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10 kit finally ordered after 5 yrs of dreaming

Wayne Gillispie

Well Known Member
I ordered the complete sb kit Monday. Partain to deliver. This site is a great source of information. I have 92 hrs of renting 172's. I am flying 2-3 hrs per month to stay proficient and to help on insurance for the 10 in a few years. I plan on getting IFR ticket in the 10. After flying with Joe Blank at snf 09 there was no question on which plane to build. I have a wife and two kids(6+9 yrs) that enjoy flying places, but the 172S is slow and we are at gross wt with 20 lbs baggage and full fuel. I understand owning will cost more but there will be alot of advantages. I have some work around the house/garage to get done before November, so I better get going.
Welcome to the madness

Congratulations Wayne,

There are a couple of us building 9a's in the Louisville area. Keep us informed as you progress. There are a few RV's out of KLOU. Bobby Hester is flying a 7a down around the Western Kentucky Parkway area. Not sure of other 10 owners/builders in Kentucky.
Welcome to the club!

There are now five RV-10s in Columbus now, with one flying and one getting ready to fly next month.

A little closer to you is Ted is in Portsmouth and Jim (flying) in Lexington.

Yes Ted it will be the best Christmas ever! Thank you again for the RV-9A flying and allowing me help you buck some rivets on your 10. Can't wait to buck some more(maybe fuel tanks),as I may need a little help one day soon. I have been in touch with Jim in Lexington since 2005 and looking forward to going up in his 10. I had a busy heating/air week when Bob from Columbus had an EAA meeting at his house. I will try to come up Bob when things slow down a little and before Partain(Santa) brings me 1750 lbs of crates with a big red bows. You guys all have kept me motivated while crawling through wet nasty crawlspaces and 150F attics to fix heating and air systems. Even as busy as these last nine yrs have been with the hatching of two children, building a house from a set of plans and 9 books, starting an hvac business in 2001 with a 1/2 ton p/u and little money, starting private pilot training exactly one year ago from the day I ordered the 10 and finishing Oct 14th...I have had a little time to read VAF, Matronics, Tim's Site and OHV RVATORS. I have learned alot on here...100 different opinions on one subject. Sometimes very confusing. There is not only an RV10 but a 10A, 10B, 10C...and so on with a gazillion high dollar modifications everyone makes to their own planes. I know that is what makes them "our" unique plane. I love the building part, but I want to get into the air as quickly as possible and not spend more than what my house is worth doing it. My family loves flying and also looks forward to the day we can fly our 10 to Niagra, Mt. Hood, Grand Canyon, Key West, Bahamas, Canada and Alaska. I want to thank all of you guys(local and far away) for the "rv encyclopedias on the net" and for helping a newbe get started. I hope to see many of you in the air or at a fly-in down the road. I'll be the one with the big rv grin. Probably not the only one though.
Go light and inexpensive

Hi Wayne, congratulations on your purchase. I remember that feeling of ordering the first kit and getting the garage ready for it. The plane is really fun to build and even better to be cleared to land Runway 36L at Oshkosh.

As you read and study you will find there are a few things you cannot live without such as: XM or WSI weather, autopilot and the safety the new EFIS systems offer (Grand Rapids, Garmin, Advanced Flight, what ever else is coming).
Information can be great and it can be misleading so build your plane how you like it. Keep it as light as possible and spend the extra cash on gas.

After the plane is finished you will smile every time you fall into your seat and get ready to start the plane you built as you head out for your next adventure with your family.

Everytime I finished a section I had a party. It was a fun thing to do and it was always great to share the experience with neighbors and friends.

Look forward to updates along the way.