the same, ect. I think they bring the owners just a tab closer.

The other observation is about performance of the -12. We certainly don't fly them for speed although 138 MPH is not bad, but why do that? I pull the throttle back and enjoy the view! Cruising around the neighborhood at 100 MPH burning 3.5 GPH is a great way to spend an hour or 3 at 500 - 1,000' AGL. The -12 gets us back to the pure joy of just flying! Just putting air under my butt! Why would I take a local flight and speed that up? Life is short, flying careers shorter, take your time and enjoy the moment.

Just some mindless observations before I go to "work".

Any other thoughts?

(BTW :D NU BEAT OU! .... Oh Yea, baby! :D)
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Is an RV-12 like a Toyota Prius?

I think you have hit on something, Larry. I've only talked to a few RV-12 builders so far, but they, as well as all of you on the VAF web, have a lot in common: Willing to help each other; no egos; good sense of humor; willing to make fun of their own mistakes; like to poke friendly fun at one another; very empathetic with each other. You all know what each of you is talking about - because you share knowledge about exactly the same plane, with all the same parts, and all purchased from the same vendor.

The result is better communication - better understanding of each other's frustrations and triumphs!

The Toyota Prius is not the same thing, of course. But all Prius's from 2004 to 2009 are almost identical. When I need to rent a car in a far-off city, I try first to get a Prius. Result: I am very familiar with where all the controls are - like meeting an old friend. Like flying a second RV-12 that you've never flown before.
I think it may be more about timing than anything. As a group, you're "the first" and all in the same place at the same time. May have been true of the first builders of other kits also, (or other endeavors for that matter). I'm guessing someone who starts a -12 in a year or two will be told to "search the archives" just like the new builders of other models.

In any event, it's been really cool seeing the "birth" of the -12 fleet.