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-4 Pre-buy Inspection Complete


Well Known Member
Looking at buying a -4 from a gentleman in California. I'm trying to make sure I do this right the first time and this will be my first RV purchase. This is a simple RV and the second build by the same guy.

Please let me know what you think! Good compressions (all 75 +/-1), uses one quart in 18 hours of flight, 2000 hrs on O-320, airframe total time is just over 500 hours. Wood prop, simple panel, Day/Night VFR.

Looks like I can't post pics here, so we'll have to go with that...

He's asking $35,500.

I am not sure what your asking for. Are you looking for a pre purchase inspection point of contact or for some one to say the info you posted is good?

Take your time. Do some homework. Like the most common issues found on -4s or how much it is going to cost you for an overhaul once your engine needs one.

Good luck.
I witnessed the inspection. All was in good order according to the inspector. I guess I'm asking if the price is about right, too high or low and I should be cautious. I've been doing a lot of reading but haven't posted much.
Things to look out for??

I think there is a lot more to look at than the engine!

Built according to plans or modified? If there are variations to the plans, are you happy with the changes? All Vans parts? If not are you happy? Eg vans electric flaps or home brewed?
HS and VS properly mounted?
Is the riveting all good, with appropriate edge distances? Wing flanges and fuel tank mounting done properly? Are the tanks fuel tight?
Any cracks in the firewall or engine mount weldments?

Have you flown it? Controls (including throttle, mixture, pitch) ok? Handles ok? Stalls at appropriate speeds?

All SBs complied with?
Etc etc!!!

Hope that helps!


Hi Tiger,

I think Chris has been quite laid back in his reply given what happened to him with a 4 that was apparently inspected by an A and P on his behalf prior to purchase. If you read through Chris's posts especially "Bought RV-4 project - but its not as it was sold!" you will get the idea.

Personally I would want to fully inspect everything myself or have someone I completely trusted as an inspector before buying anything. Please don't get me wrong there are some fantastic aeroplanes out there for sale but there are others that are just plain ugly.

It may be that your inspector is very good and did a great job, but perhaps a third pair of eyes on it from someone who really knows RV's and has high standards, would reassure you before parting with cash.

Now, 2000 hrs and comps sound OK as does the oil consumption....... but you will be looking at some sort of overhaul at some stage. You don't mention the engine designation, details of when mags last overhauled, weight of the aeroplane. W and Balance...... these are all things I would be looking at.

You will love the RV4 if you buy it....... I hope it is a good one!!
This site is a gold mine of information. I've had good luck with the search engine. After purchasing my project -4, I started running into serious problems that needed to be corrected before it flies again. That's when I started from the beginning of the RV-4 threads and looked at just about every post. Chris is right, if you are not familiar with RV construction it's best to find someone who is and have them go over every inch of the plane.
The good news is that just about any problem that is discovered can usually be fixed and can also help with the price negotiation. It just depends how far you want to go with a repair job and how fast you want to get in the air.
I witnessed the inspection. All was in good order according to the inspector. I guess I'm asking if the price is about right, too high or low and I should be cautious. I've been doing a lot of reading but haven't posted much.

Hard to determine worth without seeing the plane, as things like build quality, paint, and interior can result in drastically different amounts for two planes that are otherwise equipped exactly the same. That being said, I wouldn't pay more than $30k for a "simple" RV-4 with a "run out" O-320. It would have to be a really nice plane for me to even go near that amount. Just one opinion...

Thanks to everyone with honest replies.

My inspecting A&P came highly recommended, knows RVs and does pre buy inspections for folks buying from overseas. He pointed out all of the items you all are bringing up, so I feel pretty good about the inspection.

I'll report back with more information for those reading.

Trick is finding RV-4s less than $45K to look at. This has been the first "simple" RV-4 I could get to that wasn't snatched up before it was even on the market. Most of them have CS props, disorganized panels with EFIS and 'glass,' and are quite heavy.

This one weighs in at 950 pounds with oil, harnesses, seat cushions installed and classic white with the blue/silver stripes that cover the tail.
Tires and brakes are new.
New Slick mags.
All SBs complied with.
Riveting is consistent and properly done (according to the inspection).
Professionally painted by Cardan Inc. in Red Bluff, CA. Paint 9.5.
New harnesses.
No wrinkles or stress indications on gear legs, motor mount or corners of firewall.
Electric flaps designed for the RV-4, not sure of the brand.

I think I'm going to go sit in this plane and perform a run-up check to verify everything checks good, levers, cables and actuators work well, etc. I'm pretty picky when selling things too, so I understand the owner not really wanting every tire kicker to be climbing all over his RV-4.

Probably won't get to fly this one before buying since there's no rudder pedals, throttle, mixture or push to talk in the back seat.
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At that price, with that description and pre-buy inspection, I'd buy it before somebody else does, and never look back. ;)
What PC said!!


If its as good as the description you give you probably do need to move quickly.

IF the W and B allows it get a flight in the back seat you only really need the sick anyway your feet are not doing much in a 4 except when taxiing, landing etc..

I bought it

Okay, I couldn't take it any more. I went and put a down payment on the -4 today. I should be picking it up in a few days when the paperwork is complete. We wrapped up the log book updates and final out brief with the A&P this afternoon as well.

Thanks to all who were kind enough to share their opinion. I ended up paying $34,500 when all was said and done.

To quote my four year old son, "This planes is awesome!" He was sitting in the back seat trying on the harness and making airplane sounds while flying the stick. :eek:) I was doing the same thing in the front seat only a few minutes before...LOL.
There's that RV grin for sure!!!

You got that right!!

Tomorrows front page, I am a guessin'

I think you did very well.
Not sure when yours was painted, but several of us on our airfield had our airplanes painted by Cardan, or the prior owner of Cardan who takes odd jobs from time to time. Very good quality and durable.
That's a good looking -4. The stick looks like it's pretty short. I was wondering how that will affect the handling? Especially when doing acro?
Short stick...

Well, I've put over 8 hours on her before the rain hit us here in NorCal. The short stick doesn't seem to be an issue. Light control feel, counterbalanced / counterweighted elevators makes pitch at all airspeeds positive but not twitchy. Ailerons are balanced as well with a healthy roll rate at full deflection.
Short gear doesn't seem to be too much of an issue. Wheel landings are my favorite solo. Heaviest person I've had in the back seat is my son who is 80 pounds with some gear in the baggage compartment adding up to about 20 pounds.

It is a winner!