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ADSB out check report from FAA

erich weaver

Well Known Member
I finished the install and configuration of my uAvionix Echo/GRT SafeFly gps unit the other day and have now done two flights. Everything seems to be working great, I?m getting weather and traffic, but there is no way of checking the out function from the plane, so I sent a report request via the FAA website. The email I received back from them says that my request failed to generate a result. Today I did another flight and checked in with Santa Barbara approach in flight and asked them to check. They responded that they had not yet been trained on ADSB but that they were receiving data from me and as far as they could tell it was working fine. Upon landing I requested another FAA report. Same ?failed to generate a result? response, which to me means that their system never saw me at all.

Any ideas?
Check FlightAware.com to see if you're 'in the system'. My buddy's 9A has ADSB and I can follow his flights from takeoff to touchdown, whereas I can only 'see' my plane if I'm on flight following.
The Echo is UAT. Flightaware and Flightradar24 track 1090ES. Make sure you get the right date in. Text me your plane info & date you flew & I?ll try to get a report.
As Jesse said, anytime after 5 pm Pacific is ?tomorrow? gmt.
Double check your N number and hexadecimal ICAO code are correct.
Also, if you have enabled "stealth mode" when squawking 1200, you won't get a report. Must be transmitting your N-number.
I wasnt getting reports like you. I had 2 issues:
1)I mention this only to help you in your process in ruling things out because I have a 400W and you have a GRT. Turns out that I had not setup my 400W correctly. I had incorrectly told my 400W which wire was supposed to be talking to my Echo (in my 400W settings)
2) I had fat fingered the wrong ICAO code into my echo configuration app, and therefore was not getting any reports.
The Echo is UAT. Flightaware and Flightradar24 track 1090ES.

Really? I just installed the GDL-88 UAT ADSB device from Garmin and my plane showed up on Flight aware squawking 1200 and not talking to anyone!

Thought I had found the problem in the Echo configuration when I saw that ?emitter category? was blank instead end of indicating light aircraft. I changed it and updated the settings. Just for the **** of it I then cycled aircraft power through my master and rebooted the Echo app on my iPad. Guess what? Emitter category is blank again. Repeated process with same result. Arrrgh
Went ahead and flew and requested a new report. Got a result this time and better yet everything checked out fine with the FAA. Looks like missing the light airplane entry in the emitter category was the hang up.


Just checked both Flightaware and Flightradar24 and there is no record of my flight this morning on either one, so apparently transmitting ADSB using the 978 UAT does not by itself get you into their system

Erich, just a question. Are you hard wired to the GRT or using the echoto to pick the squawk and alt off of the transmitted transpomder signal?

Glad you got it working! I?m not there yet.....
Can we Canadian pilots with ADSB (US) equipment installed ,have our units checked if we like, using our HEX code for identification , if we fly in one of your ADSB covered areas?
Can we Canadian pilots with ADSB (US) equipment installed ,have our units checked if we like, using our HEX code for identification , if we fly in one of your ADSB covered areas?

It?s all automated, so give it a try. One thing - the mysterious ?air on ground? catagory. It?s mysterious to me because I have no idea how the automated system determines this (it?s when you are on the ground but still broadcasting airborne mode). I have no idea if that works at a Canadian airport. Heck, it doesn?t work well here.
Are you hard wired to the GRT or using the echoto to pick the squawk and alt off of the transmitted transpomder signal?.

I am not hardwired, just letting the Echo do its sniffing magic. Also, in response to a previously posted question, my Echo is also just velcroed to the sub panel, which GRT tech support indicated is perfectly fine.

I saw somewhere people complaining about not being able to filter the traffic results, but I am filtering just fine using the GRT Sport SX EFIS settings. Anybody know where the setting is that provides a flashing warning for traffic that falls within some short distance? I had that for my old SkyRadar system but disabled it because it couldn?t distinguish my own plane from traffic. That isn?t a problem with the Echo, but I can?t find the setting now to enable it again.

You'd think they would want to track the "BECKHAM 1"! :D

Ha ha, looks like I have all of VAF tracking me now. ?Beckham 1? was my attempt at making it hard for the local county appraiser to determine the value of my plane. Didn?t work. They have it on their books as an RV