
Legacy Member
I've noticed that a lot of builders, including myself, have reserved N-numbers early in the project life cycle.

What is your N-number and why did you pick it?
(Can you tell I'm still stuck in a hotel in Dallas and can't drive rivets?)

That should be simple. It's an RV-9 for one William Repucci. Also, my drink of choice is whiskey, so the one Whiskey Romeo thing works too.

Well you must be bored.. :) 299 is the emergency phone number were I work
and I am a emergency response person :) so its the phone number for all
the exciting moments and I figured if I ever finnish this airplane it will be
one exciting moment in my life.. the rv part I am not sure where that came from, but I hope it goes will with a rv9a , then again, since the tail dragger is
the number one type of rv, a nosewheel will be a two..:)


N941WR said:
I've noticed that a lot of builders, including myself, have reserved N-numbers early in the project life cycle.

What is your N-number and why did you pick it?
(Can you tell I'm still stuck in a hotel in Dallas and can't drive rivets?)

That should be simple. It's an RV-9 for one William Repucci. Also, my drink of choice is whiskey, so the one Whiskey Romeo thing works too.

I liked the sound of Experimental 7 Juliet Sierra and those are my initials. My house address is 7. They say it is a lucky number. The numbers are sequential and have a good "ring" to them, I think.

;) CJ
N Number


The numbers equal my street address and the first 3 of my SSN.

The Letters stand for First initials of my name Alan and my wife and building partner, Brenda.

AL Smith
Finish kit

3/29 is my birthday, TS are my initials. I like the way niner tango sierra sounds - easy to say.

-8 elevators

My dad's initials. He passed away a few years ago but would have loved the idea of building the 9A with me. I miss him terribly.

The number also looks like 19 OWL . I may try to incorporate that into the paint scheme somehow.

Got lucky

I was able to do some homework and located my n number. Building 7A Kit 70077 and my name is Bill Abbott. Managed to wrangle N-7BA. Lots of secrets out there for n-number aquisition. Should you need help send me an e-mail to [email protected].
N # Fun!!


fun with numbers

My first RV, RV6 = N46RV My birth year 19 46 + RV = N46RV sold 498 hours flown
Second RV, RV8 = N82RV RV8 My 2nd RV built = N82RV sold 62 hours flown
Third RV, RV6 = N46RE Birth year. This RV is an 'Echo' of the 1st = N46RE sold 1000 hours flown
North Star Super Cub = N46NS My birth year 1946 + North Star kit Name N46NS 650 hours flown

RV8 'Borrowed Horse' N46RX= My birth year 1946 +RX = for I'm feeling old already. 580 hours flown

Next...... N6YH Reserved for N6 Yaaa!!Hoooo!! I get to build another one!!!!!!!!!!
It will be my 6th solo project. Not sure what it will be? A Super Cub? another RV?
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I just picked and reserved my number the other day


My parents, Eileen and Fred, were married on June 14. They were married for 62 years until my Dad died a year ago February 20.

They gave me lots of values and great opportunities and I figure naming a plane after them was the least I could do.

3/79, My Birth Month and year.
RV, Me (Ron), and my wife Vania
As a bonus, the 9RV, goes along with the fact that I am building a RV-9A!


RV-6 N168TX is named after my first EAA Chapter where I received much help building. My bi-plane will be N68TX because I'm used to saying "8TX". I had to do some finageling to get 68TX as it had already been reserved by a guy in Houston.
N250JG for our RV-8A, which by the way is "no longer a project, it's an airplane" as Mel told me last Sunday. I've been flying (with and without the plane) ever since Tuesday afternoon!

All the good ones with JG (birthday+JG, 8JG, 800JG (8 started in 2000),etc.) were taken. The 250 is the first three numbers of my Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity pin number.

I just liked the look of numbers 808 on my fuselage and TX is the state I live. Tango X-ray has a nice ring. :)
FAA just blessed mine the other day, 410S.
4/10 is my birthday and S for Scott... pretty simple and unimaginative.

I was looking in the "SW" tange but some airline based in Texas has a lot of those already.

"PD" for my initials

"188" becasue it's an RV-8(so I wanted at least one "8"), I wanted only single-syllable numbers, and becasue I did an extremely anal search of the already-spoken-for numbers in the FAA database, found that all the good (by my definition!) 2-digit numbers were taken, and sat T my desk pronouncing the remaining 3-digit options until I found one I liked! ;)

I still have the spreadsheet of available options...hey, I'm an engineer! :D

Paul Dye
N188PD (reserved)

Our wedding date, month and year. 781
(You've gota do what you can to keep the wife interested)

C for Cindy, my wife.
M for me, Mark.

And I like the way "one charlie mike" sounds
The forked tail number, and bypassing annual fee.

My initials are AT. I went blind one night on the FAA database search engine trying to find any number with Alpha Tango in it. Unfortunately, these two initials are the most frequently used by aviation type companies. All the AT's were taken by companies called things like,
"Aircraft Technology", Air Transport, Airborne Technology....on and on. Undeterred, I found the only number no one wanted for biblical reasons: 666.

When I called Oak City, OK to reserve Triple-6 Alpha Tango, the woman on the other end got suddenly silent. After a short pause she whispered,

"Don't you know? That's the mark of The Beast! You sure you want that one? Look at the records-them that gets this number gives it back, one way or another." (implying crash or other misfortune). :eek:

Undeterred, I went for it.

**BTW, to all of you that have reserved your number.** You can bypass that annual reservation fee of $10 by just filling out the paperwork now. Call van's, get the official bill of sale, then fill out the FAA's registration form and put your reserved number down. Pay the reservation fee, and Bang, you're done. Nothing to remember 11 months from now, no annual fee, the N number is yours for the rest of your aircraft's useful life. I'm no where near flying, but I have a gen-u-wine registration certificate in my RV Project files. :D

Art Treff
Asheville, NC
I've got to dissagree with you on registering the airplane early. I used to recommend this myself. However, I have changed my position. Some states start collecting taxes as soon as the airplane is registered. But the big problem comes when and if the project gets sold before completion. This can create headaches in the paperwork department. I know you don't intend to sell you project, but it often happens for one reason or another. Once you register the airplane your name is there as builder forever. The $10 annual fee is not that much. On the other hand if you are within a year of completion and are POSITIVE that you will finish yourself then go right ahead and register. Just my $.02.

"51" because that's my wife's birthday...5/1/51. How special is that? Also, the P-51 is my favorite warbird. AND...my office symbol at work is MP51. So the stars seem aligned for me to have "51."

"7" because I'm building an RV-7.

...and "D" because I am Don.

I really wanted N51DH but it's on a P-51 in Oregon, and I didn't have the guts to ask the owner if I could have his N-number.

I also tried the telephone touchpad trick. For example, my wife's name is Bev, which on the phone pad becomes "238," but I'm building a 7. I did buy a cap with an N-number on it of N238DH to see how I would like it.

As an aside, I didn't want any "niners" because my Dad's C-172 which I fly a lot is "November Seven Niner Five Niner Niner." The controllers usually come back with something like "November Seven Niner Five Five Niner." :(

The best reason I chose N517D is because I like it. Short and sweet..."Experimental Five One Seven Delta" and hopefully "RV Seven Delta."

I can't wait. :D


Birthday and initials--pretty original. "6 Juliet Fox" works for me.

My box of empanage parts has had an N number since it was an "RV Story" video tape. I've checked that item off the 4,389 page list. :D

I've since added to the collection, but have settled on this one, and won't be renewing the others...I think.

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Graduated from Ripon College in 1978

Graduated from Northwestern University Dental School in 1982

Got married 7/82

nickname at the airport is "Painless"

It all seems to fit!


Our wedding month and year, May 1990, First initial of my first name, first initial of my wife's first name.

Steve & Charissa Hild
La Vernia, TX
Bob, If you will go back and reread my post you'll see that the tax issue is the reason for not REGISTERING the aircraft early. (Registering the aircraft early to avoid the $10 annual reservation fee was previously recommended.) My point was that if you REGISTER the aircraft you may be taxed. Otherwise you may reserve the N-number for $10/year. This reservation does not tie the number to any aircraft. It is simply reserved for you.
Registration tax bills

Good call on the tax thing. I'm knocking on wood here, but I registered the kit with my reserved N number 18 months ago, and still no tax man at the door.

Fingers crossed ;) ,
atreff said:
I'm knocking on wood here, but I registered the kit with my reserved N number 18 months ago, and still no tax man at the door.

Fingers crossed ;) ,

I think it depends on what state you live in. I have heard tales of taxation like this before.

First of all, almost everyone calls me by my intitials rather than my first name. So I am known as "GR" and I wanted to incorporate that into my number.

My grandfather was in the aviation business (Cessna rebuilder) with a private airport/strip, and as I was doing my N-number search, I saw that he still had an N-number reserved with the FAA. It was for an experimental he was building, and it was N104R. I have no idea where he came up with the 104 part, but I assume the R is for my last name, Robertson. I found it ironic the number was still in the databases, since he passed away about 15-years ago! I figured I could easily petition the FAA for that same number, show them documents that I am family, and that my grandfather was deceased, and get the number. But that would be a ton of work, and I still didn't incorporate my "GR" into the number. Therefore, I took the best of both worlds: N104GR. As it turned out, I also started the research into this project, and made the plunge in October of '04, so that kind of matches up too, as strange as that is! So, N104GR it was! Plus, 4-Golf-Romeo sounds cool, too.....since I also like to play golf! It all ties together!

This is a cool thread.....anybody else care to dive in?

This is my second reserved N number. The first one was 707MH. I wanted a number that sounded like "experimental 707 on final". After a year of thinking about it I liked the consecutive number idea better. As it turns out there were not a bunch of those left. It had to end in CM C= Cassie (wife) M= Mark (me). 567 was the only one I could find and it just so happened to be the prefix to my telephone when my wife and I started dating. That's how it came to be.
I have reserved N674P as a result of starting with a -6 empenage and converting it to an RV-7, 4 (for, of course) Papa, which is what the grand kids call me. All reserved, now to just get out and make it happen...

1 - 1st one
7 - RV-7
4 - for(four)me
MR - My initials

at the uncontrolled fields it's simply....RV74Mike or 74Mike

Mike R.

It seems we all have way too much time to kill today! Nothing like procrastination.

had to have a '7' in it somehow, as i've always liked the number 7 for some reason (not the reason i chose to build one though).

755- first three digits in my EAA number

CB- my dad's middle initials

five charlie bravo
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609 = Anniversary... sort of... June 9th
B = Brad
C = Chistine (wife)

Gee, I sure hope this marriage lasts. ;) :D

Unfortunately my initials are B.O. (insert chuckle here), and since the FAA doesn't allow O (oh), I couldn't get anthing with my initials... not that I would want it anyway. :)
You can reserve an "N" number any time you wish. It is not assigned to any aircraft. It is only reserved in your name. Cost is $10/year.
My RV6 was 996SF for my wedding mo & Yr plus my initials.
Now I'm building an RV8 so it is 628RV...get it...an RV 6 2 (to) an RV 8.

Well, that's as clever as I could get with what was available.

One thing for sure 8 Romeo Victor will be easier to say than 6 Sierra Foxtrot...the controllers were always getting it wrong!
N# not for sale

No story behind my N# 77567 but I'll tell you a good one. When I was building my panel the shop wanted to know if I had a # they could put on it. I told them I couldn't find anything I really wanted but 77567 is what I had. I wanted a # off an airplane my Dad once had but couldn't get it.

They told me about a K-1 burning plastic airplane rich guy who wanted N1CE. To look like the word 'NICE'. It was (and still is you can look it up) on a Bonanza. He called the Bonanza guy, offered him 30K ($30,000) for the N#. He told him, "it's not for sale and I have been offered more". So.....if you find a # you want, pay the 10 bucks and save it. It might cost you 30K to wait!!

Jack Holand
RV-7 N77567
91 hours
N numbers

N821BF, 8/21 is our Wedding anniversary, B is for Becky and F is for Frank. This is the second plane we have owned with this N number(the old plane was changed to N821BE).
flying with 140+hrs
This as close to what I wanted that I could get. Almost perfect!


1969 is the year I married my high school sweetheart
1951 is the year we were both born
K is for my wife Kaye

Jim Wright RV-9A wings N6951K Arkansas

I reserved 31EE because I wanted something short and easy to say on the radio and I like the way it sounds. My initials, JS, would get me tongue tied.

Side note - About 2 months after I reserved the number, we got a call on a Sunday morning from someone from a sheriff's office in Ohio. They wanted to know if I was the owner of N31EE. My wife has answered and told them I was building a plane and I had reserved a number that sounded like that. They said they were investigating some activity involving two helicopters including one reported to be N31EE. They wouldn't say anything more about the activity. I did a Google search and got a hit for N31EE from an air charter company near St Louis. I'm wondering if N31EE was once on a helicopter and maybe it's still flying - unregistered.

The FAA says it's reserved to me now...
Side Side note

When reserving a N number on the web site I was given the number and credit card charged.

A few months later I get a letter that it was assigned to someone else (3 weeks after I reserved it).

Apparently they, the other party sent the request in by mail and it was missed or not entered into the data base. After several calls my reservation was revoked/reversed and given to the other party.

They way I saw it, the number was assigned to me first and the mistake was with the the other request not mine. Well long story short I lost out, so may be follow up an internet reservations with a phone call to confirm the Number is not reserved. The web site is not updated. G
I guess I'm one of few who did not do the initials thing.. N777TY... it's an RV-7A and 777 sounds neat.. and Ty is my wife.. so it's really in her honor... it was easy.. I just had to wait until they released the number, since it was on a Gulfstream V before....
Double daughter birthday

I reserved and got 626DD.
The 626 is for 6/26 (June 26th) my daughter's and granddaughter's (her daughter's) birthday! The DD is for the initials of my daughter and her husband (Dara and Darryl). He is a great guy and did play a role in the birthday part of my granddaughter so I figured he should get on there somewhere. :D
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If you kind of "stylize" the "6" to look like a "G" it looks like-- number 1 girl. Named after my wife, I get a hot breakfast every morning. (And more time at the Airport!)

Wings on, oil in engine, working on cowl, light at the end of the tunnel.
Radomir said:
I guess I'm one of few who did not do the initials thing.. N777TY...

Nope, it's not just you; mine is N8YV. I wanted a short number, and the 8 is pretty much self-explanatory, but I don't like my initials, JB; "Juliet Bravo" just doesn't flow too well for me. So, since I used to fly Beech 1900s for a little airline called Mesa whose 2 letter code was YV... I figured what the heck. Plus, Mesa's early 1900D models had similar numbers; 2YV, 3YV, 5YV, 6YV, 9YV. I have all those ships in my logbook, might as well fit an 8 in there. And, it was available...


I chose N131LC in honor of my wife. Her birthday and initials, who I have been married to for 28 years tommorrow (11/18). She is my best freind and #1 helper.

Brent Colvin
emp finished
QB here in December
N131LC Reserved