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ABS-B equipped and FAA radar on your phone, Whoa!

ron sterba

Well Known Member
Got this app,called " freeflightradar24". It shows aircraft (ADSB equipped) ( colored yellow),altitude,speed. I thought it was so cool I spent $4 on the better versions, shows altitude,speed,eta,city it going to if listed, 3D Google Earth of what the pilot sees, N number,type of aircraft, then use the binoculars icon at the top and hold up the phone toward your friends airport and see it,or if ifr flight you'll see it out there. Works with airlines flights too. HAVE WITH IT. got everybody using it. We even see our club planes too.

Ron in Oregon RV9A
Got this app,called " freeflightradar24". It shows aircraft (ADSB equipped) ( colored yellow),altitude,speed. I thought it was so cool I spent $4 on the better versions, shows altitude,speed,eta,city it going to if listed, 3D Google Earth of what the pilot sees, N number,type of aircraft, then use the binoculars icon at the top and hold up the phone toward your friends airport and see it,or if ifr flight you'll see it out there. Works with airlines flights too. HAVE WITH IT. got everybody using it. We even see our club planes too.
Ron in Oregon RV9A

i.e;....BIG BROTHER is watching!
The Navworx 600 exp unit has the option to go "stealth" when squawking 1200.
No id info is transmitted unless you punch in a discreet code.
Tim Andres
You guys are GOOD!,,,,,,,I LIKE THAT INFO. Was very surprised at the arrival routes of major airports in US and abroad. I mean it's a regular highway in the sky from major west coast cities to Hawaii. What's interesting is the US armed forces said they can't meet the 2020 mandate for ADSB. What was amazing the arrivals to and from Oshkosh this last week. I leaned that yellow planes are ADSB and orange plane icons are FAA radar recognized icons retransmitted. Another feature ( I won't spend extra $ app) you can have your phone alert you when your friends ADSB plane takes to the air heading toward your airport so you can start the barbq. Filters this was cool. There are filters to remove jets and high altitude targets and only get 150mph max speed and below say 5,000 ft.you sent the perimeter filters. The other day I saw a contrail westerly to southeast over my city,very unusual. Well it wasa flight from pacific rim country to Texas, the app said it was in the air for over 8 hours already! I hope it was a playground type jet. Well have fun,if you found a new feature post it.

Ron in Oregon RV9A
Perhaps that "free" is not in the name?

Got this app,called " freeflightradar24".
Ron in Oregon RV9A

I'd heard of the app before, but thought it sounded a little odd with "FreeFlightRadar24" instead of "FlightRadar24" ... confirmed ... no "Free" in the name. Although it may be Free to download.

Think it was actually mentioned on VAF before, or maybe I saw it on an EAA video? Anyway, it's part of the new world of 'augmented reality' apps. Take some real data and combine with other data (database source or ??) and display it on the phone, tablet, etc.

I digress, but why do we call them "cell phones" now? They do everything in the world and sometimes make or receive calls. What about MAD? (Memory Augmentation Devices) ... now where did I lose my cell again? :D
Naive to believe that, they use a network of hobbyists to source their data not just faa
So not "Big Brother" but your local neighborhood watch equivalent.
