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Aerobatics in RVs in the UK (request for info)


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...sent to me by Pete Pengilly (dr)

I wonder if I can ask, through this website, for the help of the RV community in getting some information from pilots who fly aerobatics in their RVs? The aim is to provide evidence to the UK authorities that RV have been safely turned upside down for many years. What I?m really after is a short statement from pilots of RV-6/6As, -7/7As & -8/8As listing Name & Address (city/state is fine), Model of RV flown, Length of time flown (hours and/or years), Approximate time of aerobatic flight, and Details of manoeuvres flown; if you have spun your RV please include that with any comments on ease of spin recovery. Please indicate if I may contact you for further details, if needed.

My email address is: rvaeros 'at' sbcglobal.net.

For anyone who may be interested, here is some background information. Some people may be aware that the regulations governing homebuilts in the UK are much stricter than in the US. Before a builder may (legally) turn his RV upside down the specific model must be ?approved? for aerobatics as well as each individual aircraft carrying out a formal test program. Currently only the RV-4 is approved. Generally, aircraft cleared for aerobatics should meet the JAR/FAR 23 aerobatic requirements, including spinning. The engineering department of the Popular Flying Association (the English homebuilders? organisation) is the approving authority; at the moment they are unwilling to clear the RV-6 & 7 for aerobatics because of poor spin recovery behaviour and low stick force per g (as well as a couple of other issues). The RV-8 is about to undergo a flight test program. The UK RV builders & pilot organisation (The RV Squadron) is trying to gather data to show safe aerobatic flight in other countries as part of the case for all 3 aircraft.

Thanks very much if you are able to help. Sorry I missed the fly out yesterday ? my folks are in town at the moment so we?re in entertaining mode.

Yours, Pete

I have had both of my RV's approved by Transport Canada to do aerobatics. The first was a RV-6 and now my RV-7.

I have spun tested both aircraft with no difficulty at all in the spin recovery. Spins were tested both to the left and the right.

Loops and rolls and combinations thereof have been done at ease.

Norman Younie
[email protected]

Have been doing all acrobatics, with the exception of negative stuff, in an RV-4 and an RV-6 for the last four years (to include spins in both directions) and have had no ill effect on me or the airplane. However, I would recommend that those pilots who have not had training in acrobatic maneuvers should receive some form of training from someone who has flown same in the RV series. There are no real surprises except for those who do not know what they are doing. Have fun..