Congrats Andre! I am hoping to be where you are at in the summer.

Nah, you'll be done in 1 or 2 months. Flaps and ailerons are a breeze to built and rig. You'll might to wait with the wing tips until you can do all the fiberglass work together near the end.

It's fun working on the firewall. Finally back to less repetitive work!

Cleaned out the garage, hung the xmas lights and took a picture of the project. Just need a canopy now....


- Ron Olmstead
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Gettin there

Finished up most of the wiring. Still have to wire the engine stuff, and put connectors on the wing to fuse stuff in the wings, and install and wire up the joysticks. But the panel is lit for real, and all the boxes work!


When I looked at photos of others projects, I had a hard time beleiving I would ever use that much wire. Right!


Another milestone was reached, my baby's on her feet for the first time. Tommorow I'll finish up getting the wheels squared away, then it's time to get the engine out of the box and on the plane. That'll be my Christmas present to me!
Great Christmas Eve

Today is a red letter day (kandy apple red that is :D). Besides being my 62nd birthday, bring on those Social Security checks, we mounted the wings on my RV-7A for the final time. My ever present building partner and hangar mate Larry Helming, Bob Molenkamp and I successfully mounted the wings. The only problem was my fault. Forgot to put the washer under the lower bolt head and had to wrestle the bolt back out of the spar. Those that have been there before me know what that is like. All turned out great in the end.
Dave and Jeff, Instrument Panels

How did you guys get the instruments in the panel in front of the two ribs that come through the sub panel? Did you cut the ribs off? I can't see how you support the instrument panel without the ribs.

I placed the instruments around the ribs, but felt the instruments would have been better positioned if the ribs were not in the way.
christopher rv7



like many i contemplated going with a quick build, or a variation with a slow build fuselage; so far i am very glad that i did not take that route. my prime concern was running out of enthusiasm with the second wing... to combat that possibility i decided to complete both wings at the same time and i am very glad that i did. there are so many interesting, involved, and fun steps throughout the whole process of construction and it has proven to be fantastic experience that continues to be fresh with every session.

it is fun to look back and recall the experiences of each major step but i would not look forward to starting a wing over after just completing one... much better to look forward to the next challenge of the fuselage. although i am not there yet sealing the tanks is in sight!
looking great

Kandy apple red 7A is looking good. Also happy birthday!

Looking good on the tanks up there in AK for Schristo.

How did you guys get the instruments in the panel in front of the two ribs that come through the sub panel?

Carl - I cut my forward panel ribs at the sub panel and moved the cut off parts more inboard. You're right that the ribs are in a very inconvenient spot for most panel designs.
Antennas and wiring fun

Comm 1

Marker beacon


I added these braces to aid in wire management and am planning on access panels in the top skin.

So far so good but there's so much more wiring to do. I should receive my Dynons and 430 in a week or so. :eek:
Jason's RV-7A Progress

Finally, installed the top front skin and the windshield...


Messed around with fitting the interior...


Finished off the wingtips and lights...


Cowl fitting...


I am definitely starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Shooting for a first flight this Spring.

It is a Classic Aero Interior. The center console is covered in a matching leather which I purchased from Classic Aero. The panel is my design... Dual Advanced Flight Systems, with Dual AHRS, and TruTrak autopilot.

moving right along

I am repeat builder. this is picture of my Dad and chief engineer in our 7.
hope to flying in 2009.[/IMG]
I have been building my replacement "Larger" rudder lately...

Secured myself a hangar and moved the wings there this weekend....

Hangars are hard to come by at my home airport. An opportunity came up for me to get one even though I am not really ready for one yet and I decided that I better grab it while I can. Not looking forward to paying $220 a month for an old "T" hangar that I don't really need right now but the airplane will eventually need a home and when I really need one, most likely there would not be one available.


I have been building my replacement "Larger" rudder lately...

Secured myself a hangar and moved the wings there this weekend....

Hangars are hard to come by at my home airport. An opportunity came up for me to get one even though I am not really ready for one yet and I decided that I better grab it while I can. Not looking forward to paying $220 a month for an old "T" hangar that I don't really need right now but the airplane will eventually need a home and when I really need one, most likely there would not be one available.



Don't feel bad, I did the same thing. I rented another hangar, on the other side of my current hangar. What? yup I now have two. Don't know when I'll put anything in it as well. My thought is to use my current hangar for repairs and put whichever airplane that is working in the other, have all the tools in the current. Right now I'm putting a new 912uls in the kitfox, as soon as it is finished, I'll move the kitfox to the new hangar. Than start moving wings and the main section of my RV to the maintenance hangar. I like that. Maintenance hangar, cool. I'm paying the same price for each hangar. What I think is cool is with a Thangar, you don't have to move any planes around, like if I had one big hangar. The new hangars across from me are nice, but with two airplanes, I would be moving airplanes all the time. Thangar, swing the door open and go.

If you hear of another one, please let me know! I need one too around East Tennessee!

Thanks, and good to see you are continuing your build.

congrats Larry

Finally got the empennage kit. What the heck have I gotten myself into?

I'll offer congrats to Larry with relevant posting of my own status.

Larry, Your pics bring back great memories as I took those same pics 3.5 years ago, only I found a caterpillar crawling out of my box when I found it on the steps. That caterpillar achieved flight not long after, whereas I'm still working away. :)

But I did just hit a very appropriate milestone. My empennage finally found it's way to the fuse. I'm still trying to cross stuff off the "to airport" punch list faster than I'm adding stuff to the list. Well the tail works. I now have pitch and yaw!

See the caterpillar trying to start inventory for me...

Status Brantel

About to wrap up the replacement larger rudder project. It seems so long ago since I built the original (about 10 years ago!). Learn something new everyday. This newer trailing edge design is greek to me.

I pro-sealed it up and cleco'd it to a piece of angle. I will wait a few days before trying my hand at double flush rivets.....


Anyway, today I worked on fitting the emp fairing. This is the stock fairing and I must be the luckiest person on Earth because this thing actually fits! All I did was cut it at the scribe line and drill it to the emp!

I was shocked since most people hate this thing!








Empennage finally complete

Well I finally finished the tail. I'll finish college this summer and retire from the Air Force reserves next summer so hopefully my build time will increase.

Here is my daughter Tabetha at 2 weeks old when I got my tail kit.


She is now almost 4. I guess I can change my signature from empennage to wings now. I still need to complete the fiberglass but I'm calling it done.

Here is my daughter Tabetha at 2 weeks old when I got my tail kit.

Isn't She a cutie! I am sure it is wonderful to watch her grow as you build. Keep on building and be sure to pay much attention to your daughter.
My goal is to have her flying by the end of this year


Here's a quick showing of my progress for anyone interested. I hope to have her flying by years end, but I still have a lot to do.


For you guys that are ahead of me is this even possible based on what you guys have experienced? I really would appreciate any response.

Well, I thought I would put in an update since my last posting. Working on the fuse is great! Lots of fabricating of little parts. My little $99 bandsaw has really been paying for itself. My youngest son Daniel was home from college for the holidays so I took advantage of his help and we riveted the aft fuse together. After all the work on the firewall and bulkheads, it's exciting to see something BIG coming together:

First, the side skins are riveted to the bulkheads and J-channel stringers:

Then we flipped it over. Daniel riveted while I sat underneath on a cushion bucking:

Daniel does excellent riveting! I'm very happy with these results:

Looks like he's happy, too. All smiles. I'm very fortunate to have such a great kid and riveting partner:

Flipped back upright, I fabricated and added the rudder stops:

Daniel is now back at college and I'm working on seat ribs for the center section.
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Good quality job!

Wow !

That last picture shows a very difficult area, very well done! Mine turned out a lot worse than that, but I did the riveting alone. I used a few pulled rivets there to. It is one of the area's I look at when I see an RV and find that I am not the only one that had difficulties with the fit and the riveting of those small, rear, bulkheads.

Keep going that way and you will end up with a prize winner.

"Have a good one"

Fun with paint


This is where I'm at so far and I'm very happy with the results. The weather closed in on me too fast so the tail is on hold till warmer days.
It's alive!

A week ago, I made the big move to the airport, and things have been cruising along nicely since then. The great thing about reaching this stage in winter is that I should have the benefit of the full flying season once she gets her papers. The not-so-great part is discovering just how much fun it is to drive an hour each way to work in my hangar in cold, damp weather. You folks further north are much more grizzly than me. Way different than the close and comfy confines of my basement.

The other big difference is people. There are people. 3.5 years mostly alone with the project late at night, but now at the airport, there's no shortage of on-lookers, well-wishers, helpers, and gurus. Heck, yesterday I talked to two people who were walking their Golden Retrievers at the airport. One of those hairy pilots has done more flying than me over the past year.

Yesterday was a big day with first engine crank! It was a roller coaster day for me as little obstacles were hit and not being sure they would be little or big. Thanks to Mike Stewart. Without him, first engine start would not have happened yesterday.

Here's a youtube video of my first week at the airport.


Don Hall
rv7 - wrapup.
N517DG (reserved)
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I stopped by Jason Rowe's today to check out his progress on his 7A. He lives about 15 miles from my house. Jason came to my shop a couple years ago after getting his private license. He was all about starting the build of an RV. I have Black Magic in fuselage stage at the time. That was all Jason needed. He stopped by one Saturday and we built his vertical stab that day. Jason is an engineer with Lexmark and is an absolute perfectionist. His build is beautiful. He order his MGL this week along with Trio servos and wing tip lighting. He has an IO 360 cold air induction under the cowl. I ended up spending all afternoon at his place while resin cured at my house. Jason hopes so fly this summer, I think he'll hit his projection.

Candy is good

In High School I couldn't afford a candy apple red hot rod. BUT now that I am retired it is a different story. Kandy Apple Red Hot Rod it is!

Have talked to Pierre to hold a spot for me to go through transition training in May. My wife also wants to take some pitch-hitter lessons from him while we are there. Boy, this summer is going to be fun.
In High School I couldn't afford a candy apple red hot rod. BUT now that I am retired it is a different story. Kandy Apple Red Hot Rod it is!

Have talked to Pierre to hold a spot for me to go through transition training in May. My wife also wants to take some pitch-hitter lessons from him while we are there. Boy, this summer is going to be fun.

holy man, that is sweet! i'd say you are going to have some fun! enjoy and keep it safe!!:)
Well there you go again Steve.....gonna make me park on the other side of the ramp form you:)

Too nice.
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Took 6 months and shes walking. Still pounding away.
Can't wait to get r done.
No pictures. I forgot the camera. Today, we delivered the wings to the airport hangar. All of the big pieces are now at the airport. April is spoken for, but May is wide open.
Thank you. My wife and I are having a ball finishing her up. Should be making the birth announcement late this Spring or so.

WOO HOO Steve, looks great!! I'm seeing a yellow bird, black bird and a red bird perched on a ramp close by...or far away.... real soon.

.......but also check out the sacrificial red-painted stool under the spinner:D

I have stools like that!!:)

Great looking paint job,
WOO HOO Steve, looks great!! I'm seeing a yellow bird, black bird and a red bird perched on a ramp close by...or far away.... real soon.
Black Magic is surely welcome to snuggle in with my red Sky Terrier and Larry's yellow Sun Seeker any time. We built the hangar so my -7A can sit in the middle with a tail dragger -7 angled in on each side.

I finally got my plane flying in October after 5 years of building. It was worth the wait. Your plane is spectacular, enjoy it. I hope to see you around the patch this summer....say Oshkosh.