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1000 hour point


Unrepentant fanboy
Not really much of a milestone, but I just hit 1000 hours on my project and still going. I just started fabbing the mounts for the panel, about to start on the canopy. My progress has been slowed a bit by planning a wedding and clearing land for a new house build, but it hasn't stopped.

I had given myself 2000 hours as a conservative target to first flight, but now I'm starting to believe the 1500-1600 hour stories of other builders and I can see that it is possible. I would expect repeat offenders to be down around 1200 or so, hope I get to verify that some day!
Sweet! You're half way there! No, actually, besides the wiring and FWF it seems like things really move along quickly from where your at. Now's when you have to decide on whether or not you plan to make a "show" plane or a "go" plane (or both). That decision may double the remaining build time for sure.

I chose "go" plane, sometimes wish that I had taken my time. I miss building.
Yeah, there are a few things that are going to take more time than others, but it's intended to be a 'GO' plane. The empennage fairings are one item I know I'm going to have to spend some time on, I think mine were made by a monkey on crack, I'm going to have to seriously hack them up and lay up new glass all over the place.
build what you want

The 1000 hr mark is exciting!
But there is a lot more to come. I spent three months on the canopy.
Then came wiring, panel etc.
There were times I wondered if I was making progress, and there were times
I went back, changed or corrected or undid some of my work.
I held onto the mantra, "Build the plane you want to fly"
Sometimes that cost time, or money or both.
I figured the metal work was about one third of the whole project.
(decidedly the most fun....)
All in all I put in 2200 hrs, but am proud of the results.
I put 140 hrs on the plane in the first year, and I don't regret taking the time and effort to build it.
What ever stage you are at, give it your best!