Nice work! I like your tool of choice. I bought one to do it and ended up using it and also the wheel that Vans sells.

That smile says it all! Whew! Glad that is over with!
Wow, the big cut...DONE!!

Man, I stressed over KELLI GIRL?s big cut, but I did exactly what you did...planning and marking it out. And I had a great support team, including Paul ?Bugsy? Gardetto, who had just muscled through his own canopy install.

My advice? Like the others: GO SLOW!

After the cut? BEER! Walk away. Assess later. Drink now. :cool:

Hey Larry,

Glad the big cut went well. Always good to see your progress pictures... Still years behind you. Thanks for the inspiration.
Good for you Larry your big smile shows how it went and to get on the front page is another milestone!!
Congratulations, Larry.
That electric Dremel grinder is worth its weight in gold... and cuts through plexi and aluminum like a hot knife through butter. Wish I had one when I cut my plexi canopy!

Very nice work you're doing!
After a long hiatus, my RV-7 has joined me in my new home in Redwood City, CA. Let the building begin...again.

Any RV builders nearby?

Hi Martin, I'm over the hill in Half Moon Bay. Let me know if you need a hand or want to stop by!
Here's my first post to 'Show us the status...". Me and co-pilot on 30-Mar making airplane noises. I have since finished the tunnel cover, flap actuator, cabin cover plates, -A gear mounts and elevator pushrods.1172.5 total hours into project.

Prop was on for the first time today- well, at least for a little bit :)

Off again to start working on the cowl fitting



Interesting, you seem to have a pre-built glass flange for the snorkel .. is this the new(er) way? I had to do some serious surgery on my one piece snorkel to get it to fit well on the ramp in front of the #2 cylinder.
[ed. Sorry, but can't see your pics - you need to make them 'sharable'. v/r,dr]
Good day working on the 7 today. Noticed my electrical wiring diagram is almost completed. All that is left really is the wing lights. That'll have to wait until I fit the wings on at the hangar.


This being done I started replacing the temp nylon ties with waxed lacing cord. Believe it or not this was a product Dad bought back in 88' or 89' when we were tying up the electrical wires on the Wittman W8. That takes me back to when I was 15. Daaaang. Not a wrenching tool but a tool nonetheless passed down from Pops. Aaaaaannnnyways, 30 years later with a little dusting off and it still does it's job well!




Also started fitting my smoke helper smoke tank! Exciting times!


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Conical Bends done!... getting bigger every day

I joined the tail cone to the mid fuselage temporarily at least until I disassemble for riveting.

Was nervous about the conical bends as I've heard about cracking of the skins, happy to report no cracks! Worked slowly and did it per instructions.
Left side:
Right side:

Gave up trying to embed the photo's from Flickr and just the links... any tips from Flickr users?
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Gave up trying to embed the photo's from Flickr and just the links... any tips from Flickr users?

Anytime you are looking at the picture in Flickr just click the curved arrow on the bottom right, copy the link it gave you for the size you want and paste it here. You want the BBCode which is usually the default it pops up with.
Works like a charm.

Great job getting to this point, it's awesome about here to see it coming to be something large. Also, do a bit of research or just look through my build log here. There are quite a few areas on the forward fuselage that can get a guy in trouble with edge distance.
Wings and tail first paint pics

Got these from the painter tonight-

The light in the booth is pretty bright, the base is more of a dove gray but looks white in the pics. He said they'll all get a good cut/buff/polish

Pretty standard scheme but I'm a pretty simple guy.

Can't wait to see them in person.


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Phase 2!

Over 40 hours on Seven now! I'm number 4 builder on a 2002 kit. It's a flying unpainted rat rod but it sure is fun! Only 2 (common) issues remain:

1) Tendency to roll left in straight and level cruise flight. Right aileron is always about 1/8" down compared to the left 1/8" up???????

2) No shimmy on landing roll out. Then around 10-15 mph ONLY when I'm braking the mains start shaking!

Comments/suggestions appreciated.

Made my first long XC a couple of days ago across the Cascades from central Washington. WOT (20.3/2,380) @ 11,500' @ 7.8 GPH = 190 mph TAS. I'm pretty happy with that!

Std. Van's RV-7 tip-up
1,041 lbs.
IO360 M1B behind Harzell CS
Dual Lightspeed EI
Emp kit ....... Finished.

My 5th build / 2nd RV.

Planning a '7 with Slider / 180hp V/P and Night VFR clearance here in the UK.

I'll do wings next winter and Fuz & finish the winter after. No rush as I have my '6 and a Pitts to fly meanwhile.

The '7 kit is noticeably better than the '6 I built in 2016 ... I'm guessing things will have moved on again if I ever do a '14

We'll it's all drilled and fitted up, time to take it all apart de-burr, dimple and prime then put it all back together and rivet! Making progress however.

[/url]Untitled by Dave Hock, on Flickr[/IMG]
Hi there -- After YEARS of hiatus my RV-7A has been moved back into my garage, also in Redwood City. Just moved it in 2 days ago! :D

After a long hiatus, my RV-7 has joined me in my new home in Redwood City, CA. Let the building begin...again.

Any RV builders nearby?

Andrew we need a proof. How about a picture? And congratulations! :)

Thanks! Moving it was tricky but doable.

And here it is -- I have some organizing and planning to do!


Can't wait!

Edit -- adding a better link to the photo.
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Canopy & Windshield Done

Finally. Canopy, skirt, windshield and trim all done. Pretty pleased with the results.
Big shout out goes to Dan Horton for the awesome threads on fiberglass and cutting & buffing. Also to my mentor, Dave for teaching me fiberglass.
I tried to document the processes to my blog for others.

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Finally. Canopy, skirt, windshield and trim all done. Pretty pleased with the results.
Big shout out goes to Dan Horton for the awesome threads on fiberglass and cutting & buffing. Also to my mentor, Dave for teaching me fiberglass.
I tried to document the processes to my blog for others.


Looking exceptional Larry! Well done!
On the right time

Your post just came on the right time!
I'm at this point now. Will definitely look at your build log to learn and apply here.
Thanks for sharing!
More fun stuff added!

Took advantage of the sub 100 degree temps in Phoenix this weekend. Yesterday fellow builder/pilot Tom Velvick helped me reinstall and time my magnetos. Thanks again Tom! FWF (firewall forward) smoke system oil lines fabricated and temporarily installed today! That completes mock up of all the FWF systems! I won't torque anything until the very end when I am certain that nothing needs to come off or on. Pictures start from front right side (cylinder #1) around the back to the front left side (cylinder #2).





This week is milestone week.
Mixed feelings loading up Lucy's wings and hauling them to the hangar, but I need the space and there's nothing else to do to them till final assembly. They are safe and sound in the cradle.
After her wings were safe, we loaded her engine. Thanks to a couple friends, (Scott & a neighbor) for the help getting it in. It took all three of us and a "come along". I unloaded it solo. Gravity!
Congratulations Larry!

Wow, been watching and playing along with you for some time, great to see you move to the hanger!

Congratulations on moving to the airport.

I am curious why you chose not to do the engine work at home?
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Engine work

Congratulations on moving to the airport.

I am curious why you chose not to do the engine work at home?

I am doing it at home. The post was probably confusing. I moved the wings to make room for all the firewall forward work in my garage. The engine came back home in the trailer.
Not overly exciting, but progress

Making progress slowly, hope that the paint will be on sometime next week. Wings and tail feathers are already done.


Project update

Here is an update for my aircraft. I am in the process of completing the engine cowls plus I have to finish the fibre glassing on the empennage fairings. The sliding canopy needs adjusting to make sure it slides smoothly and for the rear skirts to sit against the skin properly. The windshield needs to be fibre glassed but I have been waiting for the weather to warm up before tackling that task. All the electrical wiring is complete except for the wingtip lights and the EGT sensor connections (i.e. the exhaust pipes are not installed).

When I saw the photo of Paul Kovalak's plenum on his aircraft I made the decision to create one too as I am not a fan of the rubber seals. Mine is made out of aluminium which required me to get my mallet out and shape the curved section and then onto the bending brake to define the edge of the curve.

The air filter snorkel was another interesting exercise. I had to modify it so that it didn't contact the starter motor plus I purchased another VA-132-1B Filter Mount to support the front of the filter after making modifications.

The next two photographs are of my version of of the top cowl oil door hinge bracket and the finished product with the Skybolt retaining system.

I have set the wing angle of incidence. They are now completed including painting of the wings, ailerons, flaps and the wing tips. The wing tips have Aeroled strobe/navigation lights and Duckworks circular landing lights. Once I have painted the fuselage I will install the wings and connect up the light wiring.

You may have noticed that I posted a photo of my instrument panel last week. Cheers,