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2nd Trip Report: CA to TX and back.


Well Known Member
NOTE: If you thought the last trip report was long, then this will be a novel. I convinced my wife to write something from her perspective for all the wives out there that are not familiar with flying.

After purchasing the RV and flying it home, all I wanted to do was to go fly again. However, the weather was not cooperating in SoCal. And I was not making any progress on my self-imposed requirements (listed below).

-I would not fly with passengers until I got some time in the pattern and felt confident with my landings and the handling qualities in those phases.
-I would take my wife on a local flight prior to our departure to TX so she could get used to flying in the new plane and she had some idea of what to expect (canopy, seatbelts, etc.)

The weather finally cooperated and I was able to fly a 1.1 before going to work one day. Unfortunately as much as did not want to, I changed our departure date by one day in order to get my wife a local flight. We decided to go to Mojave and grab lunch. While there, we sat down to eat with a coworker and Dick Rutan.

With both of the self-imposed limitations completed, we decided to leave the next day. We went home and started packing. I told my wife she had a limit of 15 lbs of baggage. She was asking me about high heel shoes and curling irons and this and that. My standard answer was “is that essential for the trip?” After a very thoughtful packing job, we managed to pack a week’s worth of clothes for her and I in one bag. The total weight was 15lbs.

We departed around 0730. Our first leg took us from Inyokern, CA (IYK) to the DAG VOR and then to St John’s industrial park (SJN). Signs from the recent bad weather were still present in our local area. The air was fairly smooth but very cold. The scenery was amazing and somewhere along the route my wife commented that it was the coolest thing she has ever done in her life. That was a few minutes before we were VFR on top for about half hour (she did not like that).










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Once we arrived at St. we filled up and talked to the lady that sold us the purple alien. A few minutes later my wife and I met the previous alien owner. The weather was looking kind of bad around us so I took some time and called for a weather brief and checked Weathermeister. We also got a pirep from a pilot that landed for fuel. The weather along our route was forecasted to be clear so we departed for Town and Country, TX (F82) via the Corona VOR (CNX). Somewhere along our route we passed a cold front. The temp dropped about 20 deg and we picked up a tail wind. At one point I saw 170 kts over the ground. About 100 nm out I sent my family a text and told them to meet me at the airport. They did not know we were coming for the holidays. When we arrived at F82 my family was waiting.

We spent the holidays with my family. It was very nice. My dad and I got some time and went flying. It was very cool to be able to let my dad fly our airplane. I only own him like another 300 hours to pay him back for all he did for me when I was learning to fly.

Wind check pass below.



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The night before our departure to CA I plugged the oil heater and I checked the plane out. All was well and we went home. The next day (new year’s day) we got up early, checked the weather/NOTAMS and made our way to the airport. Our original route was from F82 to SJN. We had a 35 kt head wind. We were barely moving. Somewhere along our route we lost contact with center and I deviated from the original route to avoid Restricted Airspace. I kept trying numerous freqs but no joy with center. Finally after 20 minutes I was able to get in touch with center and they told me SJN airport was closed. WHAT!?! I checked the NOTAMS and nothing was advertised. He asked us our intent and we decided to fly to a near-by airport for fuel and bathroom stop. We proceeded to Alexander airport (E80) and started our decent. About 10 miles out we got the AWOS information, then I hear the remarks. “No fuel services available on Jan 1st or 2nd. WHAT!?! Too late, we landed so I could find an airport with fuel services and we could use the bathroom.

I made a few calls and found an airport 60 miles away that had self service. As I walked to the plane a gentleman walking a dog approached me. He asked me if we got everything we needed. I said yes except fuel. He asked me how much fuel I needed and I told him 20 gallons. He then said taxi to the blue hangar, I will fill you up with my personal fuel tank. What? Are you serious? He said just come on by. We filled the plane up with his portable fuel tank. Then he said, you took 21, a man that knows his plane, I love it. I paid him and we got to talking. His name was Mike and apparently he does aerial photography for a living. And he travels to my home airport once in a while. He also told me he flew 570 hours this year doing his job. His wife came out and invited us to their office for snacks. We took a few snacks to go and thanked them over and over again. I pulled the IPAD out and replaned our route. We would go from E80 to Needles (EED). During this trip I evaluated the Foreflight App for the IPAD. Very nice and powerful App.

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Along our route it was very cold. My wife got a blanket and just relaxed in the back. I looked back at one point and I saw her hanging from her shoulder harness (leaning forward). I freaked out and started calling her name. Each time louder and louder. Finally she woke up. Looking at me like what is your deal. I was so scared, I thought that she passed out due to the altitude and her not being used to it (we were at 10.5). My heart did not settle down for about 5 minutes. On the way from E80 to EED I can honestly say that I saw the coolest terrain I have ever seen in my life. It was also the scariest. Even though I flew the entire trip planning from emergency landing spot to emergency landing spot, that terrain would have presented some challenges.










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Once we arrived at EED. I replaned the last leg (using the IPAD again). Our new route would be from EED to the DAG VOR then home. My original plan was to go to Big Bear and meet up with the RV guys for the Lunch but the change of plans would put me there 2 hours late. Oh well, next time.

The weather was cloudy but visibility was still ok. We make it home and were exhausted. I started unloading the plane and loading the car, then my wife looks at me and says “are you going to make me clean the plane now?” I looked at her and said no. She smiled and said thanks, I saw myself cleaning bugs off the plane right now. We stopped on the way home to get some food and discuss our next trip. She kind of invited herself to an airshow next week.

We are going through our mail pile and trying to decompress from our trip/vacation. Just hanging out on the couch all day today. I have not totaled our flight time or fuel burned yet but I think it was about 6 hrs there, 7.5 hrs back and about 110 Gal. I will say that it is awesome to start paying my wife back for those promises I have been making for the past 5 years. My wife’s write up to follow. Happy New Year and RVing to you.





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By my wife.....

It was the week of Christmas and my husband, surprised me and said that we were going to go to Texas in our new RV-4 that he just brought home about 2 weeks prior. I have never done a cross country flight. Well actually, I have never flown in a small plane for more than about 45 minutes at a time. We have gone to go get breakfast here and there but, it was in our Cessna 140 that we used to own. So this was going to be a big deal for me.

The weather here in California had been very rainy so I was only able to fly in the new plane for the first time the day before our big adventure to Texas. Not a lot of time to get used to the RV but, I was glad we at least got a little time in.We went to have breakfast at a place not far from home.

That night Axel told me to pack. He said that I had a 15 pound limit. Ok... was he trying to torture me!? I was thinking of all my favorite jeans, shoes, and clothes that I always bring when I travel. I knew that they would all be shot down when he saw the big pile. So I surrendered my curling iron and my favorite heeled boots and packed only the basics AND NOTHING MORE. Thankfully, one of my Christmas gifts was an ipad. This helped because I love to read, listen to music, and watch movies. I knew with the 15 pound limit there was no way he was going to let me bring all of that extra weight just for entertainment. He was thinking ahead with the ipad. Thank you!

So we packed the car and he went to the airport that night and loaded the plane with all of our stuff and checked the plane to make sure everything was good to go for the morning. The next morning I was told it was very cold and to make sure to dress warm. As I was sitting in the back of plane freezing, watching my husband strap me in the seat with all of these straps, I was thinking, “Am I crazy?” Is there a reason to be strapped into this plane with this contraption? Why isn’t there just a “normal” seat belt like a car? It was too late now to be freaking out and it was just something I would have to get used to.

I just went with the flow and tried not to be too nervous. I trust him and wanted to see what the obsession with airplanes was really all about. I have never been bothered by his passion for flying and building. I at times wish I was as passionate about something like he is with the “aviation world.” I kind of think of it as “his world” because it is something so different than what I am used to. I at times cannot even comprehend how he can sit in the garage for hours on end building something so complex when I can’t even figure out how to use the remote on the DVD player.

As we flew, there were things that would beep or make noise. He was very good at letting me know that everything was ok and not to worry. He knew that this was going to be something that freaked me out a little so he tried to make sure before I got scared he was already letting me know that everything was fine. During the flight there and back I found myself putting the ipad away because what I was seeing outside was way more interesting than a book. I had never seen such beautiful things at that angle. I found that flying was so peaceful. Even after a while hearing the beeps and feeling the bumps didn’t even bother me because I knew that everything was ok.

There was something so calming about being in the back of the plane. The hum was so relaxing for me I actually fell asleep. This ended up giving Axel a near heart attack! I was having problems with my head set and there was a lot of static. I could not hear Axel very well so not really thinking, I just turned down the volume because I couldn’t understand anything being said. Well I woke up to him turned half way around his seat yelling my name. I sat up and was thinking what the heck is going on. He thought I had passed out because of the altitude. I said no just taking a nap. Oooops

By the time we landed at home we were both so tired. I was thinking if I am this tired, Axel must be exhausted. I have a new respect for my husband to be able to maneuver all of those gadgets in the plane and to make sure we are safe at all times. To know exactly what is going on at all times must be so stressful and making sure your wife is ok is another accomplishment in itself. At one point in the flight I told him that this was the coolest thing I had ever done in my life and thanked him for taking me with him.

We stopped to grab a burger on our way home and he was talking about flying to an air show this weekend and I was already excited wanting to know where, when and what time to be ready without really even being invited. I didn’t really care about the air show I just wanted to go flying again. He just looked at me with a smile and shook his head. At that point, I knew it was no longer “his world” but mine as well.

Thanks babe for the best experience ever. I can’t wait for our next adventure!
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To: Axel's wife

Thanks for the fun write-up. I'm going to share this with my wife Jane so she'll look forward to a X-C in our RV-8 when the time finally comes! Hope you two have great time at the airshow.
Great write up. Thanks to you both. You are an inspiration to me and my wife. Hopefully my new RV-9A will be flying by spring. My wife and I are so excited about the thought of being able to take some trips together, we can't wait for that day! We look forward to seeing more of your adventures.:)
By my wife.....

----he was talking about flying to an air show this weekend and I was already excited wanting to know where, when and what time to be ready without really even being invited. I didn?t really care about the air show I just wanted to go flying again. He just looked at me with a smile and shook his head. At that point, I knew it was no longer ?his world? but mine as well.

Thanks babe for the best experience ever. I can?t wait for our next adventure!

Sounds like you got a "Keeper" there Axel, good job on the introduction to the world of RVs:D
Axel, great write up. I had my wife read what your wife had to say. Thanks.

If you make it to the Cable air show next weekend, stop by the EAA hot dog booth and say hi. My wife and I will be serving up dogs all day.

...to both of you guys.

My wife didn't even want anything for Christmas....just going places in the RV with me is all she wants.

I forgot to mention a couple of things.

-My wife's name is Alisha.
-While at Waltmart, I walked by a gentleman wearing a VAF hat. We talked for a while. He told me he was building an RV-9A unfortunately I can't remember his name.
-I visited Russ Daves and saw his RV-6A project and RV-10. Turns out my dad knew him. Small world.

I am glad that significant others are reading my wife's post. She did not want to write it but did because I told her it would help others out there.
Thanks for sharing

Axel & Alisha -- thanks to you both for the great write-ups.

We co-purchased a flying 9a a bit over a year ago, and have enjoyed trips from San Antonio to New Orleans, Colorado Springs, and many Texas towns. In fact, we just got back from S Padre Island when I read your wife's perspective to my wife as we (er, maybe it was for the moment, she :) unpacked. She enjoyed it, relating to many aspects including luggage limits, getting accustomed to a new-to-us plane, the "aviation world," your mention of VFR over the top, and more!

We haven't carved out the needed time to do the TX-CA-TX trip, but hopefully we can take charge of our work schedules in early 2011 to do it. Your recount certainly energizes those plans for us! (And completing our long-awaited panel revision will be nice, too.)

Here's to those "keepers!"

Thanks again!
Ryan & Angie
Christmas Visit

Dear Axel:

I would have enjoyed your visit more if you had brought along your wife!! Next time you come home if it works out bring her out and we will go fly the RV-10. Then you can convince her to be your building buddy and she can take 150 lbs of baggage with her.

My wife Ann had the same attitude about the RV-6A for the first year. Now she is an old hand and wanted "Pilot's Sweetheart" painted on her door. On one of our last flights together in the RV-6A I did a write up that is posted as one of VAFWWW travel stories "North By NorthWest" and Ann also was purred to sleep. Check out the picture.

I'd like to read the story, Russ

........ On one of our last flights together in the RV-6A I did a write up that is posted as one of VAFWWW travel stories "North By NorthWest" and Ann also was purred to sleep. Check out the picture.


Hi Russ...I've searched "North by Northwest" and also "Russ Daves" and can't find the story.

My wife says thanks


Tell your wife thanks. My wife is a little nervous about flying XC so this will help. She was with me when we flew to Big Bear for lunch and the alternator siezed on a rental airplane just when the mountains were filling the windshield. Maybe that has something to do with her nervousness. :)

We have gone on long (1,100 miles in 4 days) sports car trips so she already knows how to pack light.