Tail Wheel Fork Order Updates

Guys, gals and everyone else,

I have returned from a trip to Ireland (my wife and I attended the Ryder Cup over there with our company). It certainly was a great trip and eye opening...never having been overseas.

I will say that I never saw a small plane anywhere...it was raining a lot though.

Well, now to the orders.

My laptop hard drive crashed and is being repaired. I will be in touch with everyone from my regular email account on Mon or Tuesday next week. I know some of you have emailed me directly as needed, and I see several people here in the forums. I have been out of email touch since 9/20...so I will be in touch soon.

For now...I'm watching the forums...

Doug Jr.
New Tailforks

Rv'ers, Just a short update on Bell Tailforks----
While the youngun and his bride were off running around Ireland and the golf world, I kept busy in the shop and as a result, 7 more new tailforks are boxed and are going out tomorrow. Ten more have had the first coat of paint and should be ready to go by Wed. or Thursday.
This will bring the total shipped so far to 80, and only one of these is still lost in the mail between here and England. A replacement was sent and has been rec'd. I have another small batch started and may ship a few more by months end. I would rather be Flying.
Doug Sr.
Hi Doug,
Please add me to the list for a tailwheel.

Stephen M. Nyman
8419 King William St.
Cordova, TN 38016

[email protected]
Finish desired....Gloss black

Tail wheel order

I left a message for Miller Macpherson in the forums emails....I do not have his direct email. If anyone knows Miller, please let him know I am trying to reach him.
Doug Bell

Have him email me directly at
[email protected]
Let me get this right.. If you buy the Aviation products you get the wole T/W assembly . and if you buy the Bell you only get the yoke? Thanks.
I got my Bell fork saturday, and it is great!!

thanks Doug Sr and Doug

Really nice knowing it is made by fellow RVers
Steering link

Jeff B said:
I just installed the new "Bell" tailfork on my RV7 in about 10 min...
Monumental clearance improvement over the stock Vans fork. Fantastic!
Thanks again to the Bell family.


I may upgrade at my annual. Now if you want even more improvement, add a Silver Bullet tail link. I couldn't believe the difference from the chains.
Still on list?


Just curious if I am still on your list? I contacted you some time ago, and I see you had a computer crash. Just verifying I am still in line. Thanks.
Ben--Yes, you are still there. ( 2/26/06 )We have tried to stick with our plan to get all the flying RVers outfitted before the builders. We seem to be getting closer to filling all existing orders from fliers then we start supplying you guys. We will keep sending updates on this site as things change.
Doug Sr.
It's kinda quiet here lately... is the production line still open? Can I get on the list for a tailwheel?

I'll send you an email along with this post, just in case.

John B
I want to see about getting on the list also. Just purchased a QB RV8 kit and during the inventory had a chance to look at the tailwheel. I think I like yours a lot better. I obviously won't need it for a while but would like to get on the list so that when you get caught up I can get one for when I need it.

Production going strong

Fellow Builders...
Yes the production is still going strong. I was at Dad's this past Saturday and he allowed me to assist him in prepping the forks and milling a little on several of them.
8 were sent out this past week and 24 more are in production now. I will add the names listed above and contact you all via direct email.

Dad and I are still overwhelmed by all of your kind comments and by the orders from everyone.
We appreciate all of your patience as we work through the orders.

I know he is very proud that he has several of these on RV's all over the world now and that those with them on apparently like them.

Take care everyone as winter arrives.....I know here in Northern Michigan we have an early deep snow start...17 inches last Friday Dec 1st, 7 inches more 2 days later and about 3 inches every day since....yikes

Doug Bell
I have to add a plug for these tailforks. I received mine Monday, and it just looks great! I bolted it on yesterday, and will give it the true test Saturday. THIS is the tailfork that should be included in the kit :D

I would like to be on the list as well!

Mr. Bell,

I am flying an RV-4 with Van's tailwheel. I was wanting to change (it has been flying only 3 months) but feel the need to keep the same low profile relative to the spring. Your's seems to be just what I need, so please put me on your list and let me know what I need to send you to hold my place.

Ron Patterson - 510-421-2316
[email protected]
RV-4 - 101 hours so far

(this was also sent as a private message)
glfrdug said:
Fellow Builders...
Yes the production is still going strong. I was at Dad's this past Saturday and he allowed me to assist him in prepping the forks and milling a little on several of them......8 were sent out this past week and 24 more are in production now....Dad and I are still overwhelmed by all of your kind comments and by the orders from everyone............I know he is very proud that he has several of these on RV's all over the world now and that those with them on apparently like them...........
Doug Bell
Doug, You and your father should be very proud. Not too many of us leave a lasting imprint in the world of aviation. Even your name evokes images of aviation tradition. Everytime a new RV flies sporting the "Bell" tailwheel, those in the know will instantly give nod. I ordered mine as an article of faith and really won't need it for some time to come, yet know instinctively I would be less than satisfied with the kit supplied alternative. Not only that...the "Bell" just plain looks better! :cool: The RV community is fortunate and all the better for having your father's name so prominently associated with it. Godspeed.
100hrs on bell fork and going strong

My bell fork is as new whilst copping a beating on unprepared strips and tailwheel first landings! :)
I had a nice picture here, but couldn't make it stick :confused:
Congradulations and thanks again to the two Dougs.
Another one

added to the list. Sent email with my contact info yesterday. Going on my -7, someday!


Lars Pedersen
Tail Draggin...

My Aviation Products TW #1 (single fork 6") just clicked over 1500 hours on my RV4. Overall impression: awesome! It is a quantum leap above the Van's tailwheel for all of the previously mentioned reasons. However comma, the main advantage for me and guys who live on very rough, unimproved strips is "off roadability". The Van's TW strikes rocks easily and plows furroughs in soft earth. The AP clears obstacles and doesn't become a skid in mud or gravel. It doesn't hang up in the swivel mode and is almost maintenence free.
I modified my greasegun by tapering the end in a lathe so it fits into the small zerk recess on the wheel. This fixes the lube issue previously mentioned. In 1500 hours I have replaced the original wheel and one set of wheel bearings. I just bought a double fork 6" version for my HR2 and installed it. Again, big improvement. Highly recommended.

smokyray said:
My Aviation Products TW #1 (single fork 6") just clicked over 1500 hours on my RV4.....
...I modified my greasegun by tapering the end in a lathe so it fits into the small zerk recess on the wheel...


So I wasn't the only one that couldn't get a grease gun on that thing!! I shopped every tool store and truck stop I could find and couldn't find one that would get down in there - finally modified one like you did... Like the Bell wheel, a huge improvement over stock IMHO.

Tail wheel upgrade

I agree Paul. I'm on the waiting list as well. BTW, I live on north Merritt Island and the next time you are in town I would love for you to see, inspect, critique my RV8 project. I'm good for cold one or two as well. Bruce
Smoky seez:
I modified my greasegun by tapering the end in a lathe so it fits into the small zerk recess on the wheel.

And Paul responded:
So I wasn't the only one that couldn't get a grease gun on that thing!! I shopped every tool store and truck stop I could find and couldn't find one that would get down in there - finally modified one like you did.

But the bearings in the wheel are sealed. How is all that grease actually getting into the bearings?

I just replace the bearings every few years, they are inexpensive.

Dan, I thought by now you would have worn that thing out. Happy to hear you are still getting good service with it. Merry Christmas to all the folks down under. Doug Sr.
Details, details...

Hi Sam,
Long time no hear! Good question about the sealed bearings, maybe that's why they made the fitting so small! I guess I still have the old farmer mentality, just do it..if it has a zerk fitting, Grease it!...:) Kinda like losing an engine at night, you glide down until you think you're over a field, turn on the landing light and see what you have. If you don't like what you see...turn it back off...

Thanks Doug & Doug!

On Saturday, December 23rd Nora and I drove up to visit Doug & Doug and to pick up my tail wheel from them.

In the process we got to meet Mrs. Doug, Sr when we drove over to their house to pick up the TW bracket. Mary is a wonderful lady and a good match for Doug, Sr. Senior's shop is small but neet and stocked with some high quality machine tools. (I'm SOoo jealous!)

We also had the chance to look over Doug, Jr's RV-8 and Doug, Sr's AcroSport I. Both airplanes are just outstanding! Doug Sr. built his AcroSport I from scratch in the 70's and it took him something like four years from start to finish. The plane was an OSH award winner back in the 70's and still looks like it made its first flight yesterday. You can only imagine the quality of work Doug Jr. put into his -8 with his father looking over his shoulder.

It turns out Doug, Jr is a golf pro and has designed a very cool club rack for his -8. Apparently, he can't travel without the tools of his trade.

Thanks again for the hospitality. It was good to meet all of you, including Buddy. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

I'll post pictures later in the week.

Mike--you are on the builders list. If you move along quickly with your project,give me a holler and we will move you up to the fliers.
Doug Sr.


Please add me to your list for the tailwheel fork

Bill Zaun
2100 Springwater Lane
Port Orange, FL 32128
Building RV-8 (working on empannage)
Primed finish preferance
(386) 235-7367
[email protected]

Bell Tailwheel Fork Received and Installed

Just writing to say how impressed I am with my brand new Bell Tailwheel Fork. The fork is very robust with nice welding. I had mine sent in a gray primer and it looks great. To those that don't know, this thing is a direct replacement for the original fork and slips right into the original hole. It literally took no more than 10 minutes to install and clearly offers way more clearance than the Van's piece. I'm all for building to plans to keep things simple, but the chance of catching the tailwheel on a piece of concrete is too much for me.

P.S. Doug, the check is going out tomorrow and thanks again.
Tail wheel orders

Bill Zaun...I have added you to the orders and will contact you directly.

Steve...thanks for the kind comments. I hope it works for you as you fly it.
Doug jr.
Sign me up.


I just sent you an email asking to be placed on the list. First flight for my RV-7 is probably 2-3 months out.


Tail Wheel Orders

Scott Chastain,
You are on the list. I placed you on the list as of 12-26-06.
You emailed Bill Repucci and he forwarded the message to me.
I placed you on the order list and emailed you direct at the following email address:
[email protected]
Scott, can you tell me where you have been sending emails? I have not received any from you except the one through Bill Repucci.

Keith Ward,
I have you on the list per your message above...but I did not receive ant direct email from you.
Can you please email me the following:
Shipping address?
Phone number?
Regular email address?

Please email it to me at [email protected]

Thanks Doug
Bell Tailwheel orders

For all those reading about the tailwheels...
Please email to my direct email address if you are interested in information or ordering.
Dad is still building and I keep the orders.

Please email the following info:

Shipping address
RV Model
Building or flying
Phone number
Regular email
finish you would like: Bare steel, Primed, or gloss black

email it to me at

[email protected]

Doug jr


Thanks for placing me on the list. I sent you a private email with the details to the email address in your latest message.

The original email that I sent went to this address as well: [email protected] <[email protected]>

I did not receive any error messages so I am assuming that it may have gotten blocked by a spam blocker.

Here are the specifics for my order just in case my last message doesn't make it either.

Name: Keith Ward
Shipping address:
2971 Nestle Creek Drive
Marietta, GA 30062
RV Model: RV-7
Building or flying: building but will be flying within 2-3 months
Phone number: 770-265-6447
Regular email: [email protected]
finish you would like: Bare steel, Primed, or gloss black: gloss black

Thanks very much!

Update for those who have ordered bell tail wheel forks

Good evening from the snowy north with an update,

I felt that those of you on the order list need to know of the current happenings the last week here at the tail wheel production center.
Last Friday, day one of yr 80....Dad had a small fight with the Bridgeport mill while working on the current batch of 18 forks.
I will call it a draw and thank god for being in the shop that day. Pops has an injured left arm at his wrist and his upper arm. By the time mom got the mill turned off, it had sucked in his sweatshirt all the way to his armpit. The mill cut and wrapped up his sweatshirt actually covering the cutting blades so they could not cut him bad.
He is a little layed up for now is is taking some time out of the shop.

I help dad in the shop when i can with bending and some milling.....but my role is really as an order list....Most of the fall I have been dealing with a nerve damage diagnosis to my right arm/shoulder/hand....Parsonage Turner Syndrome for all the Neurologists out there...anyway...it came to a head Thurs. this week with a quick Surgery as an mri found 3 " of something in my rgt humorous bone. Well...It's 3 days post surgery and my right hand does not work....hopefully nerve bruising that will go away anf allow my hand to work again....needless to say that I have thought of the negative side of this...Positives they say are that they dound bacteria in my arm and have sent samples to Mayo
I will do the best I can to respnd to you as I can...my wife will help me type and respond to any of your emails as best that she/I can....
Our goal is to fill all orders and we intend to....Iam just letting you all know of an unplanned layup of team bell.
Doug jr. enjoy flying guys

Your attitude seems to be good considering all the adversity that has been dealt your (and your dad's) way!

My best to you and dad!

Keep in touch!

:eek: CJ
Speedy recovery

Doug Jr. and Sr.
Wishing you both a speedy recovery!
I was one of the second or third batchs of tailwheel upgrades you guys did.
I love it.......
Thanks again for improving on a wonderful design.
Satisfied Customer

Doug and Dad

Sorry to hear about your and your dad's problems. I Know you both will make lemonaide out of the lemons you've been handed.

I've been flying with your tailwheel fork since my first flight. 65 hours on No. One Girl since the first of July and am very satisfied with your product!

Get well soon! :)
Best wishes

Best wishes to you both and a speedy recovery!
Let us (builders on this forum) know if there is anything we can do to help.

Best regards,

John Barker
Doug Sr,

Few things in life are worth more than our own precious health. I, as others will receive the tailwheel in your own good time and it is after all, your time. Stay away from the shop until you really feel like it. Here's hoping you enjoy a full and speedy recovery. Get well soon!
Having recently received my Bell tailwheel fork, I am very sorry to hear your bad news. I think most folks might be a bit concerned about an 80 year old fella fiddling around with machine tools and welders, but the craftsmanship of this part would shut all those naysayers right up. I wish you both a speedy recovery and especially hope Doug Sr. keeps hammering away in the shop.

Thanks Steve, I have 18 forks well along and when I get over this little slump I'll be back in the shop having fun as always. Nowif we can get Doug Jr healthy. No answer yet a on the arm surgery but we are all in his corner and we have 4 Golden Retrievers all doing their bit to help also

Please don't rush things! I am anxious to get my fork, but no one here is in so much of a hurry that we can't wait for you to be well before you get back in the shop.

Best wishes for speedy recoveries for the both of you,

New tailfork

Thanks Pat.
I have taught apprentices and HS students how to follow basic safety rules to keep themselves safe in any shop envirenment for the past 60 years. Like flying, you just cannot become complacent or you are going to be bitten.
I was lucky, my wife was close enough to the switch and kept her cool until the power was off and i still have full use of my hand and arm. We all have guardian angels watching over us guys,and mine was right beside me when needed.
I want to thank you, Pat, and all the other guys from all points of the globe who made contact to wish us well, after the accident. What a family We have here. Doug Sr
PS Tailforks go back into production by Monday at the latest, DB.
Best wishes

I just ordered my tail wheel from a message much higher up the thread, then kept reading and heard of your misfortunes. God speed with the healing.

Wow! Both Doug's, I am just getting to read about the recent happenings! As the others have said, GET BETTER FIRST! We can wait for the new forks!

Best wishes on a speedy recovery!
