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A small step for man.....


Active Member
... and a big step for me !! It's done now!. My RV-7 tail are ordered !!

It's the beginning of a long journey... I dream to that since i'm young !!

So, because I will probably be more active here in the next few year, I will present me !!

I have 37, i'm a draftman and I leave in Qu?bec, Canada. (So my first language are french, this is why you will see some weird sentence when I write in english !! :rolleyes: ) I have a small business that I run in my sparetime with my wife. I design R/C aircraft and make some laser engraving.
I have some idea of product for the homebuild community that I will put on my website in a couple of week .... (www.mraerodesign.com)

I made a collegial course in Aeronautic fabrication in 1990. So I learn machining, sheet metal, fiberglass, aerodynamic, basic engine mecanic, drafting and plan reading and a lot of other thing...

I pass my private licence in 93 in a Beech Sundowner. I have near 100h in Sundowner. Badfully, I don't flew during many years, and I finally buyed in co-propriaty a nice Piper Cherokee 2 years ago. I have now approx 300h of flight.

I have nearly all the tool required + a 36" shear/bend/roll bench and also a lathe, a milling and a TIG welder. Don't know if this 3 last tool will really help for building a RV, but I love it for my R/C work !! ;0)

Since my college, I don't really work in the real aviation, but I think I have enough experience now to try to build my aircraft. I have a friend who work at Bombardier (team leader in the Challenger jet preflight). So, he can help me for the sheet metal job. I have another friend who are mecanics for the Qu?bec government fleet on the CL-215, CL-415 and Medevac jet). So, this guys will be able to help me for the firewall foward job !! And I have all of you for specific RV question !!! :D

So, I'm very anxious to reveive my tail and start building !! By the time, I will do like I do since the 2 last year.... read this forum and dream to my futur RV grin... Ho!!.. by the way, I have make a flight in a RV-8 last year... I think I had the RV grin during nearly a week.... I nearly found my next flight in Cherokee boring..... don't know why....


Martin Rousseau
Welcome to VAF Martin...

...and don't worry about your English. You sound like you have everything you need to successfully build your dream...a good attitude, aircraft mechanic friends etc.

Bonsoir Martin,

Votre anglais est beaucoup mieux que mon Francais. J'habite en France pour 5 ans et malheursement je ne perdu pas l'accent anglais...

It must be lovely living in Canada. If this **** weather, economy and mess continues in the UK, I may buy some thicker clothes and move over.

My only advice is read twice then cut once and have the Vans helpline on your phone memory - you may not need it much, but it is easy to struggle and forget to just pick up the phone.

Bon chance,

I will follow your advice Bob ! And your welcome anytime in Canada !! ;0)

My empennage are now on the way.. They have to cross the entire country, so, I don't expect to receive it before a week or 2.. This will leave me some time to cleanup the garage !!



Glad to have you as a member of the VAF group. You will find alot of friendly people with good advice and much experience here. I am looking forward to hearing about the progress you will be making while building your plane.

Bonne chance,

John Thach
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Martin, glad you joined the party here! You will find a wealth of info on this board. There are some really great builders that have experienced about any issue regarding building that you can imagine. Besides their collective knowledge, they are a great bunch to be associated with. Happy building!

RV-8 qb
Emp done
Finishing wings
Thanks all ! I have received the empennage last week. I will receive my bunch of cleco probably next week, so I will be able to start building during the Christmass holiday ! After so many years to wait and dream, it's very exiting to receive the parts, study the plan and have this aluminium parts in my hand (for real !!) ;0)
I have started my kitlog : http://www.mykitlog.com/Closterman/ I will make my log in french, because they are very few building log in french, so if this can help someone else in the futur, I will be happy !

Happy Christass all !

Salut Martin and welcome!

I'm a green newbie here too! Lot's of help here on the site from some pretty incredible people and builders. There is no dumb question here, only a dumb mistake as a result of not asking a question!

Just curious..why did you decide on building a -7 after going for a ride in an -8?

Cheers and Joyeux Noel!

Welcome Martin - lot's of great people and advice here.

BTW - I also trained in a Beech Sundowner... loved that airplane *S*
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Hi Martin and most welcome aboard!

Sounds like you have all it takes to get started so good luck to you!

A couple of tips:

1) Make the Vans tool box and their Practice Kit before you start on the plane-parts. (but I guess you knew that already, right?)

2) Start with the VS instead of the HS, because the VS is MUCH easier to make.

3) After you have set your very first rivet (remember to take pics of the event!), have your wife, girlfriend or daughter paint the rivet with their favorite nail-paint and take more pics! :)

Best of luck with your build!
Don, I choose the RV-7 because my wife want a side by side.... And you know that you always have to do what wife want.... :D But, i'm also very happy with the RV-7. I had the chance to seat in a RV-7 last summer at Gatineau fly-in (thanks to Patrick Giligan), and I love vision and room. I hope to be able to make a ride someday.. Anyway, I will have to make my transition training.....

ao,frog: good idea to start with the VS.. I think this is I will do.. I have strated the HS but only some deburing and cleaning.. Anyway, my planning idea are to start both because I want to save time in priming. Because during winter I can't prime at home and I will have to go to the paint shop where I work. So I want to save time and be able to bring more parts as I can.
Next summer, I will make some renovation in my garage and I will do a small heated (and ventiled..) paintshop.
Bienvenue Martin,

Congrats on starting a 7. This forum is amazing, not many questions that haven't been answered.
La Sarre PQ, wow, you are definitly on the edge of civilization there! I've been up to Rouyn-Noranda a couple of times, beautiful country up there. I'm just south of Ottawa, if you ever need any help getting stuff across the border or anything else, let me know.
Bienvenue / Welcome

All VAF members: I'm posting my reply in French for Martin as being a French Canadian from QC mylself too.

Salut Martin, Je te souhaite des heures de plaisir de construction. Je suis en train de terminer la construction d'un -4 mais pr?voit d?j? la construction d'un -7 ou d'un -10 pour satisfaire ma blonde :rolleyes:

Si tu as des questions, n'h?site pas ? me contacter. Je suis un Technicien en Aviation dans les Forces canadiennes depuis +23 ans. J'ai passer la majorit? de ma carri?re sur le F-18. J'ai aussi participer ? la construction de quelques autres avions (pas de RV) dans le pass?.

Je travaille pr?sentement dans un Centre de Recrutement ? Vancouver. L'?t? prochain, je vais ?tre mut? et esp?re beaucoup pour Ottawa ou Valcartier.

R?my (originaire du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean)
Steve, next summer you have to go at La Sarre airport with your -7 !! I will be a happy right seat dead weight !! :D My cousin, and the other half of propriotary of my Cherokee, work at the FSS of Rouyn. May be you have talk to him !! We have a beautiful region and it's very fun to fly over the Abitibi ! Many thing to see, not a lot of traffic, and long day and evening during the summer for VFR flight! I flew as much as I can with the Cherokee but can't wait to fly the RV ! We have 1 RV-8 here and each time I see it in flight, I said : "One days, I will fly in a RV me too, one day....." :eek:

Remteck, ma blonde est de Chicoutimi ! Je l'ai connue quand j'ai fait ma formation au CQFA en 1990. C'est d'ailleur notre destination pr?f?r? pour les vol voyage. 3h de vol en Cherokee pour aller voir bel maman ! :rolleyes: 1 3/4h quand le RV-7 va ?tre terminer.... Je vais penser a toi si j'ai des questions. Merci !

Sorry to don't write more than that, I go to my garage now, I have a emppennage to finish !! :D

Bienvenue Martin.
Tu trouveras une tonne d'information sur ce Forum durant la construction de ton RV.
J'ai termin? mon 7A en mai 2009 et le forum a ?t? un aide pr?cieuse pour moi.

Je suis bas? a Gatineau. Si tu viens dans la r?gion, laisse-moi savoir et je pourrais aller te faire faire un tour ([email protected]).

Tu as fait le bon choix. Le RV7 est tres facile a voler et tu n'auras aucun probleme a faire la transition...ca vole comme un beech du Cegep, mais pas mal plus performant et nerveux.:)
....Je suis un ancien du CQFA moi auss (1984) ;)

Michel Roy
5 years since I do this post ! My first in VAF, but not the last !
5 years of work on my RV-7 and i'm near the end of the project. I have learn a lot of things in this 5 years, I had a lot of fun, some discouraging moment but I always found a way to come back ! I hope to be ready to fly next summer, and finaly post my successfull test flight report ! Keep pounding those rivets guys, it's so fun to build an aircraft !




F?licitations Martin

Wow Martin, quand tu dis que tu dois aller dans ton garage pour travailler sur ton empennage..tu ?tais s?rieux...5 ans et voil? ..un RV-7
(Martin, when you said that you had to get back to your garage to work on your empennage, you were serious...5 years and voil?...an RV-7..

Si tu viens dans la r?gion de Montr?al/Laurentides, laisse moi savoir, il y a plusieurs RVs dans la r?gion..( If you're ever in the Montr?al/Laurentian area, let me know, they are quite a few of us flying RVs in the area..

Garde nous inform?/Keep us posted.

[email protected]
Merci Bruno ! Je prend note !
Ici ? La Sarre, il y a d?j? un RV-6 et un RV-8. Et un gars de Val D'Or a commencer un RV-14 !
Salut Martin !

Nice to see that there is another R/C Aircraft Modeller from Qu?bec who jumped from making small scale models to full size RV's. Actually, Recently I was considering building one of your R/C kit (CAP10B), but decided to invest time instead on a full scale RV-8 :). I am a member of Club Mars R/C model club in Terrebonne, Qu?bec. I fly full size aircraft from (soon to be closed :mad:) Mascouche Airport (CSK3).

At this time, I have my RV-8 empennage built and just started working on the fuselage.

Anyhow, nice to get in touch with other RV-7/8 builders in Qu?bec. Maybe we can help each other. I am looking forward to build one of your R/C kits too, but that will be in a few years now...

Martin Leroux