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Another Must Read


Well Known Member
Whops. This is an article from 2004 given to me to post. I should have
checked the date. Sorry for any confusion.
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More Rules :(

This is exactly what I have been talking about. If we can't stem the rising tide of accidents, the feds will do it for us.
I can say that there are some people on this web site that are giving advice that clearly arn't qualified to do so and it is being taken as gospel by the novice.. I think some of us should clearly think before depensing with information critical to flight that could lead to a accident..
Old Article?

I find it hard to get alarmed by this - if I read it right (and could very well be wrong), this is from March of 2004 - almost three years ago....by this time, if it was being enacted, there would be a huge amount of publicity about it from the usual alphabet organizations....wouldn't there? ....which tells me it is probably no longer active? :confused:

I think this is old...wasn't this the thing where the Feds were going to try and make sightseeing business Part 135? Or something along those lines? I know the DC-3 operated by a not-for-profit museum at my airport was affected by something along these lines a couple of years ago. :confused:
It is well that we have AOPA, EAA, GAMA and other general aviation organizations to blow a whistle on this type of government closed door planning for the sake of "security", which I believe is behind it.

We do need security around our airports but we don't have to go nuts over it. General Aviation is an easy target compared to the trucking industry so they go the easy route to convince the public they are doing something about the issue. It's window dressing just like airport security at major airports. Before 911 it was joke and since then it has become reactionary and has not filled anyone with much confidence it is working.

We do have a huge security challenge in that the enemy is working feverishly to acquire small nuke technology. The next step is a delivery system. At present our transportation system, especially trucking, is a likely vehicle. Small airplanes might be also, but surface attack is more likely.

I believe that is what this is all about and for sure the planning is on going.
Paul is correct

This article is dated 2004. The issue was part 91, for hire tour operators and is a done deal.

John Clark
RV8 N18U
Yukon said:
This is exactly what I have been talking about. If we can't stem the rising tide of accidents, the feds will do it for us.
There is not a rising trend in GA accidents. They are decreasing every year per hour flown and have been doing so for a couple of decades.