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<$600 ADSB-out compliance


Well Known Member
Was at the Dynon booth today at OSH, the big announcement to kick off the show was that swapping out the old hockey puck for a new one....BAM!

If you have the SV-XPNDR-261 already installed, putting the new puck in (SV-2020-GPS) and you comply with the 2020 mandate.


Great news!

Rob S.
And it only applies to U.S.installations, elsewhere you still need a TSO-approved (not just "meets the TSO") GPS.
I won't matter for experimental aircraft.
The GPS as stated by Dynon will send the required information just like a certified one even though it is not certified. ... It meets all the TSO requirements... slightly taller. it still does not make the aircraft legal for IFR flight with out a VOR/GPS navigator.

I think it is great but since I am already compliant with the GTN I think i might install just one so if the GTNquits in the future I will still be compliant for VFR work.
Smilin' Jack
And it only applies to U.S.installations, elsewhere you still need a TSO-approved (not just "meets the TSO") GPS.

We are actively working with other countries to have this source approved. Australia in particular does not require a TSO:

(d) another equivalent system authorized in writing by CASA.

So no promises, but Dynon is doing our best to make it not just USA product.
We are actively working with other countries to have this source approved. Australia in particular does not require a TSO:
Technically true however in reality that is geared more towards airliners and their FMS boxes than a GPS. However, you've got more chance of winning lotto than having CAsA agree to having a non-TSO'd device provide your position source. We can't even install SkyView as a primary instrument in a certified aircraft. Backups, sure, whatever you want, but primary must be TSO'd.....:rolleyes:

As things stand at the moment, CAO20.18 lists the minimum requirements, and barring approval from CAsA (which no one has at present), it says a position source must be approved under the relevant TSO.
Talked to dynon yesterday at OSH. Next update will include software to allow us to keep TIS traffic information after 2016 on their ADSB module, even without certified GPS unit. So don't rush out and buy this GPS just to get TIS back. Great for planning ahead to 2020 though!