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a teachable moment


Well Known Member
I ran across this video last night and was bothered by it.

looking through the user's other videos, this one appears to be unbriefed, self-taught formation in dissimilar aircraft. I worry that this won't end well.

On the other hand, someone who takes the time to record and mix together 13 landings in a Cessna 150 strikes me as probably a young, enthusiastic pilot who is eager to learn and expand his skills.

Formation is fun. Low altitude flying is fun. aerobatics is fun. All of these, though, require attention to detail and training to be safe.

It shouldn't be too hard to find this guy in north Mississippi. Is there someone nearby who could maybe mentor him a litttle?
I don't know beans about formation flight - what about this (given the very limited info available that I could see) makes it looks like it was unbriefed and self-taught? Is he doing stuff that no self-respecting formation pilot would do?

I don't even like 500' separation so there's no comfort level in me for this kind of thing - just looking for a little education.
...if the FAA does'nt find him first!
The first video is an obvious violation of 500' abover persons or property.
There is nothing illegal in the second as long as the flight was briefed and conscentual.

In regard to the formation, that looked very sloppy and certainly did not conform to the FFI standards we fly to.

Scary stuff on both counts.
I don't know beans about formation flight - what about this (given the very limited info available that I could see) makes it looks like it was unbriefed and self-taught? Is he doing stuff that no self-respecting formation pilot would do?

I don't even like 500' separation so there's no comfort level in me for this kind of thing - just looking for a little education.

It's harder to fly formation with aircraft that fly differently, and the debonair looks to me like he's watched some formation but never done it himself. He kind of slides in, but can't get slowed down and overtakes the 150, losing sight of him in the process. My formation experience is pretty limited compared to many on this board, but that looked unsafe to me at multiple points.
what to say?

I had to think a while before commenting....always a good thing.....

so 10 seconds online results in knowing the name of the Bonanza driver from Cordova, and the Cessna guy & videographer from Olive Branch.
(perhaps we should be careful listing names, as they may not have been the acual pilots, however unlikely that is)

I suppose a first step would be to make a comment on the YouTube, which the guy might read.

second, and best, would be for a local pilot to suggest that there are other ways to enjoy an aircraft that do not require the Top Gun soundtrack, or being within 30 feet of the ground ( and peoples heads) or zipping thru the clouds, at high speed.

failing that?...would a 90-day license revocation and $1000 fine make them take notice? yes.
change their behaviour?....not necessarily.

Sadly, as we all know, sometimes you just can't fix stupid.
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Ok, so these guys are doing some stupid things with a video camera and an airplane. I understand the concerns about this behavior and join the chorus of others who are condemning it. I also understand that they look like they need intervention. Buttttttt, considering we live in a country that has its criminal system based on the premise that one is innocent until proven guilty, I am not sure that we are in the best position to "punish" this behavior. I certainly really really really do not think it appropriate to post the personal information of any of these individuals on a public forum such as this.

I know this type of personal information is very easy to obtain. It is readily available from a government entity (FAA records). However easy it is to obtain, that still does not give one the right to display it in such a public forum such as this.

For the record, I hereby give notice that, even if I am ever caught doing something very stupid and even if that stupid thing may end up being criminal, no one on this forum has my permission to publicly display my personal information on this forum, or on any other public medium.

Please be respectful of all, even the stupid. If so, perhaps we may find that we really can "FIX STUPID"!
An idea

I have seen lots of RV pilots do some pretty crazy and one could say DANGEROUS things.

Why not just comment, email or contact this guy and make a few constructive criticism type comments and leave it at that. We all know pilots that do things they shouldnt...it comes with the territory and the fact we have pretty cool planes. We should not just sit here throwing rocks.

Who on here can say they never once did dumb stuff in their life. Todays generation just goes the next step and documents it all and posts it on youtube. Cant fix dumb...agreed but...we arent the law and dumb or dangerous pilots seem to have a way of disappearing one way or the other. Post on youtube or call the guy...nuff said.
All good points. I whacked the original post. If folks want to figure out who it is registered to, they know how to go find the information.

For the record, if you see me doing it, feel free to point out my stupidity. Even better, feel free to call my wife and tell her about my stupidity. :)

Thanks Phil for your actions. From the depth of my Libertarian soul I appreciate your understanding.

Now, about that intervention of these fellow pilots. . .