Paint my own plane - check!

Well - 3 years and a month later, I unplugged the air hose for that last time yesterday.

For those of you that are on the fence, I have to say that I am really glad that I painted it myself. The PPG base/clear is a wonderful product line. I chose to clear coat because I think it is more tolerant of the kind of mistakes that I made. (A couple of runs).

Now comes the cut and buff. I tried a small area yesterday and it looks so good that I don't mind wet sanding my very shiny plane!

I am daydreaming about the first flight and all that follows now.

Scott - looks like you have yourself a very nice finish ! congratulations on SUCCESSFULLY tackling the challenge of doing your own paint !

Scott, Good Job! Looks very professional too! Thanks for the comment on PPG, glad to know it can be done by us airplane guys! I'm sure your plane and paint job will turn many heads as you fly around, enjoy!
Very nice

For someone who can't paint to save thier life I appreciate those who can. And yours looks great...I don't mean to be a stick in the mud however but I am not sure about locating the N number under the horizontal stabilizer. It's my understanding that's not an acceptable location...

She looks great! I love the Marine paint scheme. Looks like you are doing a fine job!

Can't wait to see it complete!
Just waiting on the Fuzz now...

Rolled out N317DC out for taxi tests. Tracks straight. No leaks. Just waiting on the Fuzz to show up to give the go ahead for first flight. Won't be long now thanks to Seher and all the hanger rats at Stead.

Dave Casey

LyCon IO-360 230 HP
MT 3-Blade
GTN 650

Skirt and WS done

Yesterday I declared the skirt and Windscreen done! The skirt has a slight low spot at one rivet but I will let the painter handle that, we talked and he said to get it close so I hope this works. I also have 5 or 6 pinholes mostly at the edge of the WS layup. This turned out much better than I had hoped. Thanks for all the help from VAF members getting me to this point. A year ago glass work totally intimidated me.



Yesterday I declared the skirt and Windscreen done! The skirt has a slight low spot at one rivet but I will let the painter handle that, we talked and he said to get it close so I hope this works. I also have 5 or 6 pinholes mostly at the edge of the WS layup. This turned out much better than I had hoped. Thanks for all the help from VAF members getting me to this point. A year ago glass work totally intimidated me.


Wow, that looks fantastic! What did you use to fill the skirts?
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Nemo, you might consider rounding off that sharp corner on the canopy skirt. When the canopy is open, it will stick out and I can just see myself walking into it causing myself an ouchie. It might just be me, but when all of your plane's admirers crowd in to take pics of your panel, somebody might get snagged.

Just a thought. Looking good!

Wow, that looks fantastic! What did you use to fill the skirts?

I filled the rivet hole centers with JB weld then went over with a mix of FLOX, which filled some. I then used some West system 407 filler, I went with West because I bought all the stuff before I became smarter on how to get cheaper stuff. When I set the rivets they were dipped in epoxy, to keep them from loosening up. One thing suggested is to lay a layer of thin cloth over the rivet line. I considered this but, at this point I want to get flying, I will re-visit that idea before it gets painted.

Lastly I rolled on two coats of clear resin with a foam roller, letting first layer get just past the tacky stage. Aft this set I sanded smooth, I was planning to roll on one more layer and then squeegee it off (I did this on the windscreen) but I liked what I had so I primed everything.

I did also heat up the rolled on layer with a hair dryer, I read on this site that this helps bubbles from the roller open up. It does seem to do the trick. The skirt really did not take much to fill. The windscreen I used west 407 filler for most of that work. Once it was to shape I used the clear resin technique.

The nice part of rolling it on like DanH pointed out in one of his write ups, is you get a rough sort of finish that makes it easy to see how much more you need to sand, if it's still shinny you need to sand more.
Move to Airport

Well after 5 years my plane has left the nest, well sort of. I made the move to the airport. The move went very smoothly. I have moved all the tools and started to organize the hanger so I can get back to work.


My yearling horse observing things (above the truck)


Kind of looks like we are working at cross purposes


I can see in this photo why my wife complains my jeans are too loose!

Well after 5 years my plane has left the nest, well sort of. I made the move to the airport. The move went very smoothly. I have moved all the tools and started to organize the hanger so I can get back to work.


My yearling horse observing things (above the truck)


Kind of looks like we are working at cross purposes


I can see in this photo why my wife complains my jeans are too loose!


Always good to hear someone is "movin on up". Good work on the progress, Mike. I am hoping for next Spring to move over to the airport. See you around.
Great Going!

Great work, Mike. I'm looking forward to hearing about your first flight. More inspiration for me.

Take care,

Hey, that looks like an airplane part!


Of course, the instructions say nothing about clecoing the two h-stab halves together at this point, but I don't let that stop me from doing it just so I can cackle a bit and get a good lok at where I'm going.

Obligatory Empennage Picture


Just finished the vertical stabilizer tonight. My kit came in while we were in the hospital having the baby in February. Work and kids keep me busy so building is slow, but I'm on the pay-as-I-go plan and not in any hurry.
Kevin, congrats on a great beginning of your project. 4+ months with family is a pretty decent build rate for the emp. Keep up the good work!

Another RV-8 First Flight

N317DC took to the sky for the first time over Northern Nevada on a dawn patrol launch at 06:00 10 Jul 12. Absolutely a joy to fly. Exceeded all expectations. Planning 40 hours Phase I over Stead then fly her up to Medford for paint. Hanger doors will be open during the Reno Air Races. Come on by, get out of the sun and have a cold one. Thanks for sharing all the great information on this site.



The "RV grin"

Dave Casey
RV-3 Race 89
What canopy did you use?

N317DC took to the sky for the first time over Northern Nevada on a dawn patrol launch at 06:00 10 Jul 12. Absolutely a joy to fly. Exceeded all expectations. Planning 40 hours Phase I over Stead then fly her up to Medford for paint. Hanger doors will be open during the Reno Air Races. Come on by, get out of the sun and have a cold one. Thanks for sharing all the great information on this site.


The "RV grin"
Dave Casey
RV-3 Race 89

Dave, may I ask what canopy you used. Have been mulling over tint vs. non-tint options, and was worried about tint being too dark for night ops, but yours looks just about right for day or night ops - nice looking bird - congrats!
Great job Dave, it was good to meet you at the weekend and cheers for taking some time out to show me around, I'll bet she looks even better in the air!

Canopy tint

That is a Todds canopy on my RV-8 I am very pleased with tint and shape. I haven't flown on a dark and stormy night with yet but I think it will be just fine.

Dave Casey
throttle cable & sniffer valve RV8A

I would like input from anyone ref the clearance of the throttle cable & sniffer valve, mine are both too close to exhaust of #1 cyl
throttle cable will melt, no room for heat shield.
sniffer valve misses exhaust by 1/16 has any of you coped with this.
Lyc IO-360-180hp CS Horiz Ind RV8A, eng is brand new as is exhaust from Vettermans. Thx much Al D L45 BFL
Keep up the good work, Dennis.
Kanskje vi treffes en dag. Planlegger ? p?begynne byggingen av en RV8 denne h?sten og passerer Gellivarre minst to ganger i ?ret pga Annual hos Ingemar i Skellefte?.
Mabye i see you one day.
I'm trying to See the End

Wings installed, rigged and removed now living in the hanger, fuselage about to join them and get assembled final.
N88ZP Has a New Home

Finally the big parts now live at F45, let the fun begin, final assembly and maybe first engine start, for me, this weekend.


My First Engine Start

Might be of interest to you. ECI IO-360 been sitting for awhile waiting for the plane to be done, finally at the hanger and starting to be assembled.

First start very successful and accomplished the objectives. Temp's and pressures all fine, learned that E-Mag's put out 2 pulses/rev (got that corrected).

Progress on the RV-8R project has slowed a little bit but is still moving along. Lately the wings have been fitted for the first time and will be final drilled in the next few days. Also the carbon fiber baggage door has been completed and fitted. Now just to finish all of the body work and then off to paint! Sorry for the poor image quality, taken on my Iphone.

It's a work of art, Brian. I can't wait for you to get her up in the air! I'm excited for you to see some numbers and hear that rumble!

There are many:
1. Ordered the Empenage Kit
2. Riveted first part
3. Finished riveting wings
4. ....You know

Most recently - mine was painting my own plane.
Today it became receiveing my Airworthiness Certificate.
(After moving the N numbers...)

We all know what's next :)


Gotta go edit my tag line
Progress on the RV-8R project has slowed a little bit but is still moving along. Lately the wings have been fitted for the first time and will be final drilled in the next few days. Also the carbon fiber baggage door has been completed and fitted. Now just to finish all of the body work and then off to paint! Sorry for the poor image quality, taken on my Iphone.


This is ridiculously cool!!! Nice job and very creative.
There are many:
1. Ordered the Empenage Kit
2. Riveted first part
3. Finished riveting wings
4. ....You know

Most recently - mine was painting my own plane.
Today it became receiveing my Airworthiness Certificate.
(After moving the N numbers...)

We all know what's next :)


Gotta go edit my tag line

Ok, I have to ask. Where were the N numbers, where did you move them to and why? Beautiful plane. I am thinking something similar for mine when I get that far.
N Number location

The N numbers were (are) behind the LE of the horizontal stabilizer. See FAR 45.25b.

I made some white tape numbers in real time and put them on the vertical stabilizer and that is OK for now.

I have some vinyl numbers coming and will probably put them on the tail.