I will put longer bolts, reinforce my bafles and cut that corner, thanks you all
Looks like this install is very problematic, and needs attention
Ready to go to the airport

I decided to complete all at home and then go to the airport put wings
And test everything, it is time! 11 months so far going to airport next week

So far I have to thank the guy that was the most helpfull person even tough we are 5000 nm in distance,Tom from TS flightlines gave a huge help in everything not only about those hoses he fabricate with an outstanding craftsmanship

So happy I advance on step further

Airworthiness Inspection and First Engine Start

I am so happy and proud to report that after 5 1/2 years of building, we had our Airworthiness Inspection by Gary Brown last week. Gary is a local DAR in the Portland area. He carefully looked over each of the aircraft's systems and gave many little tips and tricks to operating the -7 since he also built one. After a couple hours of looking the airplane over, going through all of the paperwork and explaining our Operating Limitations, Gary presented my father and I with a crisp piece of pink paper with my name and our N number on it. The RV Grin began...


After Gary left, I didn't waste much time getting all the inspection panels and covers put back on in preparation to start the engine for the first time the next day.
We pre-oiled the engine by removing the bottom spark plugs and the oil pressure line and then turning the engine over for about 10 seconds. I had already pre-oiled the engine a couple weeks back from turning the prop by hand while fitting the spinner so it didn't take long for oil to start pouring out of the pressure line. Next we purged the fuel system by disconnecting the fuel hose at the flow divider and turning on the Boost Pump. Once a steady stream of fuel was coming out of the line, I cracked the fuel pressure hose B-nut to let any excess air out of the line. I connected the oil and fuel pressure hoses back to their fittings on the firewall mounted manifold. Once again, I cranked the engine with fuel turned off to verify oil pressure indicating on the EFIS display. Everything looked great! We installed the bottom spark plugs and ignition leads, cleared the area, manned the fire extinguisher, and conducted a safety briefing with the crowd of people that had formed. I climbed in, primed the fuel system for a couple seconds and...

First Engine Start Video

It was an unbelievable feeling to see and hear the engine come to life after so much hard work and dedication to this project!

We ran the engine for 3 minutes at 1,000 RPM per the Lycoming Service Instruction. All the engine parameters looked really good for the duration of the run and I downloaded the AFS data logs so I could look over the data at home in more detail.

Stay tuned....next week she flies! :D

Hi Trevor,

I am french and am building an RV7 too. Your blog helps me a lot. Thank you very much to share your work and all the tricks !
I am sure your first flight will be fantastic. I stay tuned of course !

Wow! Congratulations!!

Trevor and Dewey,

CONGRATULATIONS on your inspection and engine start!! I'm so happy for you guys! Hopefully I'm not far behind either. :)
Which airport?


Where will you base once your project moves to the airport from Estes? I am out of BJC in Broomfield and have enjoyed many weekend get-aways to Estes Park. But not flying there, over Estes a few times sight seeing.

Good job!
I just want to know how you got all those belly rivets driven by yourself. I couldn't figure out a way.

Looking good, by the way! At the rate we're going you may catch up to me yet.


Where will you base once your project moves to the airport from Estes? I am out of BJC in Broomfield and have enjoyed many weekend get-aways to Estes Park. But not flying there, over Estes a few times sight seeing.

Good job!

KFNL Ft Collins/Loveland
I finally got to the top of the hangar list and rented a nice one facing the Front Range.
4X-ORV status


Wings removed for easier acces to canopy fiberglassing work, parallel proccessing of cowling work, instruments installation, wiring and finishing the soon-to-be-painted surfaces.
The RV7A left the skunkworx for the airport last weekend. Many firsts that day: First time seeing the colors in the sun. First time pushing and pulling it around outside on rough gravel. First time seeing it from a long distance away. First time seeing it on the back of a stranger's truck (Thanks to F&W Towing who took great care and were very professional). First time seeing it do 30 MPH (going down the road!). Now the fun begins. :)


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Wings removed for easier acces to canopy fiberglassing work, parallel proccessing of cowling work, instruments installation, wiring and finishing the soon-to-be-painted surfaces.

Are you saying that you had the wings installed with CT bolts and then removed them?

Here's my "new to me" RV-7 QB kit! Arrived yesterday all the way from CA. Prior owner never got to the project but careful stored everything. I can't believe the quality of the workmanship. Really something.....

Now I just have to figure out where to start!??

Fuse rolling up the driveway:


Wings safely cradled in basement workshop!


Fuse tucked away. I park my wheels in the driveway now, part of the deal!

Reached a build milestone -- 1,000 hours build time

I don't know how much of a milestone it really is other than a nice round number. I crossed the thousand-hours build mark. I thought I'd post a pic of my build log for proof. I've even tracked the help from my wife and 2 daughters. I'm supposedly half-way through the build...but looking at all the work still to do, seems like I just got started.



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Canopy Riveted.... time to move on

As echoed by many in this forum, the slider canopy on a 7 or 9 is one of the toughest sections of the build. Many methods, lots of "fixes", a plethora of great ideas!.

Well,, thanks to the help of my good friend Bill Funk, some ideas from Matt Burch's builder blog, and some encouragement when I saw David Boeshaar's entry in the RV-9/9A section (Canopy Skirts)..... my canopy is ready to store until final installation.

For me, the most difficult task was the rear skirts. The were numerous times when I nearly gave up with the aluminium skirts in favor of fiberglass.....but Bill insisted we continue with aluminium.... and David's post, talking about all the same frustrations, but showing a great method to get the skirts tight, helped keep me on the straight and narrow.

Here are some pictures of the canopy as of this morning:


Nice, tight seal around the rear skirt!


Thanks Matt Burch for your handle idea. Looks fast!


Glamour shot!


Again... thanks Matt for your idea for stainless acorn nuts. I think it looks great!
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Another step closer

I started the canopy of my RV-7 in late June. The temps here in AZ can be unbearable at times. For instance I took a month off from the project. Not because I wanted to, because no matter how many fans blowing air I had they could not ease the uncomfortable working conditions of relentless 115+ degree days in July. I was able to sneak in an hour here and an hour there to feel I was not completely at a halt.

I had left off with the canopy bubble being split in two. I was able to finish the canopy edges and locate and drill the canopy to the roll bar frame before I couldn?t take working in the garage anymore. Well the fall is approaching and this third weekend of Sept the temps were in the high 90?s so it was at least tolerable to get back into builder mode. My first chore was finish fitting the canopy to the canopy frame. A few hours later that was completed. Both the front and rear canopy sections are now located to be secured into their final position. I also installed the canopy struts for the first time and now I have a fully functioning RV7 tip-up canopy.

I also ordered and received my interior seats for the RV7. It?s the first splash of color for the plane. I choose Classic Aero Designs. I went with their all leather Sportsman seats with heaters. I'll order the complete interior package at a later date.



Wow I thought you had to have the engine and cowling on?

Great to see, i have my finishing kit here and thought I would need to do all other work before attempting to install the Canopy.

Maybe i will do that start the canopy and get it out of harms way in the other storage shed.

Thanks for post.
Rudders and brakes

I'm not a big fan of the Vans white powder coat.
Changed to black with red anodized brakes.

This is what happens when you have more time than money, free battery box.....made this from scraps laying around the garage, got the dimensions for the pc680 and added a little depth just incase I want to install the earth X battery later. extra nut plates to hold cables and stuff. 1.4 LBS and 302 HOLES!


Vans battery box is made from steel - Are you not worried about all that aluminium on the front of the firewall holding a heavy battery in case of a fire ??
If there is a fire, the insulation on ALL the wires will burn up and short out before the battery drops out, in either case, I will be landing or parachuting......or high diving into a lake! good point tho :=)
Here it is aftter the 2nd test run of the engine. 1st run was without prop, 2nd was with prop. Runs great, just have some minor issues to iron out.


Looks like mine did about a year ago. I will soon be on landing gear with an O360-A4M attached to the front and finishing kit arriving in mid-Feb. My [aggressive] goal is to fly this summer. Waiting for stars to align :D
Good progress Larry. We are close in the build cycle, I'm about to start the wing joining process.

Wow! That's a nice option to be able to just pick up the phone and call the Van's hot line!! :D