Hi Rico
I happened to notice your post on this thread, and though I should mention that you might want to use the GRT Safe-Fly with the EchoUAT as it is the same cost, but can also provide GPS position (with accuracy and integrity data) to any GRT EFIS you might add in the future, and also adds extra serial ports to any current GRT EFIS via its serial combiner function. Since it is the same cost, I thought you might like to know.

Greg Toman
UAvionix EchoUAT Status Lights

I finished my installation yesterday on my RV-8...programming went as described in the installation manual. I haven?t flown it yet to check it out.
I noted while the system was powered by the battery only, on the deck and not moving that the red/green status lights were rapidly flashing. There is no information on the installation guide or the UAvionix web site as to what we should or shouldn?t see in regards to the status light configuration...and of course it?s the weekend so it will have to wait until Monday...does any one have knowledge of the lights?
In the install document, I found where it says that flashing red means it's transmitting, and solid red means an error. I kind of assumed that doesn't include the first solid red LED, which appears to be a power indicator. The documentation could definitely be better.

I just finished installing my EchoUAT and SkyFyx in my RV-12. Pics to follow.
OK, so still no pics I can post, but I do have some and will post them when I get a chance. The good news is, yesterday I flew five Young Eagles, first time flying since the installation other than a brief test flight. On a whim, I requested a PAPR report. A few baro errors, which may be an adjustment needed or may be because part of each 20-25 minute flight we actually WERE climbing or descending at more than 650 ft/sec. Everything else looked good. More to follow as I get the pics on line and make another flight or two.

I ended up mounting the UAT antenna to the rearmost inspection panel on the belly. It?s maybe not 100% perfect as far as separation from the other two antennae, but it?s not off by much and made the installation far easier.