
Received the engine Sat morning and rearranged garage (twice - and my body is feeling it) to fit the fuse inside and still have room to park the wife's whip. I have a few items to add to the engine (Oil pressure restrictor fittings), rivet FW recess and bolt on heat box before hanging the engine.

IO-360 180HP

First light for project. My son Alonzo (12 yrs old) helped me re-position the fuse yesterday.
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Empennage finished

I posted back in Jan. that I was going to start building.( I haven't posted since then and have been chipping away here and there. Well I'm finished with the empennage (except fiberglass tips)

It has been fun and frustrating all at the same time. I've learned a lot in the last 5 months and 160.5 hours. Lots to figure out all at the same time. I have messed up and had to reorder parts. A couple emails to Vans with problems and they would set me back on the right road. They have been great! I've got REALLY good at drilling out rivets.....not sure that is something to brag about but....:eek:

I found a tech counselor early on and he looked over my VS before I closed it up and was told I was doing fine keep going. I've tentatively scheduled another meeting with him to look over my project. Just want to be sure I'm doing things right.

My wing kit was ordered in March and came in on June 8th. It has been inventoried and I'll be working on it in the next couple months.

http://[url=]20170619_223531 by , on Flickr[/URL]
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Do your self a favor and finish it before moving on. It sucks to get to the 'end' and have all that glass work to do. Put the light in too, if you are using one.
Amen Brother !!

Do your self a favor and finish it before moving on. It sucks to get to the 'end' and have all that glass work to do. Put the light in too, if you are using one.

I am doing this right now. Do the glass, end caps, elevator balance (don't forget to remove the blue film before hanging from a string!) and be really done with it.

This is really slowing me down for the last push to the airport.
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Frank nice job! You are about 1 day ahead of me. lol Looks like we are going about the same pace, feel free to ask me questions as you go as I will you.
Do your self a favor and finish it before moving on. It sucks to get to the 'end' and have all that glass work to do. Put the light in too, if you are using one.

I would issue one note of caution before doing ALL your fiberglass work on the empennage. I did exactly that, way back, when I was waiting on my wing kit. I did all the tips and rudder bottom and top, and was so proud of my work and happy to be ahead of the game.

Then, the day came to mount the empennage on my finished fuselage for the first time, and I had a rude shock. I found that the rudder bottom stuck down below the bottom belly of the fuselage. It was unacceptable! I'm just glad that I had not riveted it on. It needs to be trimmed so it's in line with the bottom of the fuse, and you won't know how much trimming it will need until you put it on the fuselage! So for that part, at least, I would wait.

The other mistake I made was spending a significant amount of money on a Whelan tail light. Years later, LED lights have come to the forefront and I am using an all-LED lighting system. I have no use for the expensive Whelan light that I had purchased years earlier. I was able to sell it, thankfully, but at a loss. Just something else to keep in mind. You don't know what will be available by the time you are at that point. It pays to wait on buying anything electrical. Not only for the panel (especially!), but for your lights as well. My new LED tail light/strobe was only $99. I paid a lot more than that for the Whelan light, ten years ago!

Bruce you bring up a great point, when I was building I wanted to finish each part completely, to include blending fiberglass and paint, I did my rudder blend and paint, weeks and weeks of work, and discovered this issue. for some reason I saw the scribe line on the bottom cap and trimmed it to that line, it all worked out but wow, that scared until I got the fuse done.
I found that the rudder bottom stuck down below the bottom belly of the fuselage. It was unacceptable! I'm just glad that I had not riveted it on. It needs to be trimmed so it's in line with the bottom of the fuse, and you won't know how much trimming it will need until you put it on the fuselage! So for that part, at least, I would wait.

Glad I saw this, Bruce. I am working on the top of the VS and Rudder glass now and starting to figure out the bottom of the rudder. I hadn't even considered the fit relative to the fuse.
Any Progress is Progress

Excited to share that BOTH tanks are LEAK FREE and now mounted to the wings. Next up are the right top skins and then the wings can come out of the stands. Can't believe how life can go by so fast.

Jason, I have wondered about you from time to time. Glad to see the progress! Congrats! I've been 10 years on my project, so I know how the time flies, believe me. :)
Thanks for thinking Bruce!

Between several "promotions" at work and upgrades to my volunteer service, time has gotten a bit short while all my kids age into teenagers. Progress is being made...wish it were faster. Good to have all the motivators here keeping me inspired.
Hung the engine today!

103 F high humidity and monsoon weather. Why not hang an engine! First time I've ever hung one and I did it solo in just over an hour.


The big day arrived and it was time to go to the airport. Drove really slowly and arrived in one piece. Now the fuselage is tucked up in its new home and the wings will join it for final assembly next week!

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Very Nice

So nice to see completions.

Sometimes i wonder if mine will ever get built then i see something like this and I go rivetting.

8 years and 1 to go i hope.

Nice bird,, did you paint it yourself?


Thanks Dave,

Yes I painted it myself at home in a homemade booth. I used matrix base/clear and although it was a lot of work I really enjoyed the process.

Highly recommend giving it a go.


I'm thinking about using Matrix and have a dealer close by, but they paint cars and have no experience with aluminum aircraft. What did you use under the top coats, Matrix epoxy primer or a self etching wash primer or alodine? Looks like your airplane turned out great!

I spoke with the Matrix rep and he recommended MP-201 if I recall. I scuffed and used alodine on the aluminium before priming. Worked out really well, at one point a I got the design on the Vs wrong and decided to strip it and start again. I couldn't believe how difficult it was to get that stuff off. Seriously tough adhesion. The matrix base goes on like silk with a 1.2 nozzle and I used a 1.4 for the Euro coat clear. It went down very well but I colour sanded and buffed the entire aircraft. See above posts regarding the cowling.

The matrix system is bullet proof but it's pricey. I guess all in all, I probably spent $5000 to paint it. The beauty of the matrix system is that the colour matching of different batches is close to perfect and the base mixture is colour plus reducer 1:1. This means you can mix up the base and reducer into a clean can and it's shelf life is infinite. So when you're finished a painting session you simply pour the left over paint back into the premixed tin. No waste!

I would also recommend the devillblis dekups disposable paint cup system. Pure genius.easy cleanup but more specifically the ability to paint with the the gun in any orientation. So versatile.

From concept to reality

After a lot of ideas and modifications and colours (red then silver then yellow then finally blue...) we finally agreed on the scheme below. I stuck with it and am happy that it worked out ok. Weigh in is tomorrow...


Seems the work load is increasing rather than decreasing!!
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Apparently airworthy!

On Sept 18th C-FCSH was inspected by not one, but two Canadian MD-RA inspectors (one inspector and one trainee inspector).

All went very well, the inspection itself took around three hours with only two snags found. One "less than tight" jam-nut on an aileron pushrod and one cotter pin touching a brake line.

Paper work took another few hours to complete but the day ended well with the promise of a Special Certificate of airworthiness to arrive in the mail in a few weeks. Long day for sure.

A week later I called the MD-RA regional boss and he emailed me the certificate immediately. Impressive service really.

So apparently I'm good to go! I've got a few more things to tidy up before the big day and our airport is currently closed for runway resurfacing until Oct 10th, so no rush. Can't quite believe Im legal, insured, registered and certified to fly this long term project!

Many Thanks to my wife Clare and kids Lauren and Dean for being endlessly patient, especially since the aircraft was moved to the airport a few months ago and to John Van Lieshout for a thorough pre-inspection inspection. To the countless friends along the way that've pitched in with helping hands, to Marty and John my MD-RA inspectors who made the day enjoyable with good banter throughout and to Jamie Alexandre who completed the paperwork in record time.

Exciting times!



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Finished horizontal intake.


Started and finished trimming baffles over this past weekend. I have a nice evenly spaced (3/8"ish) baffle to cowl. Still need to do the air gap seal.







Also started the install of the baffle mounted SW8432R oil cooler. Made new wider and thicker support plate out of 6061-T6 for bigger cooler. Still need to get corner angle made for additional support.

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you may consider opening the clearance of the oil cooler flange to the engine mount rod. the oil cooler will move with the engine about an inch up and down at the outermost edges during startup and shutdown. it's the tail wagging the dog scenario.
you may consider opening the clearance of the oil cooler flange to the engine mount rod. the oil cooler will move with the engine about an inch up and down at the outermost edges during startup and shutdown. it's the tail wagging the dog scenario.

You are correct and this is initial fitting to see if it would work at all. Still have clearances I need to address with the flange. That opening will widen of course so there's no contact on start/shutdown between the cooler flange and motor mount brace.
The "Slow" in "Slow Build"

Big milestone for our build this last weekend.

Both wings can now come out of the stands and into the cradle.

Got a new riveting partner in the form of my second son. He can no longer claim he's not done it now.
Getting closer

Just hooked up the wiring and thanks to DR here my RV 7 made the front page, the panel is lit up and the radio is working great.

The seats are done, the engine is hung with sensors and fuel lines to install. The cowling is complete needing paint and the wheels and canopy are on and done.

Wings are half done awaiting final wiring

After that one finds all the parts from every nook and cranny in the garage and Presto we should be looking at first flight by Sept.

I work away from home so it takes awhile.!Apov9vtfo19vzSqx9qApgVx6r8fR

How to ship a project?

Hi, folks,

I?m moving my project from a storage unit in Virginia to my garage in California. It?s at roughly the Quickbuild stage. I installed a lot of stuff in the wings and fuselage, and have a few more boxes of parts, but it looks a lot like a QB kit with a completed empennage. The tools are already in California.

Any suggestions on how to get it safely across the country? I?ll rent a Uhaul as a last resort. And none of my cars are in Virginia...they?re all in California already, so using them to tow is an upleasant option.

Thank you in advance,
First Flight!

First flight of RV-7A S/N 74594 temporary tail number N859DF from Mallard's Landing (GA04) this afternoon.

Flew about 45 minutes, ran engine hard, then performed clean and dirty 1G stalls and back for a landing.

CHT's with Bill Lane's excellent plenum were better than expected with a new engine. Oil temp rock steady at 180.

A few minor squawks but overall very satisfied with the performance of the airplane. Now on to the rest of Phase I...
Wings to fuselage

After 5 moves 9 years and two kids I hit a big mile stone this week. a friend and I built a fuselage cradle for transporting the fuselage to a friends hangar to mate the wings to the fuselage. I have been impressed with this kit how everything lines up and fits with very little effort. We installed the wings and the first time there was only 1/4" forward sweep on both wings. The incidence had only 2 tenths twist between the root and tip. Very negligible. I was able to step drill up to the number 5 bolt. Three days of very rewarding progress with some old friends. Here are pics and a builders link.



RV7 wing progress

I have been working along on my wings for some time now and today they came off the stands. They are safely in the wing cradle and the stands were taken up. My dad came up and helped my over the last couple days to get the top skins on and I had the Aileron brackets complete so we installed them as well.

Skins ready to be riveted.

http://[url=]20180426_172442 by , on Flickr[/URL]

And Left wing is done!

http://[url=]20180510_151820 by , on Flickr[/URL]

Then we finished the right wing.

http://[url=]20180512_103158 by , on Flickr[/URL]

In the cradle.
http://[url=]20180512_144448 by , on Flickr[/URL]

http://[url=]20180512_163158 by , on Flickr[/URL]

Feels great to get this step done. I really need to get busy and finish the wing kit. My fuselage is supposed to be here this week! Good times.
Up they go

Bought a new house and moved the RV7 project over. Downsized from 4 bedroom to 3 so I had to put them somewhere! 9 ft ceilings - 2-3" top and 6-9" below for door clearance.

Fuselage riveting done

For me, finishing the fuselage skins was more satisfying than flipping the canoe. After removing the vinyl and cleaning with MEK, I just sat there for a minute ogling the shiny aluminum.


Couldn't have done it without my trusted rivet shooter Carol.
Back in the game!

After a long hiatus, my RV-7 has joined me in my new home in Redwood City, CA. Let the building begin...again.

Any RV builders nearby?

Moving Day, finally

Moving day, not for the family this time but, "The Kit".

Embarrassed to admit it's taken this long to get to this point but with three moves, two states, a couple of deployments, seemingly endless TDYs and absolute paralyzing fear working the canopy and frame this is where we are.

I could have thrown in the towel but with the wealth of info contributed here on Doug's site I was encouraged to keep plugging.

Hoping to make it to "The Show" this year.

The Big Cut

Yea! The Big Cut is done. Holy cow what a stressful step. Details in my blog.
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I know how you feel. I worried about that big cut for years and it turned out to be a non event. Sure did feel good to have it done though.:D
Now Im just praying the first flight will be a non event also. :
After a long hiatus, my RV-7 has joined me in my new home in Redwood City, CA. Let the building begin...again.

Any RV builders nearby?


I'm across the bay in Livermore. There are a few builders out here, but I'll let them introduce themselves if they want.

Funny story: Back in June, I got word that my fuselage kit was set to be delivered, and sure enough the truck came and started dropping off a big crate from Vans. Looked closely and it was a wing kit and had a different builder's name on it. Whoops, the driver had two kits destined for my town and almost dropped off the wrong one!