Bell Tailwheel and Van's steering horn

My steering horn has a little "slop". You can move it 2 or 3 degrees with you fingers.
Should I order a new one to use on my Bell Tailwheel? Do the new one have any "slop"?

Also, I noticed at least 2 different ways to attach the tail springs to the horn.
What is the best method?
Flying -6
steering horn

If you have slop in your steering horn now, you will have the same with the Bell fork, since you simply transfer your steering mechanism to the new one. I would suggest replacing the arm and the 1/4" square key WD-102C at the same time. The key and spring are used in the new fork as well.
Doug Sr.
I'm sold...

Well, I built the rest of the empennage in Michigan, I may as well take it 270 hours of flying I haven't seen an issue with the Van's assy, but this item looks like it could address a couple of other issues. Smooth grass strips and tip-top shape concrete is not that common in these parts.

This looks like something I can get excited about, I really could use the better over the nose vis, and as I almost always wheel land the -4 anyway, (because I can't SEE over the nose!) the 3-point attitude isn't that big a deal for me.

So, how do I get on the list?

Not having to mess with drilling the tailwheel spring is a HUGE plus.

Tailwheel Order

email me directly with the following:
Your address
Phone Number

The rest I read on your post

I will add you on and we will be in touch as we get close to your name on the list.
Thanks for the interest,
Did you get my email??


Recently, I sent you an email placing an order for one of your Dad's tailwheel forks. Did you get that OK?? I never did hear back from you.
Cheers, Pete
Bell tail wheel fork

Just a short note on progress on the new forks. I shipped the last of the sec ond batch today (12)So far comments are positive. I have made one slight change to the design in this bunch, they are all set at 40 degrees. The theory here it to compensate for the slope picked up by the normal bend of the tailspring which gives less curb clearance. The 35 deg. models are probably fine but I feel the change will be a slight improvement. Your comments, please. Doug Sr.
Mine is doing fine

Just a note to let you I am very happy with your tailwheel on my 7.
Thanks!!! :)
Quantified changes in measurement

Tonight I installed my new Bell tailwheel fork on my RV-7. I have heard many stories about how elevating the tail will improve forward visibility, or it will significantly affect 3-point landings, etc. I have taken a photographic approach to measuring these things, and I would like to provide some real numbers!

Measured the height of the tailwheel spring before: approximately 5"

Measured the fuselage deck angle before: 10.9 degrees

Measured the height of the cowl/spinner gap: 57 1/2"


The tailwheel spring was elevated approximately 2":

The deck angle was reduced by a mere 0.6 degrees:

The cowl/spinner gap was lowered less than 1/2":

I am not knocking the advantages of this fork design. It is cosmetically more appealing, it obviously provides considerably more ground clearance (over edges of tarmac, hangar tracks, etc.), etc. I like it!!! But it does not make as dramatic a difference in the plane's tail-down attitude as some people have implied. There was talk about it affecting 3-point landings. 0.6 degrees? Get real... :rolleyes:

This fork appears to be a terrific alternative to Van's stock fork, without having significant impact on attitude.
New Fork assy

Nice pictures Dan, they should answer a lot of question from builders. The difference in what I call curb clearance is clear to see also. Doug Sr.
Tail wheel fork

Although your forward visibility will be improved in the 3-point stance, you will be unable to attain as high an angle of attack during a 3-point landing before the tail contacts first and pivots the rest of the aircraft nose down. This phenomenon is well known by bush pilots who install oversize main tires--this allows the opposite effect--ability to attain a higher oangle of attack on a STOL take-off or a STOL landing. If short-field work is seldom necessary or desired, then I think the higher tail position will not only improve visibility prior to take-off rotation, but will make the left-right (yaw stability) a bit less sensitive during take-offs and landings, also.
Bell tailwheel fork

Doug Sr.,

Just wanted to let you know that I installed the new fork and it is very nice. Installing the new fork also resulted in an unexpected improvement in handling! As you know from our discussions, I had a problem where the tailwheel was not axially square to the spring. The guy that built it had a counter-clockwise rotation once everything was drilled and installed. This resulted in very assymetrical tailwheel tire wear, as well as just looking bad.

When I saw your new fork I decided to install it for ground clearance issues, and because it looks so damn good. At the same time I figured I could eliminate the unsightly alignment which bothered me every time I would look at it.

I felt the easiest approach was to make a new sleeve and bushing assembly, which I did, and when I mounted it to the existing spring I was able to eliminate the axial out of square condition. I also decided to not install the zerk fitting and will lubricate often with LPS (will go back to a zerk fitting and channel the bronze or the neck of the fork if it is a problem).

I installed the new fork and mounting assembly today and taxi tested and flew. Now here is the best part!! The plane taxis better than it ever has!!! Before, I always had to hold right rudder further down than left for taxi. I figured that the rigging was off in the rudder pedals and planned to address that this year at the annual. Now, taxi yields equal pedal inputs and is much easier to taxi, and is straight as an arrow. I don't know how much to attribute to your beautiful fork, and how much to attribute to straightening the relationship between spring, tailwheel, and mother earth. It's probably a combination of the two. However, I do thank you for the new fork. It gives more ground clearance, it looks better, and it is very reasonably priced! The improvement in handling is an unexpected bonus!


Jim, thanks for the nice remarks. I think getting your tailwheel assembly squared up probably contributed the most to overcoming your taxiing troubles. I figure if you feel good about it, you did it right. Happy flying. Doug Sr.
Tailwheel orders update

Not to late at all...I received your direct email and your all set and on the list.

An update for others....We are shipping out the 3rd group of tail wheel forks toward the end of next week if all goes well. That will take care af about 2/3 of the flyers on the list. I will be contacting those in this batch soon.
Thanks for the patience and the interest.
Bell Tailwheel Fork


I sent a direct e-mail a while back to get on the list. This is to confirm I still want to order your fork to replace my standard Van's unit.

Chuck Borne
RV-4 (Long Leg)
caborne3@charter. net
Bell Tailwheel Fork

Bell tail wheel was very easy to install. Steering is very positive with little wandering. It is a improvement over the other tailwheel. However over the nose visibilty is about the same still have to "S" turn. RV 9, N92GC
Ringing your Bells!

Hey Guys, (MR. Bell and Mr. Bell Sr.)

I requested one of your forked tailwhell assemblies about 3 months ago, but have not heard much lately. Any Idea of when we might get ours. Not to rush Mr. Bell Sr. of course, just curious as to when we might expect it.

Cheers, Pete
Bell Tailwheel plus Lynx springs

Just got my Bell tailwheel installed. It is lighter on the pedals. I think I will end up prefering it, but takes a tad of getting used to.

Also added the Lynx stainless tailspring/cable set. I set up the Lynx system with 3/8 inch slack per side (the plans recommend this). May be too much slack? What have others done?

The new tailwheel:


The old tailwheel:


Doug Bell Sr. also sent me some brass bushings to use with my Cessna towbar setup (Thanks Doug!):

Pete, please fogive my tardiness. I'm still learning how to use this majic box. You may have read in earlier posts by Doug Jr, that we are trying to take care of completed RV's first. To date I have shipped 36 completed Bell Tailforks, since starting this venture in Mid January of this year, out of 109 requested and have another run of 18 on the go. If you have flown your bird since our last contact, let us know so we can shift you to the finished list. I hope ta take a few to oshkosh this year if things go as planned. Keep pounding rivets and we will see you there. Doug Sr.
markscogg said:
Also added the Lynx stainless tailspring/cable set. I set up the Lynx system with 3/8 inch slack per side (the plans recommend this). May be too much slack? What have others done?
I took the slack out of mine and it handles much better now.
Add me to the list

Put me on your list. I just ordered the finish kit so I'm in no hurry. Drop me an email when I make it to the "Ship List" and I'll be ready to take delivery. Thanks!!
Bell Tailwheel Forks

Rod and Chuck, thanks for the orders, we will put you both on the list. Watch for further updates. Doug Sr.

Put me on the list for one of your wheels. I bang my Van's version every flight on the lip of my hangar pad...

Miller McPherson
RV-6 N3657X 750+ hrs.

5999 N. Canyon Rd.
Benson, AZ 85602
Tailfork order

You are on the list, Miller. The way things are going it may be late summer when your turn comes. We will contact you a week or two before shipping. Doug Sr.
Tailwheel fork updates

Just wanted to post a note letting those who have ordered a tail wheel fork, but have not recieved one yet now the status.
Dad makes up about 12 units at a time and has shipped to date almost all the flyers on the list. He has about one or two more batched to go and all current orders for flying RV's will be filled. THen on to the builders. I am periodically checking to see if any builders status has changed or flying is close.
We appreciate your interest in the tailwheel forks and hope that all those who have them are satisfied.
Dad is currently on a short Vacation to Ontario and Montreal....the old home area with some good friends from long ago.
He will be back just after the first of July and back at it.
Again, Thanks for the patience and I hope dad and I can catch up with some of you all at Oshkosh.
Got my tailwheel fork last week and put it on today. Doug, tell your dad it looks great! I'm not going to get to test fly it until next Saturday because the airport is under construction right now.

Folks, this is a nice unit. I'm going to feel much better with this baby on the rear. I'll post my assessment of the ground handling qualities as soon as I can fly it.

BTW, Doug, I'll put the check in the mail on Monday. I just came off vacation myself and have had a little trouble catching up. :eek:
My buddy received notice of shippment a week ago.
I haven't heard if he has received it yet though. His notice appeared to be to a "group" of people, so I'd guess there is a bunch in the mail!
I love mine!
I put mine on tonight. I've had it about a week and a half but terrible weather last weekend delayed the install till now.

Beautifully built and simple to install, but on my test flight I lost tailwheel steering after making the 360 degree clearing turn on the taxiway. Grrr, upgrade to problems, although this has happened to me a couple of times with the Van's unit.

Upon disassembly I found it would do this almost every time the steering pawl was fully retracted. It would stick in the slot. Not quite as bad one direction as the other, but lots of LPS wouldn't solve the problem.

Now a mechanic would have solved this in about 30 seconds but it took me a few minutes to find a very small burr on the pawl (old part from the Van's assembly). So what I was considering bad machining on the Bell part was really just good machining disagreeing with a worn part. My original Van's part was probably just worn enough that I wasn't having a problem currently.

So a couple of strokes with a file solved the problem and I am happy with the Bell Tailwheel Fork. It is attractive, gives better clearance for irregular ground and I think the over-the-nose visibility is just perceptably better. The only drawback is the cost and several ounces of added weight in a bad spot.
n5lp said:
So a couple of strokes with a file solved the problem and I am happy with the Bell Tailwheel Fork. It is attractive, gives better clearance for irregular ground and I think the over-the-nose visibility is just perceptably better. The only drawback is the cost and several ounces of added weight in a bad spot.
Hi Larry,
Did you notice any difference in the pressure you apply to the rudders to turn while taxiing compared to the Vans tailwheel? I have an Aviation Specialities tailwheel on my rv-4 and my wife has a Vans tailwheel on hers. Hers takes a lot more pressure than mine does. She says mine feels like power steering compared to hers, especially when she has a passenger in back.
rvator51 said:
Hi Larry,
Did you notice any difference in the pressure you apply to the rudders to turn while taxiing compared to the Vans tailwheel?...

I didn't really notice any difference, even though I usually notice a difference when it is freshly greased, which was the case here.
Bell tailfork

Just an update on Bell Tailfork progress. Since starting this venture last January, I have manufactured and shipped 62 assemblies, all to RV builders and one to a T-18 flier in Australia. Things went slowly over the hot summer days, I even quit golf for a few weeks. Last week I sent out 12 and currantly have another bunch started in the shop. I'm hoping to have all currant orders from flying RV'ers filled with this final batch. With luck and " hard work", they should all be shipped by the first week of October. Fly safely and keep that tailwheel clean. Doug Bell Sr.
Bell Tailforks

Fellows, I really did not know he had a T-18. I must read my mail more closely. Rudi, patients please, I,m only one guy.
Dear Doug Sr. and Doug Jr.

I'm working on my finish kit and just ordered my engine so I won't be needing a tail wheel any time soon. However, I would like to get on your order list. Since my paint scheme is not decided you can leave mine bare metal.

Thank you and best regards,

John Barker
N819WB (reserved)
[email protected]
Add me also please

Doug and Doug,
Please add my name to the list of folks still building. No hurry.


vmirv8bldr said:
Doug and Doug,
Please add my name to the list of folks still building. No hurry.


BP--You are on the list. We will need more info, e-mail and shipping data when you have time.Thanks for the order. Doug Sr.

John--You have been added to the tailfork list also. We will need shipping and
e-mail data from you when you have time
Doug Sr.
Tail wheel orders

Ok guys,
Can you please email me the following information in order to keep the order process straight. I keep the master list so dad can keep woking in the shop. He likes to take too many breaks and read emails.....thats' my job.

Shipping address
email address
phone number
Building or Flying
Finish desired....Gloss black, primed, or bare steel

Thanks guys from the smaller part of this operation. It is nice to see the interest and we appreciate your orders. Dad is getting back into gear as the weather is getting worse here.

Doug [email protected]
Tailfork Delivery questions

Please hold all questions on fork deliveries for a few days. Doug Jr. handles all records for me and he and Ann are currantly in Dublin for the Ryder Cup Matches. Must be tough.
Doug Sr.
I hope I am still on the list:

Name Allen Fulmer
Shipping address 2458 Oakwoods Ln.
Alexander City, AL 35010
email address [email protected]
phone number 256-329-2001
RV-model RV7
Building or Flying Building: QB Fuselage
Finish desired....Gloss black
Please put me on the list as well.

Matthew D McGee
1824 County Road 3308
Greenville, Texas 75402
[email protected]
RV 7
Starting empennage
Gloss Black

No hurry here, but I absolutely want one! :D
Lemme know and I'll send $$
